Flawless Trials Sherpa Carries

The Flawless Trials Sherpa Carry service is now Available every Week from Friday to Tuesday. Buying this service you will get you a team of pro boosters (Sherpas) that will carry you through a Flawless (7 wins and 0 losses) run that will open the exclusive Lighthouse granting you the Awesome weekly Flawless Trials of Osiris Pinnacle rewards.
As for DELIVERY the service is available with Self-Play only, so two boosters will carry you to get the weekly Adept reward.
Service ETA is from 6 hours up to 4 weeks if you choose the monthly subscription, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Please note that the Trials of Osiris game mode must be active before we can complete your order. Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- Weekly Adept Weapon.
- Weekly Pinnacle Reward.
- Legendary Trials Loot: specific trials weapons and armor pieces.
- Trials Rank points.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
You have the option to customize your Destiny 2 Flawless carry service by selecting the desired options from the above list :
- Monthly Subscription: we will complete flawless 7-0 Trials of Osiris for the duration of 4 weeks and in return you can get 4x parts of Trials of Osiris armor set, all Trials of Osiris weapons, triumphs, and a high chance to get unique rewards Weapons that you already have to reduce the price.
- Add a "Passage of CONFIDENCE" Run: We will do one more Flawless run with CONFIDENCE PASSAGE.
- The Power Level of your guardian must be minimum 1990. If you are not 1990+ you can purchase a Power Level Boost.
- Passage of Mercy ticket purchased, or 25,000 Glimmer ready to be spent.
- In case you opt for the “Confidence Passage” option you must have 50 000 Glimmer ready to be spent.
For a more extensive guide about the Trials of Osiris Sherpa you can watch this Video;
Also check this Article for more information about the Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Sherpa