
Here you can buy Diablo 3 items, all classes and all servers supported.
The target of this service is to deliver the specified amount of class-specific items. When you buy Diablo 3 items from us, all the loot that you receive will be unidentified.
You have triple chance of getting Primal and Ancient items for your character. By using this service, you can get the best Diablo 3 weapons, sets, jewels in the game.
Delivery takes between 1-4 hours per session.
Multiple characters of the same class as you will join your party and carry you through T16 / GR75 runs. They will drop every single item they get, unidentified, even if it’s the best barbarian weapon, rarest demon hunter item etc, or primal set item, anything that drops is all yours.
Speaking of Diablo 3 weapons, always keep in mind that having a good rolled ancient D3 weapon makes a huge difference for your damage output, nomatter what class or build you play.
You can buy Diablo 3 items in bulk with attractive discounts on larger orders.
So in case you opt for 500x Items, you will get 500x unidentified legendary & set items for your desired class. Your personal loot won’t count towards that 500x amount, so we will consider only what drops on our accounts.
You can order Diablo 3 items both as self played and piloted boosting modes. If you opt for the account sharing option for this boost, the booster will log into your account and save the requested amount of items, unidentified, in your stash. We can also use VPN of your country.
When you buy D3 Items the target is to deliver you the requested amount of items that were purchased.
As it's too much RNG involved we don’t guarantee any specific item, quality or stats for the items that are delivered (ancient/primal), in that case you must buy ancient items on our store.
If you buy Diablo 3 items and opt for a piloted boost, please make sure there is enough space in your stash tabsone stash tab can hold around 40 items. In case you are out of stash tabs, you can buy extra stash tab from us for the ongoing season.
This service is going to be handled in Torment 16 and Greater rift 75+ difficulties. The boosters will try to get the job done as fast as possible, so in case you are undergeared and can’t follow them, you can wait in town or at rift entrances.
These services might take some time to complete from case to case, so if they require multiple sessions or you just can’t spend too much time per session, you will have to schedule a new session with the manager. In case you can’t show up when scheduled, you will have to talk to the manager in advance and reschedule your boost.
We have flexible schedules, so in case you buy Diablo 3 Items from us and opt for a larger items pack such as 1000x or 2000x, we can split the order into multiple smaller sessions as it’s going to be too much loot to handle in a row.
There is a 2 hours cooldown on the items that drop in the party, once that expires the items can’t be traded anymore.
Our boosters will pass you the gear they gather on their accounts every aproximately 200 items, they will give you some time to stash the items and then continue the boosting service.
When you buy Diablo 3 items, there are no gear requirements for this type of service. However, your character must be level 70 in order to be able to join those Torment 16 runs. If it’s not, you must purchase 1-70 Power leveling service prior to this.
Reaper of Souls expansion is mandatory. In case you buy Diablo 3 Items for Necromancer class, you need to have the Necromancer DLC owned on your account aswell.
In case you opt for piloted boosting, you will need to pass the account’s credentials, remove the authenticator (if active) and don’t log the account untill your boost is complete.
We take all these measures in order to provide a safe boost, avoid kicking out the booster while getting boosted, any IP conflicts etc.
If by any chance you want to log in the account while getting boosted, please contact the manager in advance.