Paradigm Shift Sparrow

The Paradigm Shift sparrow is a rare exotic cosmetic added in the Season of the Chosen. This exotic sparrow can be obtained as a rare drop from Trials of Osiris flawless runs, some saying that it's as rare as 1%. You need a great amount of patience and dedication to get this ultra rare sparrow, but rest assured, our pro boosters can get it done for you in no time!
Our service will get you a Pro Booster that will keep playing Trials of Osiris and go flawless until he gets the Paradigm Shift sparrow for you.
As for DELIVERY the service is available with Piloted mode ONLY, so a Pro booster will have to log into your account and get the Paradigm Shift exotic sparrow for you. When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification.
Service ETA is variable, depending on RNG, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Please note that the Trials of Osiris game mode must be active before we can complete your order. Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- Paradigm Shift exotic sparrow is 100% Guaranteed.
- Multiple Trials of Osiris flawless runs on your account.
- You will receive Weekly adept weapons during the service.
- Guaranteed Trials of Osiris armor set pieces.
- Chances to obtain Adept mods.
- Guaranteed Trials of Osiris engrams.
- Guaranteed Trials round wins and increases your Trials rank.
- Legendary weapons & armor acquired during the service.
- Materials & currency might drop during the service.
- XP for your Season pass and Artifact.
- Access to Trials of Osiris.
- The Power Level of your guardian must be a minimum of 1990. If you are not 1990+, you can purchase a Power Level Boost.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the discord server for more information on our Paradigm Shift exotic sparrow cosmetic service. We are here for you 24/7!