Best Classes in PoE 2 – Rankings & Tier Lists

best classes


Our PoE 2 Best Classes guide will teach you how to choose the best character class to fit your playstyle and preferences, allowing you to easily reach your goals in the game.

One of the questions we are asked frequently is, “What is the best class in PoE 2?”. To address this query, we have decided to delve into the intricacies of each class, providing you with a plethora of information to help you make the right choice for yourself.

Whether your priority is leveling, playing in a group, speed farming maps, bosses, or other activities, our tier lists and in-depth analysis will guide you toward the best class to suit your needs.

In the following sections, we will examine the PoE 2 classes based on multiple aspects, including beginner-friendly classes, Hardcore classes, SSF, and more. Additionally, we will uncover the meta classes for niche activities that may return from PoE 1, like Heist, Simulacrums, Blight, and more.

Key Takeaways

The best classes in Path of Exile 2 are:

  • Best PoE 2 class for beginners: Witch
  • Best PoE 2 class for leveling: Sorceress
  • Best PoE 2 class for solo play: Monk
  • Best PoE 2 classes for group play: Sorceress (DPS) & Sorceress/Mercenary (Support)
  • Best PoE 2 class for DPS: Mercenary
  • Best PoE 2 class for speedfarming: Sorceress
  • Best PoE 2 class for endgame: Sorceress
  • Best PoE 2 class for Softcore: Sorceress
  • Best PoE 2 class for Hardcore: Mercenary
  • Best PoE 2 class for Solo Self-Found: Mercenary

How to choose the best class in PoE 2?

When it comes to choosing the most suitable PoE 2 class for your playstyle, several important criteria deserve careful consideration. In the following list, we will take a look at each essential factor that you should keep in mind when selecting a class to make sure you have an enjoyable experience, both from a progression and fun perspective.

Note: As the game is still in development, tier lists in this guide are subject to change based on information we will receive from the developers & play-testing during the early access release.

Speed Leveling

In Path of Exile, the most essential part of leveling is getting through the campaign as quickly as possible, since leveling in the endgame is heavily tied to the speed at which you can clear maps.

Since this part is the most substantial in regards to leveling, you should consider picking a class that has high base damage skills and can build around them easily without requiring any unique or hard-to-obtain items for the class and build to be effective.

Speed Farming

The ability to clear maps or any other form of activity quickly is essential to consider when picking a class. PoE 2 is a grindy game, and getting the perfect items or a build that can complete almost any activity can take hundreds or thousands of hours, so playing a class with great AoE damage is essential.

Ease of Play

Another vital aspect to take into consideration is the difficulty of the class. In the endgame, we expect most classes to be trivial and easy to play, but during the campaign and early mapping, classes like the Ranger that previously lacked defensive options could be challenging to play.

Choosing an easier-to-play class at the start, like the Witch or Sorceress, or even sacrificing some other qualities and picking a tankier class like the Templar could significantly improve your experience if it is your first time playing Path of Exile or an ARPG.


Out of all the criteria mentioned here, fun is one of the most important ones. PoE 2 offers a lot of room for creativity with builds for each class, and at times, you will be stuck doing the same activity repeatedly to farm for currency.

This makes choosing a class that you will enjoy, both visually and gameplay-wise, so much more important due to sometimes having to go through a tedious grind. Classes don’t affect your skills since the game has a unique skill gem system and just offers a general direction for builds, so the ideal route would be selecting 1-2 classes that look fun and then checking out builds for those.

Endgame Potential

The potential for classes to complete endgame activities is another criteria, but it should not be a top priority. Since the character’s power is mainly dictated by gear in Path of Exile, basically any of the 12 classes can easily take part in any endgame activity with a high enough investment.

Generally, any class can defeat Uber Bosses, clear the highest tier maps, and take part in any other difficult activity that may be new to PoE 2 on a budget of around one Mirror of Kalandra.

Best class for PoE 2 Beginners

You may be wondering, what is the best class for a new player? If you’ve asked yourself this question, we’re here to provide you with the answer, so you have a smooth and enjoyable start to your journey in PoE2. This section of our guide will present the best beginner classes in Path of Exile 2 so you will easily find the ideal class for yourself.

Our expert Path of Exile 2 class analysis will guide you toward a character that offers an outstanding balance of accessibility, versatility, and excitement.

Tier Class Reason
S-Tier Witch Easy-to-play, minions deal most of the damage
Druid Tankiness, powerful crowd control, and debuffs enemies
Sorceress Long range caster, ignite allows for accessible gameplay, freeze is a great defense layer
Templar Very tanky class, many easy to understand builds, doesn’t require powerful gear to shine
A-Tier Monk Melee caster/attack hybrid, may require combos to deal optimal damage
Ranger Susceptible to oneshots in early game, best endgame scaling, great damage at all stages
Shadow Resilient, easy-to-play, DOT & trap based gameplay
Marauder Tankiness through ascendancies, great damage, many playstyles
Warrior Simplistic gameplay, high survivability
Mercenary Great endgame scaling, unique bow/crossbow gameplay, fun to play
B-Tier Duelist Strong melee class, tankiness or damage option through ascendancies
Huntress Melee/ranged hybrid, requires multiple skills

PoE 2 Best starting classes for League launch

Choosing the best class for a League start in Path of Exile is an important decision, as the campaign and early stages of the endgame are relatively repetitive. Playing a strong League starter class will speed up this sluggish grind, giving you a head start.

When analyzing which classes are the best for the upcoming League, we mainly consider which classes can make the best use out of powerful skill gems that require cheap or no gear to function. Based on these criteria, we will reveal our tier list for the best classes to play in the upcoming League.

Our best advice would be starting with a class that augments a strong early league build if you intend to play in the first 1-2 weeks of the League, then eventually swap to your desired class.

Tier Class Reason
S-Tier Witch Easy-to-play, great damage without gear requirements, minion-based playstyle
Druid Great survivability, access to AoE damage, can debuff enemies
Sorceress Great AoE, doesn’t require expensive gear, tankiness through CC
A-Tier Templar Good boss killer with cheap gear, simple gameplay, many viable builds
Ranger Needs medium to high budget gear to shine, susceptible to oneshots earlygame
Shadow Good AoE and ST damage with traps, survivability through evasion & ES
Marauder Great for maps, many viable builds, easy-to-play
Warrior Tankiness through block, great melee skills for AoE
B-Tier Mercenary May require gear to shine, scales off expensive gear, squishy in earlygame
Duelist Requires decent gear to shine, can be squishy in early-game based on ascendancy
C-Tier Huntress Complex melee/ranged hybrid gameplay, requires two gear sets to play
Monk Low damage in early game, may require multiple 6-link skills to deal damage

As we wrap up our exploration of the best League starting classes, let’s now focus on the easiest-to-play class in PoE 2, where we will unveil the perfect choice for those seeking a relaxed and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Easiest class to play in PoE 2

This section is designed to help newcomers and players who are looking for a smooth and accessible gameplay experience. It covers all classes that are easy to play in PoE 2 and presents the player with the best choice if they are looking for an enjoyable and hassle-free experience in their adventures through Oriath.

Tier Class Reason
S-Tier Witch Minion-based gameplay, doesn’t require expensive gear, easy-to-play
Druid Very tanky, simplistic playstile, great AoE
Sorceress Great damage without gear, tankiness through freeze, long-range
Templar Almost unkillable, great for AoE and ST, easy-to-play
A-Tier Shadow Long-range playstyle through traps & poison, mainly 1-button builds
Marauder Tanky through leech, good in all stages of the game
Warrior Great survivability through block, many powerful AoE skills
Mercenary Requires decent gear, squishy during early/mid stages of the game
Duelist Challenging melee class due to leech as the only defense layer, great scaling to endgame
B-Tier Ranger Squishy in early-mid game, best end-game class, requires good game knowledge
Huntress Hybrid melee/ranged playstyle, may need to use multiple skills to shine
Monk May have to combo skills for optimal DPS, melee playstyle that may require positioning

As we conclude our exploration of the most accessible classes to play in PoE 2, it’s time to focus on a crucial aspect of character progression: fast leveling. In the upcoming section, we will give our opinion on the best classes for leveling to help you easily reach the endgame and efficiently level your characters through all parts of the game.

Best Classes for Fast Leveling in PoE 2

In this topic, we will unveil the classes that excel at swiftly progressing through the game, allowing you to reach higher levels and unlock powerful abilities in no time. Whether you're an advanced PoE player looking to maximize efficiency or a newcomer seeking a streamlined leveling experience, our comprehensive analysis will provide you with valuable insights and recommendations.

Fastest Leveling class for 1-65

Tier Class Reason
S-Tier Sorceress Great AoE skills and mobility, requires low investment, many viable builds
Shadow Traps are great for the campaign, easy access to mobility
Marauder Great damage with specific builds, mobility through leap slam
Mercenary Amazing AoE capabilities, decent on low/mid investment, many different builds
A-Tier Duelist Powerful early/mid-game through Rage mechanic, great user of melee AoE skills
Huntress Stronger earlygame than other ranged attack classes, build variety due to melee/ranged hybrid
Ranger Requires good knowledge and gear to shine, hard to play during early stages
Witch Powerful with low gear requirements, slow due to minions being main DPS
Monk Melee class with decent mobility, may require complex gameplay for optimal damage
B-Tier Warrior Slow movement and early game damage due to class design
Druid Slow early game, requires changing forms and multiple 4+ link skill gems
Templar Slow early game, defense oriented class

Fastest Leveling class for 65-100

Tier Class Reason
S-Tier Sorceress Long-range entire screen AoE, decent mobility, powerful on cheap gear
Marauder Powerful ignite builds, great AoE clear, access to mobility
Ranger Great end-game scaling, lots of mobility, screen-wide AoE clear
A-Tier Monk Great mobility, average clear speeds, melee with ranged capabilities
Mercenary Very similar to Ranger, decent on all stages, may struggle due to crossbows
Shadow Trap/DoT playstyle falls off, slower clear speeds, decent mobility and AoE
Duelist Powerful AoE & ST, melee is slower at clearing, tough to get good gear
B-Tier Huntress Melee/ranged hybrid, great mobility, decent clear speeds
Druid Slow class, may require 2 weapon sets, may need to use multiple skills
Witch Sluggy map clear due to minions, better in ST than AoE, end-game gear is tough to obtain
C-Tier Warrior Slow class by design, stuck to playing mostly melee
Templar Focused on defense more than offense, low movement, needs expensive gear to clear fast

What is the fastest class to level up in PoE 2 overall?

While all twelve classes are viable for leveling, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, certain classes are better for specific activities than others. As this section is focused on fast leveling, our best suggestion would be the Ranger if you have access to leveling gear, and the Sorceress for a fresh character with no gear.

Best Solo Classes in PoE 2

All Path of Exile 2 classes are great for playing solo, as they are mainly balanced around the gear and skill gems they have equipped. Compared to other ARPGs, this unique take on the game systems allows every class to have its own area to shine, so drawing a line between which class is superior to others when playing alone is hard.

Despite this, we can still list a few that may outperform others, due to easier access to specific passives, and unique traits from their ascendancies: the Sorceress, Ranger, Mercenary, and Monk.

All these classes share in common a specific trait that makes them outliers: they all have great damage and resilience through different means in the early game, and they can scale toward the endgame exceptionally well in specific builds, giving them a slight edge over the others.

Best Classes for Group Play in PoE 2

When it comes to group play in PoE 2, the first thing that comes to mind, which is very similar to PoE 1, is magic find. This unique strategy that massively increases the amount of loot by equipping items with the “increased Item Rarity (IIR)” modifier created a staple for group play in the Path of Exile universe.

In this chapter of our guide, we will mainly cover the classes that excel at farming using this unique concept and their roles since it is the main form of viable group play in the game.

The base of the group would be the main DPS, sometimes assisted by a culler. The class that takes this role would be the Ranger, possibly seeing the Mercenary have extraordinary abilities to be the primary carry of the group. They would usually stack as much IIR as possible, alongside a small amount of % damage increase that will synergize with other players in the group.

Alongside the main DPS, there would be three support builds in PoE 1 that would empower the main DPS:

  • Rarity Culler – usually a Mercenary
  • Cursebot – Always a Witch, with the Blood Mage ascendancy
  • Block Support – Sorceress
  • In the following subchapter, we will take a brief look at each of these classes and their support builds in PoE 2, while also taking a glance at new arrivals that may fill support roles in the game.

    Support Classes in PoE 2

    Regarding support classes in PoE 2, GGG has taken an interesting approach, giving a few classes great tools and ascendancies that would primarily steer the build paths towards solely support-focused archetypes.

    In the tier list below, we will rank all the classes that may have support-oriented builds based on their utility and importance in a group, as they all have different purposes, so it would be close to impossible to label one as better than the others:

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Witch Main class to be built as cursebot
    Sorceress Can be played as block support with the Chronomancer ascendancy
    Templar Will fulfill the role of managuard, providing great defense for the party
    Mercenary Rarity Culler with AoE explosions
    Marauder Could provide great empowering abilities through warcries
    Druid Possible support through debuffing enemies, similar to a cursebot
    A-Tier Monk Possible to have aura-related ascendancy which would make Monks fit for aurabot builds
    Warrior Could have group utility by defensive/warcry buffs
    B-Tier Huntress These classes will have no support abilities

    Top DPS classes in PoE 2

    In this section, we present the DPS classes tier list, evaluating each class base on its pure damage-dealing potential.

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Sorceress Hard to spec both into AoE and ST, performs really well in maps
    Mercenary Similar to ranger, powerful endgame, great AoE
    Monk Strong with melee elemental builds, other classes can outscale with Phys
    Ranger Great scaling, lots of AoE, can melt both bosses and mobs
    A-Tier Shadow High DPS through trap/DoT builds, good endgame option with spark builds
    Marauder Powerful builds on mid-budget, great AoE and ST on many builds
    Duelist Great attribute stacker, can melt mobs and bosses, may be squishy in endgame
    B-Tier Witch Great single target, may have slow map clear
    Huntress DPS could heavily depend on gear, better options of similar gameplay with other classes
    C-Tier Druid Slow early and mid-game, may lack mobility or ST damage
    D-Tier Warrior Sluggish class, stuck to only one build archetype, Phys gear is hard to craft
    Templar Lack of mobility, low damage

    Best DPS class in PoE 2

    When it comes to DPS classes in PoE 2, the Sorceress will most probably take the first spot. With its unmatched damage-oriented ascendancies, excellent mobility through Blink, and a variety of options for defensive stats through mana and ES, the Sorceress will be far superior to other classes on a high budget.

    Up next, we will shift our focus towards ranged and melee combat, so in the following sections we will uncover the best ranged and melee classes in the game.

    Best PoE 2 ranged classes

    In this section, we will explore the best ranged classes, showcasing the masters of bows, crossbows, and spellcasting. In the upcoming list, you will discover the most proficient PoE classes for long-distance combat. These classes have been meticulously evaluated, and we have ranked them based on their ability to consistently deal large amounts of damage from a distance.

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Sorceress Long-range caster, powerful and DPS through stagger & mana-stacking
    Ranger Very high DPS output, powerful at all stages, great in both AoE and ST
    Mercenary Powerful ranged DPS, great AoE & ST, scales well into endgame
    A-Tier Shadow Ranged gameplay through traps, powerful in early-game
    Witch Minion-based class, can play from long range, great DPS, easy-to-play
    Huntress Ranged & melee hybrid, decent scaling, may require multiple skills
    B-Tier Marauder Mostly melee, with a bit of range
    C-Tier Warrior Heavily melee based classes

    What's the best ranged class in PoE 2?

    The Ranger and Sorceress will stand as the top ranged classes in PoE 2, both showcasing similar capabilities to deal massive amounts of damage, effectively clearing entire screens of enemies and being able to defeat bosses in the blink of an eye.

    Best PoE 2 melee classes

    In this section, we will take a glance at the most proficient close-quarter classes, showcasing the classes that define the art of melee combat in Path of Exile 2.

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Monk Powerful melee class with possilbilities for ranged spells, good mobility
    Mercenary Massive DMG as a Gemling Legionnaire when stacking attributes
    Marauder Very powerful melee classes with access to variety of builds that compete both for AoE and ST
    A-Tier Huntress Great hybrid melee & ranged class with possibly good ascendancies
    Templar Tankiest melee class in the game, great for facetanking Ubers
    Druid Very tanky, can debuff enemies, has access to great AoE in bear form
    B-Tier Warrior Resilient melee class, can mainly play only Phys builds
    Shadow Mostly oriented towards ranged playstyle, with a few niche melee builds
    C-Tier Sorceress Fully ranged classes, with low to no melee potential

    What's the best melee class in PoE 2?

    It is hard to assume that one class is better than others in PoE 2 due to how the game works. The Warrior, Marauder, Monk, Duelist, and Druid all have their benefits and downsides, but out of all of them, the Monk will likely take the top spot.


    Top single-target classes in PoE 2

    In this part of our guide, we will turn our attention towards the best boss killers in PoE 2. The following tier list will present you the most powerful single-target classes that can easily defeat Uber bosses even on a low budget.

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Witch Great ST damage with minions, can focus on dodging attacks
    Templar Very tanky class, can facetank most attacks from Ubers
    Shadow Highest damage scaling on a low budget, can one-shot bosses
    Duelist Powerful and durable through leech and high attack speed
    Marauder Tanky with great dps, can opt into a variety of builds
    A-Tier Monk Mobile, great dps, can easily stagger with freeze
    Huntress Mobile melee & ranged hybrid, can have great uptime on DPS
    Ranger Powerful against uber bosses with high investment
    Sorceress Can opt into ST specific builds with oneshot potential
    Warrior Very resilient, can tank bosses, lower kill speed

    Best single-target class in PoE 2

    The Monk is the best single-target class in Path of Exile 2. We’ve taken into consideration the ability of the class to easily defeat bosses on a low budget while also being relatively playable in other forms of content as well. The Monk's attribute stacking can provide millions of damage, making it one of the best choices for single-target builds.

    Best AoE classes in PoE 2

    Most classes in the game have both great AoE and single-target capabilities, which are mainly dependent on the skills they will use in their builds. Some classes excel at using these specific skills, and our rankings in this section will be based on these criteria:

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Ranger Screen-wide coverage with bow skills, high DMG numbers which scale based off number of targets
    Mercenary Very similar to Ranger, can work on a lower budget and more defense options
    Sorceress Great AoE through massive spells, long-range which facilitates clearing large packs
    A-Tier Huntress Powerful single target being able to swap melee and ranged
    Shadow Powerful AoE through DoT spreading builds
    Monk Powerful with elemental skills, slower clears due to melee playstyle
    Druid Great AoE, fairly tanky, can be slow while in bear form
    Warrior Very tanky, great AoE, but hard to scale due to Physical DMG restrictions
    Duelist Great movement speed, but low range spells
    Marauder Great AoE through ignite and explode builds, AoE builds are similar to ST ones
    Witch Slow clear speeds due to minions, can get boring due to lack of interactivity
    Templar Very tanky across all content, but generally has slow clears and low damage

    Best class for multi-target in PoE 2

    We can expect the Ranger, Sorceress, and Mercenary to be the top contenders for multi target in PoE 2. These three classes all share two similar traits that make them far superior to the others: the ability to deal damage from long range, and being able to clear an entire screen with a single ability cast.

    Best Speedfarming Class in PoE 2

    In this section, we will reveal the classes that excel at breaking through content, clearing maps, and doing many other activities. In the table below, we prepared a tier list of the most efficient classes for speed-farming currency through various activities:

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Ranger Great end-game scaling, lots of mobility, screen-wide AoE clear
    Marauder Powerful ignite builds, great AoE clear, access to mobility
    Sorceress Long-range entire screen AoE, decent mobility, powerful on cheap gear
    A-Tier Mercenary Very similar to Ranger, decent on all stages, may struggle due to crossbows
    Monk Great mobility, great clear speeds, melee with ranged capabilities
    Shadow Trap/DoT playstyle falls off, slower clear speeds, decent mobility and AoE
    Duelist Powerful AoE & ST, melee is slower at clearing, tough to get good gear
    B-Tier Huntress Melee/ranged hybrid, great mobility, decent clear speeds
    Druid Slow class, may require 2 weapon sets, may need to use multiple skills
    Witch Sluggish clear due to minions, better in ST than AoE, end-game gear is tough to obtain
    C-Tier Warrior Slow class by design, stuck to playing mostly melee
    Templar Focused on defense more than offense, low movement, needs expensive gear to clear fast

    What is the best class for farming in PoE 2?

    The best classes for farming in PoE 2 will most probably be the Ranger and Sorceress. Rangers have been a staple in PoE 1 as the top-tier class for speedfarming due to their high damage, great mobility, and an immense amount of AoE, and we expect the Sorceress can fill the entire screen with AoE spells in a second.

    Best Endgame Class in PoE 2

    In Path of Exile 2, each class has excellent potential for endgame due to scaling through gear and other means than character power alone. Picking a class over another will not affect your abilities to reach the endgame and comfortably clear content, but a few classes have better tools to scale damage and survivability, either on lower investment, or easier-to-find gear. Generally speaking, each class exhibits similar capabilities, so ranking them is close to impossible.

    What is the best class for PoE 2's endgame?

    We can expect the best classes to be the Ranger, Mercenary, Sorceress and Monk, as they have access to passives that empower skills that they would prefer to use and powerful defensive stats, giving them a small margin over the others.

    PoE 2: Best classes for Hardcore

    In Hardcore, having great damage or clear capabilities becomes less of a priority, as you must avoid death at all costs in this game's difficulty. In this section, we will cover the classes with the best survivability options while retaining a decent damage output.

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Templar Very tanky, doesn't require rare uniques, powerful at all points in the game
    Mercenary More resilient variant of the Ranger, great AoE
    Druid Resilient, strong AoE, can debuff enemies
    Warrior Block as a defense, decent AoE, can survive heavy hits
    A-Tier Marauder Balance between tankiness and DPS output as a melee
    Duelist Great defense through leech, prone to oneshots
    Witch Safe due to minions, easy to scale damage
    Sorceress Long-range and defense through slowing/freezing enemies
    Monk Melee class with access to sustain, tough early game
    Shadow Relies on dodge, which is unreliable for HC
    Huntress Requires heavy investment, alternating between melee & ranged can be dangerous
    B-Tier Ranger Squishy and prone to oneshots, generally not viable for HC

    What is the best HC class in PoE 2?

    We expect the best class for hardcore to be the Templar. They are one of the most resilient classes in the game, offer decent damage while investing heavily into defenses, and can complete both maps and kill Uber bosses at a decent pace.

    PoE 2: Best classes for Softcore

    Softcore in PoE 2 is mainly about two things: killing mobs as fast as possible and moving as swiftly as you can. In this section, we will rate classes based on their clear speed, bossing capabilities, and ease of play combined.

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Ranger Great AoE & ST damage, fastest map clear speed
    Mercenary Many similarities to Ranger, lower dps
    Sorceress Great AoE, can lack single target in early game, tanky and long range
    Monk Great AoE, can be complex to play, easy to scale Ele DMG
    A-Tier Shadow Great for the first weeks of league due to high damage from traps & DoT builds
    Marauder Great melee attack/spell based class, AoE spells have great ST potential as well
    Huntress Hybrid between Ranger, Mercenary and Marauder, powerful against bosses
    B-Tier Druid Slower clear speeds, but offers great tankiness and AoE
    Duelist Excels in single target, short ranged with small AoE
    Warrior Decent AoE and ST, fairly tanky, but hard to scale Physical damage
    Witch Sluggish in AoE and early game, perfect for bosses
    Templar Slow early and mid-game, doesn't focus on speed except few specific builds

    What is the best SC class in PoE 2?

    The best classes for Softcore in PoE are the usual contenders for the top spots, the Ranger and the Mercenary. They offer the greatest capabilities to clear both maps and kill bosses, and players have easy access to BiS gear through trading. This makes them head of the tier list, being far superior to the other choices.

    PoE 2: Best classes for Solo Self-Found

    Solo Self-Found is a unique modifier you can opt into, which doesn’t allow you to interact with other players. In this category of our guide, we will rate each class based on how well they can perform on average gear, as obtaining high-end or even BiS gear can be a tough challenge for most players.

    Tier Class Reason
    S-Tier Templar Very tanky, has decent damage, requires common or no uniques
    Mercenary Tankier version of the Ranger, great damage and AoE from a safe distance on low budgets
    Marauder Generally tanky, versatile in AoE and ST, requires mainly rare items
    A-Tier Witch Safe and tanky, requires no expensive items due to great base dmg
    Druid Resilience in bear form combined with great AoE and debuffing capabilities at all points
    Warrior Powerful defense from block, great AoE but hard to scale due to being physical-based
    B-Tier Duelist Great sustain from leech, may require uniques to shine
    Monk Tanky and has access to powerful CC like freeze/chill through ascendancies
    Huntress Can be dangerous due to melee/ranged hybrid, requires multiple gear sets which can be hard to acquire
    Sorceress Works great on a low budget but is hard to scale into the endgame
    C-Tier Shadow Depending on the meta can be really strong, but falls off in the endgame
    Ranger Hard to build in SSF due to specific hard to acquire items

    What is the best SSF class in PoE 2?

    Multiple classes can be viable for SSF, with few having a margin due to their powerful earlygame, easy to craft gear, or ease to acquire uniques. These top contenders are the Templar, the Witch, the Shadow and possibly Warriors and Druids as well.

    Best Class for boss farming in PoE 2

    When it comes to boss farming, some classes are superior at being able to deal single-target damage while also being fairly resilient to be able to survive Uber boss attacks with ease.

    These classes are generally great users of damage over time skills or summoner archetype, as these two playstyles allow the player to focus on surviving and dodging boss attacks, which are key elements in all Uber boss fights in the game.

    The Sorceress, Witch and Ranger are the classes that fare the best against any single-target encounter. They have access to absurd damage scaling, they have survivability in multiple ways: evasion, raw stats and leech respectively. Other classes can defeat Uber bosses as well, but these three can do it much faster, and on a way lower budget.

    Best Class for mapping in PoE 2

    When it comes to map farming, there are multiple classes that can efficiently clear maps. Most classes have posiblitities to opt into builds that have great clear speeds, but there are a few outliers.

    Rangers, Mercenaries, Sorceresses, and Monks have an edge regarding clear speed. All of these classes have easy access to great AoE, should have a lot of mobility, and share easy access to defensive stats on the skill tree.


    What is the best class to play in PoE 2?

    Determining which class is the “best” is subjective and highly depends on your playstyle, preferences, and goals in the game. Each class offers its own unique gameplay experience and has its own strengths and weaknesses.

    Not only that, but classes alone in PoE have a minor impact on your character's strength. The class only decides the starting location on the passive skill tree, with your ascendancy choice and the build you follow as the main factors.

    Whether you prefer the fast-paced & nimble playstyle of the Ranger, controlling an army of minions as a Witch, the shapeshifting abilities of the Druid, or the brute force of the Warrior, each class shines in an area where the others do not.

    What class should you play in PoE 2?

    When it comes to choosing a class in PoE 2, it all comes down to personal preference and playstyle. There is no definitive answer as to which class you should play, as the class balance is great in Path of Exile, so you should feel free to pick the class that appeals to you the most.

    How many classes are there in PoE 2?

    There is a total of 12 classes in Path of Exile 2. Each class has its own unique features, further emphasized by their ascendancies.

    How many ascendancies are there in PoE 2?

    Each class in PoE 2 has three ascendancies that offer a different playstyle. In total, there are 36 ascendancies you can pick from across all classes.

    Will PoE 2 have more classes?

    We have yet to get any information at the moment that PoE 2 will receive more classes in future updates. The class variety in the game is already great, furthermore enhanced by the number of available ascendancies, so there is a high chance there will not be any new classes released for the game.

    What is the easiest class in PoE 2?

    The easiest class in PoE 2 will be the Witch, offering a simple and straightforward playstyle through the summoner concept. The other ascendancies for the Witch, which will be oriented towards curses and draining life from enemies, should also offer effortless gameplay, tending towards very resilient builds that will possess powerful AoE capabilities.

    What is the best solo class in PoE 2?

    In Path of Exile 2 most classes and ascendancies are designed to offer the player a toolkit that can enhance solo play, so it is hard to label one class as the best. Despite this, based on our experience from the first game, we can assume the Ranger, Mercenary, or Huntress will be top contenders as very strong solo characters since this class stereotype had great scaling towards the endgame in the predecessor.

    What is the best DPS class in PoE 2?

    The best DPS class will be either the Ranger, Mercenary, or Huntress. Generally speaking, ranged attack-based classes seem to be consistent top contenders for any DPS-related query, either solo or in a group scenario.

    What is the best support class in PoE 2?

    Since we don’t have much information on the ascendancies, it is hard to pinpoint which classes will be the top performers for support builds. Since we’ve seen the Marauder have an ascendancy specifically oriented towards providing buffs for allies, and Druids having many options for debuffing enemies, there will be a specific combination of classes to fulfill support roles.

    Based on what we know at the moment, we can expect Marauders, Templars, Druids and possibly the Witch or Sorceress to all be powerful supports, with each having a specific role in empowering their allies, or heavily impairing the mobs.

    What is the best speedfarming class in PoE 2?

    The best speedfarming class will be one of the ranged attack-based classes: the Mercenary, Huntress, or Ranger.

    What is the best class for hardcore in PoE 2?

    The Templar will be one of the top contenders for Hardcore viable classes due to their kit and playstyle. Templars tend to be very durable and often are paired well with skills that scale or benefit from the resilience they can obtain from their ascendancies, making them a perfect match for this difficulty where you need to avoid dying at all costs.

    What is the most played class in PoE 2?

    Since the game is still under development, we don’t have any statistics we can base the popularity of classes on. Still, we expect the Ranger, Druid, Sorceress, and Witch to consistently share the top spots on the class popularity chart.

    Final Thoughts

    Choosing the best class to start with in Path of Exile 2 is a decision that ultimately comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Each class offers unique abilities and strengths, allowing you to embark on your journey in Oriath with a character that you resonate with.

    Our PoE 2 Best Classes Guide has provided valuable insights and tips to help you make informed decisions during the early stages of the game, enabling you to progress efficiently and build a formidable character.

    Related Guides

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    Our goal is to empower you on your PoE 2 adventure. We understand that the journey may be challenging at times, which is why we also offer Path of Exile 2 boosting services.

    We hope that the information in our Path of Exile 2 Classes Tier Lists will assist you in making the best decisions. May your adventures be filled with epic loot and unforgettable moments.

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