Rent a Booster Service

Here you can buy Rent a Booster service and get one of our professional Destiny 2 boosters assist you with anything related to any Destiny 2 activity, PvE or PvP: armor and weapons farming, raids, tokens farming, bounties completion etc.
This Destiny 2 carry service is available for both self played and piloted modes.
When you choose the self played option, you will control your own account and play together with the booster for the selected amount of hours.
If you opt for account sharing, the booster will have to log into your account and play on your account for the selected amount of hours. For extra security, if needed, we can also use VPN of your country.
At KBoosting you can rent a Destiny 2 booster on all platforms: PC, PS, XBOX.
All the loot that drops during the boost is completely random and we don’t guarantee any specific items drop.
In order to be eligible for this boosting service, you must own Shadowkeep expansion on your Destiny 2 account and your guardian's Power Level must be at least 1030.
Depending on what activity you want to go for, the power level requirement might increase, by case. Please contact the manager for more details.
If your character doesn’t meet the requirement, you must purchase, by case, one of the POWER LEVELING SERVICES from our store.
If you opt for the account sharing, you will need to pass us your account’s credentials, DISABLE STEAM GUARD and don’t log the account untill the job is done.
On Play Station and Xbox, disabling the 2-step-verification login protection will help ease up the process for both you and our booster (you won't need to give us the login code from phone or e-mail).
We take all these measures in order to provide a safe boost, without any IP conflicts or kicking out the booster while logged into your account.
If by any chance you want to log into the account while it’s getting boosted, please contact the manager in advance.