Spire of the Watcher Loot Table: Weapons, Armor, God Rolls, and Efficient Farming Tips


The Spire of the Watcher dungeon was released in Destiny 2 during Season of the Seraph. This guide will show you the complete loot table, including weapons, exotic, armour, and collectables. We'll also be showing you what the god rolls are, so you know what weapons to acquire in the new dungeon.

Table of Contents

In this guide, we will cover the following subjects:

  • Complete Loot Table
  • Exotic Weapon
  • Legendary Weapons
  • Armor Set
  • Collectables
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

Loot Table

Below you will find a list with all the available loot found in Spire of the Watcher dungeon:

Ascend the Spire
(1st Encounter)
Silence the Spire
(2nd Encounter)
(Final Encounter)

Terminus Horizon

Machine Gun

Arc |

Terminus Horizon

Machine Gun

Arc |

Hierarchy of Needs

Combat Bow

Solar |

Long Arm

Scout Rifle

Arc |

Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver

Hand Cannon

Kinetic |

Liminal Vigil


Stasis |

Seventh Seraph Carbine

Auto Rifle

Kinetic |


Grenade Launcher

Void |

Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver

Hand Cannon

Kinetic |

Seventh Seraph Carbine

Auto Rifle

Kinetic |

Long Arm

Scout Rifle

Arc |

Terminus Horizon

Machine Gun

Arc |

TM Cogburn Gauntlets

TM Cogburn Gauntlets

TM Cogburn Gauntlets

TM Cogburn Legguards

TM Cogburn Plate

TM Cogburn Plate

TM Cogburn Cover

TM Cogburn Mark

TM Cogburn Mark

TM Cogburn Cover

TM Cogburn Legguards

These are all the possible loot that can drop from each encounter in Spire of the Watcher dungeon.

Exotic Weapon

The Spire of the Watcher exotic weapon is called Hierarchy of Needs, a renowned Solar Exotic bow with one of the most unique special functions. The details of the weapon are as follows:

Stats, Perk & Trait

Hierarchy of Needs has the following stats:

  • Impact: 92

  • Range: 85

  • Stability: 72

  • Handling: 38

  • Reload Speed: 30

  • Aim Assistance: 86
  • Hierarchy of Needs has the following exotic perk:

  • Guidance Ring – Precision hits and final blows build Guidance Ring energy. Opposing Guardians grant additional energy. At full charge, hip firing creates a Guidance Ring.
  • Hierarchy of Needs has the following trait:

  • Apollonic Tangent – Arrows fired through a Guidance Ring release seeking projectiles, which do more damage based on distance traveled.
  • Catalyst

    Hierarchy of Needs catalyst is obtained by re-entering Spire of the Watcher on Master difficulty, which guarantees the catalyst drop.

    For a comprehensive guide on how to obtain the catalyst for this weapon, be sure to watch the video above, where all the steps are explained in detail.


    Legendary Weapons

    Just like in other dungeons, there is a total of 6 legendary weapons that can drop from encounters in the Spire of the Watcher dungeon. Here is a list with all of them and their specific perks, traits & god rolls:

    Long Arm: traits, perks, and god rolls (PvE & PvP)

  • Perk 1 - Rapid Hit, Under Pressure, Wellspring, Hip Fire Grip, Subsistence, Compulsive Reloader.

  • Perk 2 - Redirection, High Impact Reserves, Opening Shot, Dragonfly, Explosive Payload, Adrenaline Junkie.

  • Origin Perk - Tex Balanced Stock

  • PvP God Roll - Rapid Hit + High-Impact Reserves
  • PvE God Roll - Rapid Hit + Explosive Payload
  • Liminal Vigil: traits, perks, and god rolls (PvE & PvP)

  • Perk 1 - Perpetual Motion, Tap The Trigger, Tunnel Vision, Threat Detector, Headstone, Pugilist.

  • Perk 2 - Rangefinder, Desperado, Swashbuckler, Surrounded, Kill Clip, Quickdraw.

  • Origin Perk - Tex Balanced Stock

  • PvP God Roll - Tap the Trigger + Rangefinder
  • PvE God Roll - Headstone + Desperado
  • Terminus Horizon: traits, perks, and god rolls (PvE & PvP)

  • Perk 1 - Rapid Hit, Hip Fire Grip, Compulsive Reloader, Demolitionist, Dragonfly, Triple Tap.

  • Perk 2 - High Impact Reserves, Voltshot, Wellspring, Target Lock, Adrenaline Junkie, Cascade Point.

  • Origin Perk - Tex Balanced Stock

  • PvP God Roll - Dragonfly + High-Impact Reserves
  • PvE God Roll - Triple Tap + Target Lock
  • Wilderflight: traits, perks, and god rolls (PvE & PvP)

  • Perk 1 - Unrelenting, Feeding Frenzy, Repulsor Brace, Auto loading holster, Danger Zone, Demolitionist.

  • Perk 2 - Vorpal, Frenzy, Adrenaline Junkie, Lead from Gold, Pluglist, Disruption Break.

  • Origin Perk - Tex Balanced Stock

  • PvP God Roll - Auto-Loading Holster + Adrenaline Junkie
  • PvE God Roll - Auto-Loading Holster + Vorpal Weapon or Frenzy
  • Seventh Seraph Carbine: traits, perks, and god rolls (PvE & PvP)

  • Perk 1 - Puglist, Dynamic Sway Reduction, Reconstruction, Hip Fire Grip, Fourth Times The Charm, Threat Detector.

  • Perk 2 - Swashbuckler, Target Lock, Frenzy, Moving Target, Elemental Capacitor, Rangefinder.

  • Origin Perk - Tex Balanced Stock

  • PvP God Roll - Dynamic Sway Reduction + Rangefinder
  • PvE God Roll - Fourth Time’s the Charm + Target Lock
  • Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver: traits, perks, and god rolls (PvE & PvP)

  • Perk 1 - Reconstruction, Ambitious Assassin, Air Assault, Fourth Times The Charm, Well Rounded, Threat Detector.

  • Perk 2 - Vorpal, Redirection, Gutshot Strait, Harmony, Rangefinder, Perfect Float.

  • Origin Perk - Tex Balanced Stock

  • PvP God Roll - Rangefinder + High-Impact Reserves
  • PvE God Roll - Reconstruction + Vorpal Weapon


    Armor Set: Normal & Artifice Armour

    Spire of the Watcher dungeon features 2 armor sets, a normal one & an artifice one (the artifice armor features an extra mod slot on each armor set). The normal armor can drop from the normal Spire of the Watcher encounters, and the artifice armor can drop from the master Spire of the Watcher encounters. Here is a list with the armor set pieces & where they can drop from:

    Ascend the Spire
    (1st Encounter)
    Silence the Spire
    (2nd Encounter)
    (Final Encounter)

    TM Cogburn Gauntlets

    TM Cogburn Gauntlets

    TM Cogburn Gauntlets

    TM Cogburn Legguards

    TM Cogburn Plate

    TM Cogburn Plate

    TM Cogburn Cover

    TM Cogburn Mark

    TM Cogburn Mark

    TM Cogburn Cover

    TM Cogburn Legguards


    Spire of the Watcher dungeon features certain collectables that you can acquire by completing specific triumphs. Below you will find a list of all the collectables in the dungeon and how to acquire them:


    The exotic sparrow is called Into the Sunset, and you can acquire it by completing the Spire of the Watcher triumph, which requires full completion of Spire of the Watcher dungeon on master difficulty.

    Title & Seal

    The title for the Spire of the Watcher is called Wanted. Below you will find the list with all the required triumphs needed to acquire your seal:

  • Crisis Inverted - Complete the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon.

  • The Magnificent One - Complete all encounters in the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon solo.

  • InSPIREd Posse - Complete all encounters in the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon with a full fireteam of clanmates.

  • Fulgurteam Strikes Thrice - Complete all encounters in the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon with a full fireteam of Arc Subclasses.

  • Three Suns at High Noon - Complete all encounters in the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon with a full fireteam of Solar subclasses.

  • The Null, The Blank, and the Empty - Complete all encounters in the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon with a full fireteam of Void Subclasses.

  • One Class Town - Complete all encounters in the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon with a full fireteam of the same class.

  • Resident Vexpert - Complete the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon on Master difficulty.

  • Devil in the Details - Find and Listen to each devilish recording throughout the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon.

  • Spire of the Watcher - Trophies from the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon.

  • After you complete all 10 triumphs, the seal will be unlocked so you can equip it on all your guardians.



    Pillory Partition - Complete the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon.

    Flight of Soteria - Complete all encounters in the "Spire of the Watcher" dungeon solo without dying and without leaving the activity.


  • Is the Spire of the Watcher dungeon farmable?
  • No, the Spire of the Watcher dungeon can only be farmed when it is part of the active dungeon rotation.

  • How to focus loot in Spire of the Watcher dungeon?
  • Each encounter drop certain weapons & armor pieces. The final boss encounter has a chance to drop all of them, including the exotic. If you want a specific weapon, try farming encounter checkpoints.

  • Is Spire of the Watcher hard?
  • Yes, Spire of the Watcher can be challenging, especially on Master difficulty. The difficulty depends on your experience, loadout, and team coordination.

  • What is the best weapon from the Spire of the Watcher dungeon?
  • Long Arm is the best weapon from Spire of the Watcher, offering Dead Man’s Tale-like precision, Explosive Payload, and great PvE & PvP versatility.

    Final Thoughts

    This guide covered every piece of loot that can be acquired from the Spire of the Watcher dungeon. I hope it gave you an idea about what loot is worth acquiring for you, now what's left is for you to get in the dungeon and start farming your favorite weapons & armor!

    About KBoosting

    If you are struggling to find a fireteam or don't have enough time to play yourself, at KBoosting, besides articles & guides, we also provide Destiny 2 boosting services. All you need to do is check our Spire of the Watcher boosting services and let us handle everything for you, while you have some fun in the game!

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