Oxidizer Build For Sale

Self Play
This service can only be delivered in piloted mode because it requires a considerable time investment or a skill set unavailable for most customers.
We have completed thousands of orders using the piloted mode and never faced any bans or suspensions, so we can confidently say that is very safe to use even though giving us your login information may seem a bit scary.
Total price: $

We will optimize the gear based on the selected stats quality.
Gear and skill mods can NOT be optimized and will have random roll values.


Buy Oxidizer Build for your Division 2 agent and get one of the best loadouts for PvE end-game activities such as Countdown, Heroic Missions, and more.

Our professional boosters are eager to help you skip the grinding and prepare this amazing end-game loadout for your character in no time. We always aim for a fast and clean boost, so we provide the farming service for your build in a four-player team with loot sharing, significantly increasing the odds of getting the required items in the shortest time possible!


At KBoosting, you can buy the Oxi build on all platforms: PC, PS, and XBOX. As for delivery, this service is available with Piloted mode ONLY, with account sharing, so we will get you a Pro Booster that will log into your account and prepare the loadout for your agent. When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification so you can log back in.


Service ETA is 1-3 days starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.


  • Normal: the standard delivery speed
  • Express: 30% increased delivery speed
  • Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed


When purchasing our build farming service, we take care of everything needed so your build is complete and fully functional, properly prepared with adequate specialization, loadout, talents, gear stats, and mods!

Here is what the best Oxidizer Build for fast XP farming looks like:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Any weapon with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Yellow Core Hana-U with Status Effects & Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Empress with Status Effects & Skill Damage & "Tech Support" talent
Chest Yellow Core Empress with Status Effects & Skill Damage & "Glass Cannon" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Empress with Status Effects & Skill Damage
Holster Yellow Core Wyvern with Status Effects & Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Hana-U with Status Effects & Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Oxidizer Chem Launcher | Explosive Sticky Bomb
Pro Tip You can use any brand set slot distribution as long as you respect the build configuration


  • You must own a Division 2 account with a level 40 character to be eligible for the boost.
  • Disabling the 2-step-verification login protection will help ease the process for both you and our booster (you won't need to give us the login code by phone or e-mail).

Please feel free to reach us on live chat or the discord server for more information on our Oxidizer Build service. We are here for you 24/7!

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