How to Farm Unique Items Fast & Easily in Diablo 4
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Welcome to our guide about Unique Items & Mythic Uniques in Diablo 4. We will delve deep into the art of farming uniques, providing you with valuable strategies, insights, and tips to maximize your chances of acquiring these much-desired pieces of gear. Sounds good, right? Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways
The best ways to get Unique Items & Mythic Uniques in Diablo 4 are:
- Farming targeted Tormented Bosses for specific Unique Items
- Claiming the reward at the end of Nightmare Dungeons
- Taking part in any open-world activity
- Killing Duriel & the other Tormented bosses - the best sources of Mythic Uniques
What are unique items in Diablo 4?
Unique Items are very rare & powerful pieces of gear in Diablo 4. The game has 6 types of items, and the uniques are the second strongest ones because of their special affixes. Getting such items on your character can make you unstoppable, most of them being Best in Slot for meta builds.
What are mythic uniques in Diablo 4?
Mythic Uniques are the the most powerful & difficult to get items in D4. Each Mythic Unique has its BiS property, making them mandatory for an ultimate End-Game build.
Table of Contents
Here is a little breakdown of our Diablo IV Unique Items farming guide:
- Where to farm Unique Items
- What is the fastest way to get Unique Items
- The most popular uniques for each class
- Farming vs Buying & Trading Unique Items
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final thoughts
What is the best farm spot for Unique Items?
The best way to farm unique items in Diablo 4 is to defeat targeted End-Game bosses in Torment difficulties depending on your desired piece of gear. By targeting the Tormented Bosses presented a little further in this guide, you will significantly increase your chances of dropping a certain unique item, to your preference.

Another good spot to obtain unique items is in Nightmare Dungeons. At the end of each such dungeon, you will have to claim a reward that can contain a unique item, but it will be a random one.
In Diablo 4, Helltide events can be another excellent way to get uniques. Players have a good chance to drop random uniques by slaying enemies in the densely packed areas or by opening Tortured Gifts of Mysteries. By using this method and opening Tortured Gifts of Mysteries for 250 Cinders each, you will also obtain the materials needed to masterwork them.
What is the drop chance for Unique Items?
There is no standard drop chance for unique items in Diablo 4 since most of them don't share the same drop rate. However, the chance to obtain such a piece of gear is very low because they are the strongest and most desired items in the game.
The fastest way to farm Uniques
The fastest way to get Unique Items in Diablo 4 is to slay the tormented boss that fits the unique items you need, as follows in the table below:
The most popular Unique Items in D4 – the Mythic Uniques
The most popular Unique Items in Diablo 4 are the ones that have the lowest drop chance: Mythic uniques also known as the “Uber Uniques”. In the table below, we present the most sought-after Mythic Uniques in Diablo 4:
Name | Item Slot | Effects |
Tyrael's Might | Chest Armor | While at full Life, your Skills unleash a divine barrage dealing 195 damage. |
Ring of Starless Skies | Ring | Spending your Primary Resource reduces the Resource cost of your Skills and increases your damage by 10%[x] for 3 seconds, up to 50%[x]. |
Harlequin Crest | Helm | Gain 20% Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +4 Ranks to all Skills. |
Heir of Perdition | Helm | Succumb to hatred and earn Mother's Favor, increasing your damage dealt by 60%[x]. Slaughter enemies to briefly steal Mother's Favor from Nearby allies. |
Doombringer | One-handed Sword | Lucky Hit: Up to a 25% chance to deal 900 Shadow damage to surrounding enemies and reduce their damage dealt by 20% for 5 seconds. |
Shroud of False Death | Chest Armor | If you haven't dealt damage in the last 2 seconds, gain Stealth and 40%[+] Movement Speed. |
The Grandfather | Two-handed Sword | Increases your Critical Strike Damage by 100%[x]. The other properties on this weapon can roll higher than normal. |
Melted Heart of Selig | Amulet | Gain 60 Maximum Resource. When taking damage, 75% is drained as 2 Resource for every 1% of Maximum Life you would have lost. |
Andariel's Visage | Helm | Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to trigger a poison nova that applies 4,500 Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to enemies in the area. |
Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander | Staff | Gain a random Shrine effect for 20 seconds after killing an Elite enemy. Can only occur once every 30 seconds. |
Shattered Vow | Polearm | Enemies afflicted by more Damage over Time than remaining Life are Executed. |
Nesekem, the Herald | Glaive | Every 5 seconds, you randomly mark a Nearby enemy. Marked enemies are Vulnerable, and your attacks against them are guaranteed to Critically Strike and Overpower. Hitting a marked enemy 10 times clears the mark from them. |
In the following sections we will go through the most popular unique items in Diablo IV for each class.
The most popular Spiritborn Unique Items
In the following table, we present the most desired unique items for the Barbarian in Diablo 4:
Name | Item Slot | Effects |
Rod of Kepeleke | Quarterstaff | • Your Core Skills are now additionally Basic Skills and free to cast, but deal up to 30% reduced damage based on their Vigor Cost. • When cast at Maximum Vigor, your Core Skills consume all Vigor to return to full damage, cast at their largest Size, and become guaranteed Critical Strikes, with [1.00 - 3.00]%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage for each point of Vigor spent this way. |
Harmony of Ebewaka | Helm | • According to your secondary Spirit Hall choice, your Skills are all additionally Jaguar, Eagle, Gorilla, or Centipede Skills. • Your Skills deal [10 - 30]%[x] increased damage per Spirit type they have. |
Ring of the Midnight Sun | Ring | • When you Critically Strike, you regain [20 - 50]%[+] of the Vigor you've spent in the last 2 seconds. • Gain Counterattack's Passive Effect. |
The most popular Barbarian Unique Items
In the following table, we present the most desired unique items for the Barbarian in Diablo 4:
Name | Item Slot | Effects |
Ugly Bastard Helm | Helm | • Casting Wrath of the Berserker causes you to explode, dealing [150 - 450] Fire damage. While Berserking, your direct damage dealt is converted into Fire. • You deal [60 - 80]%[x] increased Fire damage. |
Shard of Verathiel | Sword | • Basic Skills deal [50 - 200]%[x] increased damage but additionally cost 25 Primary Resource. |
The Third Blade | Sword | • Your Weapon Mastery Skills are now also Core Skills that have no Cooldowns but cost Fury, dealing [50 - 70]% of normal damage. Their Fury costs are reduced by 5 for any additional Charges the Skill would have had. |
The most popular Druid Unique Items
In the following table, we present the most desired unique items for the Druid in Diablo 4:
Name | Item Slot | Effects |
Wildheart Hunger | Boots | • Shapeshifting into a new animal form increases the value of your Bestial Rampage bonuses by [2.0 - 5.0]%[+], up to [20.0 - 50.0]%[+]. • This bonus decays by 2% per second. |
Vasily's Prayer | Helm | • Your Earth Skills are now also Werebear Skills and Fortify you for [2.0 - 5.0]% of your Maximum Health. |
Tempest Roar | Helm | • Lucky Hit: Storm Skills have up to a [15 - 35]% chance to grant 4 Spirit. • Your base Storm Skills are now also Werewolf Skills. |
The most popular Necromancer Unique Items
In the following table, we present the most desired unique items for the Necromancer in Diablo 4:
Name | Item Slot | Effects |
Blood Moon Breeches | Pants | • Your Minions' attacks have a [3.0 - 7.0]% chance to randomly inflict Decrepify or Iron Maiden. • You deal [100 - 150]%[x] increased Overpower damage to enemies affected by your Curses. |
Path of Trag'Oul | Shield | • Bone Prison traps a larger area and fires [10 - 30] Bone Splinters at enemies trapped within. • Increase your Maximum Essence by 2 for 10 seconds each time these Bone Splinters hit an enemy. |
Ring of Mendeln | Ring | • Every 6th attack from each Minion is empowered, exploding for [780 - 1,350] Physical damage. |
The most popular Rogue Unique Items
In the following table, we present the most desired unique items for the Rogue in Diablo 4:
Name | Item Slot | Effects |
The Umbracrux | Dagger | • Your Subterfuge Skills create an attackable Shade Totem for [3.0 - 8.0] seconds. Any base damage it takes is replicated onto surrounding enemies at 20% effectiveness. • This effect is treated as a Trap Skill. You may only have 1 Shade Totem active at a time. |
Fists of Fate | Pants | • Your attacks randomly deal 1% to [200 - 300]% of their normal damage. |
Shroud of Khanduras | Bow | • Casting Dark Shroud makes you Immune for 2 seconds, but your Evade Cooldown is increased by [9.0 - 3.0] seconds. • Evading while Dark Shroud is active leaves behind an explosion that deals [450 - 1,350] Shadow damage and Pulls In enemies. |
The most popular Sorcerer Unique Items
In the following table, we present the most desired unique items for the Sorcerer in Diablo 4:
Name | Item Slot | Effects |
Tal Rasha's Iridescent Loop | Ring | • Casting a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill increases your damage by [10.0 - 25.0]%[x] for 8 seconds, stacking once per element. Casting again refreshes all bonuses if the previous skill was a different Element. |
Flickerstep | Boots | • Each enemy you Evade through reduces your active Ultimate Cooldown by [2.0 - 4.0] seconds, up to 10 seconds. |
Raiment of the Infinite | Chest | • After using Teleport, Close enemies are Pulled to you and Stunned for [2.0 - 3.0] seconds, but Teleport's Cooldown is increased by 20%[x]. |
Are the Unique items better than legendaries in D4?
Basically yes, generally, unique items are more powerful than legendaries because they offer higher affixes and stats that can't be acquired on other legendary pieces of gear. However, a god rolled legendary item with perfect stats can hardly be replaced with a unique item in the most popular Meta Builds.
Note: In the example below, you can find a comparison between a nearly god rolled legendary item vs. a unique item equippable in the same slot.

Can you re-roll stats on unique items?
No, you can't reroll the stats on unique items in Diablo 4, compared to Legendary items that can be enchanted at the Occultist.
Can you upgrade unique items?
Yes, in Diablo 4, you can upgrade the Unique Items by masterworking them up to 8 ranks for non-ancestral items and up to 12 ranks for Ancestral Unique items.

Can you add sockets on unique items?
Yes, you can add sockets on uniques at any Jeweler vendor, found in any major city.

What type of Uniques can you get?
There are unique items for each available slot in Diablo 4. You can expect to drop 2 types of unique items: general uniques (which can be equipped by every class) and class-specific uniques (which can be equipped only by that class).
In the following list, we present some examples of unique items in Diablo 4 for each slot:
- Helm – Tempest Roar, Cowl of the Nameless
- Chest - Blood Artisan's Cuirass, Insatiable Fury
- Pants - Storm's Companion, Eyes in the Dark
- Boots - Greaves of the Empty Tomb, 100,000 Steps
- Gloves - Howl from Below, Grasp of Shadow
- Ring - Ring of Mendeln, Ring of Starless Skies
- Amulet - Battle Trance, Deathspeaker's Pendant
- Two Hand Axe - Ancients' Oath
- Two Hand Mace – Hellhammer
- Two Hand Sword - Fields of Crimson
- Bow – Skyhunter, Windforce
- Staff - Staff of Endless Rage
- Wand – Flamescar
- Dagger - Asheara's Khanjar, Condemnation
Can you gamble for Uniques in Diablo IV?
Yes, you can gamble for both Unique and Mythic Unique Items at Purveyor of Curiosities with Murmuring Obols.
Unique Items Farming Tips & Tricks
In the following list, we present some tips and tricks for efficient unique items farming:
- Create a speed farming build - research a good one and optimize it for your class.
- Farm targeted tormented bosses depending on your desired slot - keep in mind the table presented above and try to kill only the necessary tormented boss. Also, ask players in chat to do rotations with you, raising the potential of your materials up to 3x times higher.
- Clear Nightmare Dungeons - The more enemies you kill, the more chances you have to find unique items.
- Play at Higher World Tiers - Higher difficulties come with a higher chance of getting unique items. Play at the highest difficulty you can handle efficiently to maximize your loot.
- Efficiency Is Key - The faster you can clear content, the more chances you'll get at unique items. Find a balance between difficulty and speed that works for you.
Unique Items Farming vs. Trading & Buying in Diablo 4
This section presents the main differences between farming, trading, and buying Unique Items in Diablo IV.
Differences between farming and trading Unique Items in Diablo 4
Generally, farming requires the player to handle the whole grinding process to obtain the desired Unique Item. This time-consuming process can be easily avoided by using boosting services or, if possible, trading. Farming Unique Items, indeed, is time-consuming, as nothing is guaranteed.
Can you trade Unique Items in Diablo 4?
Yes, you can trade Unique Items in Diablo IV. On the other hand, Mythic Uniques are account-bound.
Where can you buy Unique Items from?
You can buy Diablo 4 Unique Items only from boosting service providers like us.
Is it safe to buy Diablo 4 Unique Items for real money?
Compared to other service providers, we guarantee the safety of your purchase while completing it quickly and efficiently.
What is the best site for Diablo 4 Unique Items?
We take pride in the quality of our services, so KBoosting should be your first choice when buying boosting services for more than just Diablo 4.
Is buying Unique Items in Diablo 4 bannable?
Buying Unique items from service providers who take pride in their work and ensure their services are as safe as possible poses no risk.
This wraps up our Unique Items farming guide for Diablo 4, so moving on, we will present the most popular questions below.
Unique Items Farming in Diablo 4 - FAQs
1. How to get Unique Items in Diablo 4?
There are many methods to farm unique items such as: killing tormented bosses, farming nightmare dungeons, or any open-world activity.
2. Why do you need to farm Unique Items in Diablo 4?
You must farm Unique Items to empower your character with the best items in the game for certain builds.
3. What is the drop chance for unique items?
The drop chance of unique items is very low because of how powerful these items can be. However, you get one guaranteed unique item from any of the tormented bosses.
4. What is the best Unique Items farming method?
The best unique items farming method is to defeat tormented bosses.
5. Which are the rarest Unique Items in Diablo 4?
The rarest unique items in D4 are: Doombringer, The Grandfather, Ring of Starless Skies, Andariel’s Visage, Harlequin Crest, Melted Heart of Selig, Ahavarion, and Tyrael's Might.
6. What types of Unique Items can you obtain?
You can obtain uniques for all slots available in Diablo 4.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, the world of Diablo 4 is teeming with a vast collection of unique items, each possessing its own power and potential. By following the farming methods, tips, and tricks outlined in this guide, you'll be well-prepared to embark on a rewarding journey to collect these treasures.
Above all, perseverance and patience are key; the road to obtaining the most sought-after unique items in Diablo 4 may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. So, gear up, summon your allies, and brace yourself for an epic adventure.
If this looks time-consuming or too hard, why not check our Unique Items farming service and let professional boosters take care of this grinding for you quickly and efficiently?
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