Splintered Title (Beyond Light Seal)

This service helps you unlock the Beyond Light Title. To do this, you must complete the Splintered seal 100%. We can get you all the Triumphs completed in the quickest way possible. Our pro boosters will get the Triumphs done for your guardian very fast WITHOUT using any cheating software or exploiting any game bugs.
At KBoosting, we provide professional Destiny 2 Services, so you avoid wasting hours and hours of grinding and obtain the precious loot in no time!
As for Delivery, this boosting service is available with Piloted Mode ONLY. Piloted Mode requires Account sharing, so one booster will have to log in to your account and get the title. When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification so you can log back in.
The ETA for Splintered Seal service is variable, from 1 day to even a couple of weeks depending on how many triumphs you have already completed.
- The Splintered Title unlock 100% Guaranteed
- The selected Triumphs completed
- Rare and Legendary drops we loot during the service.
- Increased chances of Exotic Armor and Masterworking materials.
- Glimmer, consumables, and resources that drop during the service.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
- Platform: - from the dropdown, you can select the platform (PC, Xbox or Play Station) where you want the booster to complete your Splintered title service.
- Service Mode: you can select the full Beyond Light title completion or specific Triumphs completion.
- Select Triumphs: if you choose Triumph completion, you can select any Triumph(s), and we will complete them.
- Delivery Speed: Normal Delivery - your order will be placed in the queue and be completed when it's your turn. Express Delivery - your order will be treated as a high priority, so the first booster to become available will start your order.
- You must have the Lightfall DLC purchased on your account.
- The Power Level of your guardian must be at 1810 minimum. If you are not 1810+, you can purchase a Power Leveling Service.
There are ten triumphs that you need to complete to get the Splintered Title. Below you can find a list of all Beyond Light triumphs:
- Master of the Hunt Triumph – we will complete any Empire Hunt on Master difficulty.
- Solo Lost Sector Mastery Triumph – we will complete any Europa Lost Sector on Master difficulty without a fireteam.
- Masterful Saboteur Triumph – we will complete all Tier 3 Sabotage quests from Variks.
- Fallen Brig Brigade Triumph – As a fireteam we will defeat Fallen Brigs as part of the “Crux Convergence” public event.
- Training Complete Triumph – we will Complete all three Exo Challenges.
- Born in Darkness Triumph – we will complete the Beyond Light campaign
- Reuniting the Eventide Rookery Triumph – we will reunite all nine Penguins.
- Studying Darkness Triumph – we will find all nine Entropic Shards scattered across Europa.
- Salvage the Past Triumph – we will find all nine dead Exo collectibles hidden across Europa.
For a more extensive guide about Beyond Light Title, you can read on light.gg.