Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros SoD Boost

This service will be completed in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery!
The Sulfuras boosting service guarantees you get this iconic two-handed mace, the first legendary item in World of Warcraft, that's crafted using two items that can drop from the Molten Core raid: Sulfuron Hammer and the Eye of Sulfuras.
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros is the BiS weapon for paladins, shamans, and feral druids due to the changes to the item in SoD. The powerful legendary grants the user increased attack power in Druid forms, a chance on hit to deal additional damage to your target, and a thorns effect when you are hit by enemies.
As for delivery, the service is available with Piloted Mode only, so one booster will log into your account and get Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros for you in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery. When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification so you can log back in.
Service ETA is 1-6 weeks, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros legendary two-hand mace obtained.
- Lots of Molten Core raids completed.
- Chances to get battle pets: Mark of Flame, Blazing Rune, Core of Hardened Ash.
- All the loot dropped during the service.
- You need level 60 on your character to be suitable for this service. Don't have it yet? Make sure you take advantage of our Leveling Service.
- A character that can equip two-hand maces.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the Discord server for more information on our Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros boosting service in WoW SoD. We are here for you 24/7!