Gear Sets 6/6

Here you can buy Diablo 3 gear sets for any of the 7 classes in the game. All sets supported.
The Diablo 3 set farming service fits perfectly not only at new seasons launch, but whenever you want to go for a specific build which requires a full 6/6 class set to start with. We provide the set farming service by completing rifts and greater rifts untill we gather 6 pieces of the desired Diablo 3 set.
The set item farming is a carry type of service as in order to get your desired D3 complete class set, multiple characters of the same class as yours will join your party and carry you through Torment 16 / GR75 difficulties. There are 5x Diablo 3 class sets for each of the 7 classes in the game.
Delivery takes between 1-4 hours, it all depends on RNG.
All the items that you receive while being boosted will be unidentified.
By choosing out services, you have triple chance of getting Primal set items for your character.
Diablo 3 set farming service is available as both self played and with account sharing modes.
If you opt for the account sharing option in order to get a specific Diablo 3 gear set, our booster will have to log into your account. Once the job is done, you can log back in. For extra security, if needed, we can also use VPN of your country.
In case you opt for the self played mode, we will consider double items aswell, as they can easily be converted afterwards into the missing class set parts by using the Kanai Cube recipe.
So let’s say you buy Diablo 3 Necromancer gear set, Pestilence. We obtained 6 pieces of the Pestilence set, but 2 of them are of the same type - for example 2x Helm; in this case, you will just have to convert one of the helms into the missing set part by yourself by using the Kanai Cube. If you aren’t aware of this method - using the Kanai’s cube recipe for the D3 gear set item conversion - our booster will offer you all the instructions so you can handle it.
By using this service, you can buy Diablo 3 class sets for the desired build, all class sets supported.
We don’t guarantee any specific quality or stats on these D3 gear set items, but you always have triple chance of getting ancient / primal ancient items while using this boosting service. At KBoosting you can buy Guaranteed Ancient Set items aswell.
The Diablo 3 set farming service is going to be handled in Torment 16 and Greater rift 75+ difficulties. The boosters will try to get the job done as fast as possible, so in case you are under geared and can’t follow them, you can just wait in town or at rift’s entrances.
As a solo player, if you want to get full 6/6 class set for your character in order to have a build to start with, it usually takes a lot of time to obtain that, as there are 5x possible Diablo 3 class sets for each class in the game, each set containing at least 6 pieces of gear. In order to speed up this process you can buy Diablo 3 full class sets from us, our professional boosters will handle it in no time.
As its still a lot of RNG involved, these Diablo 3 set item farming services might take some time to complete from case to case, so if they require multiple sessions or you just can’t spend too much time per session, you will have to schedule a new session with the manager. In case you can’t show up when scheduled, you will have to talk to the manager in advance and reschedule your boost.
When you buy Diablo 3 Sets, there are no gear requirements for this type of service. However, your character must be level 70. If it’s not, you must purchase 1-70 Power leveling service prior to this.
If you buy Diablo 3 class set for Necromancer, you need to have the Necromancer DLC owned on your account.
In case you opt for piloted boosting, you will need to pass the battlenet account’s credentials, remove the authenticator (if active) and don’t log the account untill your boost is ready. We take all these measures in order to provide a safe boost, avoid kicking out the booster while obtaining your desired D3 gear set, any IP conflicts etc.
If by any chance you want to log into the account while its being boosted, please contact the manager in advance.