WoW Raid Boosting
- All
- Nerub'ar Palace
- Amirdrassil Dream's Hope
- Aberrus Shadowed Crucible
- Vault of the Incarnates
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Sanctum of Domination
- Castle Nathria
- Raid Mounts
- Timewalking
- Nerub'ar Raid completed on Normal
- Fast and smooth runs
- Get high ilvl gear
- Ansurek Kills on Normal difficulty.
- Nerub'ar Palace completed on Heroic
- Queen Ansurek killed on Heroic
- Chances at 610+ ilvl gear
- Ansurek Kills on Heroic difficulty
- Ahead of the Curve achievement
- Chances to get ilvl 610+ gear
- HC Nerub'ar & free M+4 Dungeon
- Chances to get ilvl 610+ gear
- AoTC achievement unlocked
- 1 HC & 1 FREE NM Nerub'ar runs
- Chances at 597-610 iLvL raid gear
- Multiple raid achievements unlocked
- Ahead of the Curve Achievement
- Chances for 610+ ilvl gear
- Nerub'ar Heroic Last Boss Kill
- Nerub'ar Palace Raid completed on Mythic
- Ansurek Kills on Mythic difficulty.
Sale 7%Ends in 8h 39m 14s
- Cutting Edge Achievement unlocked.
- Chances for 623+ ilvl Gear.
- Nerub'ar Palace Last Boss Kill.
- Any difficulty available
- Chances to get BiS gear
- Nerub-ar Palace raid completion
- Nerub-ar Palace Glory achievement
- Guaranteed Shadowed Swarmite mount
- Chances to get Nerub-ar Palace gear
Browse the website
Take a look at our wide selection of offers and choose the desired service from our store.
Consult with us
Share your thoughts with us, let us know what service would be needed and consult with our professional team.
Order the service
We are here to make sure its the right decision. Together we choose the best service for your character.
Once payment and final details are taken care of, a booster gets assigned and starts working on your order.
Our WoW raid carries are self-play services that get you in a team of professional players that focus their strength and knowledge to help you progress through your journey and learn new tricks while having fun.
We prepared a list of WoW raid services that are available as carries:
• Raid runs boost.
• Full raid gear farming.
• Raid coaching service.
• Boss kills boosting service.
The differences between boosting services and carries are that a self-play service is a bit more expensive and time-consuming, but the benefits are worth it.
When you choose a carry service, you will learn new tricks from experienced veteran players, you will have lots of fun, and nobody else will access your account.
It's known that raids are the most challenging activities in the game, and completion requires coordination, skill, and focus. That's why we work with the best WoW teams.
Our support team is available 24/7, and our boosters are focused on providing a safe & fast service for every customer. Our main job is to provide high-quality raid carry services and ensure that everything goes well.
We provide WoW raid boosting services because we know how boring and time-consuming the grinding process can be. We want to help you get that raid mount or shiny armor for your character.
Since your time is valuable, why shouldn't you let our boosters do the hard work? Our professionals are ready to use their skills to help you achieve any raid-related goal lightning-fast & 100% safe.
If you have some free time and want to spend it having fun in WoW, but you don't want to join weak teams and deal with unknown players, we have a team of pro boosters ready to play alongside you.
Buy a WoW raid boost or carry service if you:
• Need help completing any raid.
• Don't have time to farm raids by yourself.
• Want to speed up the grinding process.
• Want to learn from the best WoW players.
• Can't find a team that can keep up with you in raids.
At KBoosting, we only worked with verified professional boosters since 2013 and never encountered any issues. We have hundreds of happy customers that recommend us.
It's not an easy job to decide which service fits your needs, so we selected the best raid services
that we can provide here at KBoosting.
Our selection is based on our vast experience and our customers' most frequent choices.
The most-wanted WoW raid boosting services are:
• Full raid gear boost.
• Raid carries & boosts.
• Raid mounts farming.
If you can't decide which service is the best option for you, our managers can help you decide.
Feel free to ask our opinion on our live chat or Discord, and we will help you get the best value for your money and find the service that fits you the best.
Our WoW raid boosting & carry team consists of professional players who spent thousands of hours raiding to learn every trick, strategy, and raid mechanic. They will help you get the best out of any raid and ensure that you will clear on the first try effortlessly.
• All our boosters signed a contract never to use any 3rd party software and always focus on customers' privacy.
• We regularly check their in-game stats to ensure they meet our service quality requirements.
• Our managers are available 24/7 to intermediate the booster-customer relationship.
We focus on service quality more than anything, and customer satisfaction is our top priority.
Our raid boosters team is ready to help you progress through your journey fast & efficiently.
Our raid carry services difficulty varies depending on the tier you choose.
We researched and prepared a list of tiers based on how challenging the raid carry will depend on the tier you choose.
• LFR (raid finder) tier - easy difficulty.
• Normal tier - medium difficulty.
• Heroic tier - hard difficulty.
• Mythic tier - extreme difficulty.
Our raid carries team is ready to help you clear any raid lightning-fast, no matter how hard it is. The raid carry price varies depending on the chosen difficulty. We will help you schedule your carry service based on your availability, time zone, and server (EU/US).
When you choose a WoW raid boosting service, besides the guaranteed raid clear, you will benefit from some unique rewards. We prepared a list of rewards that may drop during a raid carry or boost.
• High-level gear & tier tokens.
• Armor sets, weapons, conduits & mounts.
• Unique weapons, unique armors, unique rings.
• Accessories, leather & clothes.
The rewards quality and the amount you get while raiding vary depending on the raid tier and RNG. We also provide raid items boosting services, where we will target the specific pieces of gear you need and farm the raid until they drop.