Path of Exile 2 Currency – PoE 2 Money Making Guide

Welcome to our PoE 2 Currency and Money Making Guide!
First, we will dive deep into all the currencies available in Path of Exile 2 along with their particularities. Then, you will learn how to get currency fast using the best techniques, such as farming, crafting, and trading.
By the end of our guide you will know all the tips, tricks and strategies to get rich and solve your PoE 2 currency issues forever. Sounds good, exile?
Key Takeaways
The fastest ways to make currency and get rich in Path of Exile 2 are:
- Speed farming high-tier juiced maps
- Crafting items used in popular builds
- Trading sought-after items to other players
- Flipping items for profit
What are the currencies in PoE 2?
Currencies in Path of Exile 2 are items that have a variety of uses, ranging from crafting and enhancing equipment pieces to being used as exchange tokens when trading with players for gear. Currency can be generalized into orbs and scrolls but other forms of currencies exist too, obtainable by completing league mechanics or defeating monsters exclusive to them.
Currency items can be found either as drops from defeating monsters, by opening chests, or by selling gear to NPCs in town. Currency plays a great role in the trading system, with rare orbs being traded for powerful pieces of equipment or even exchanged for lower tier orbs that a player may need for crafting.
Using currency on items is straight-forward, with the player being required to right click the currency then left clicking on the item they wish to apply it to. Holding shift allows you to repeatedly use a currency without having to right click each time.
PoE 2 Currency Types
In Path of Exile 2, currency can be generally split into two different categories, based on their drop location and source: basic currencies, which can be randomly dropped from any mob and activity in the game, or league/exotic currencies, which can be exclusively obtained by interacting with specific league mechanics or chests that reward items related to the activity.
In the following sub-chapters we will delve into each currency type, and take a quick glance at all available currencies in PoE 2, alongside the way to obtain and use them.
What is considered basic currency?
Basic currency items are currencies that are not tied to any specific league mechanic. They have no drop restriction, and are most commonly used as trading currencies. These have effects generally that modify gear in basic ways, being the starting point for crafting in most cases.
Basic PoE 2 Currency List
In the following part of our Path of Exile 2 currency guide we will provide a list of all available basic currencies alongside their effects when used on items:
1. Scroll of Wisdom
Scrolls of Wisdom are one of the first and most basic currencies you will encounter in Path of Exile 2. These can be found starting with the first zone, and can be used to identify items you drop. Whenever a rare or magic item drops, the affixes will be hidden, and you will have to identify the item to reveal the modifiers.
2. Portal Scroll
Portal Scrolls are another currency you will encounter early into the game and they provide a ton of utility when progressing through the campaign or during the end-game. By using a portal scroll you will open a portal to the city of the zone, or to your hideout respectively, depending if you are in the campaign or inside a map.
3. Orb of Transmutation
Orbs of Transmutation are one of the first currencies with crafting effects you will encounter, starting from the first act. When you use Orbs of Transmutation on any normal rarity item, the item will upgrade to magic quality, with the item gaining a single modifier. They are very common and easy to acquire, so don’t be afraid to use them to upgrade your early game gear.
4. Orb of Augmentation
Orbs of Augmentation are another crafting currency you will encounter early on and they work hand-in-hand with the Orbs of Transmutation. When you apply them to a Magic tier item, if the item has any open affixes left, they will add a random affix on that slot. They are also commonly found at all points in the game, so they are best used in the starting part of the game to enhance gear pieces you may find.
5. Orb of Alchemy
Orbs of Alchemy are another one of the main currencies you can find during the campaign which you can consider “a tier higher” than the previously mentioned ones. Their primary use is upgrading normal items to rare with at least 4 modifiers.
We recommend using these orbs during the campaign on good item bases such as weapons to look for increased DPS, on boots to try to get a high tier movement speed modifier, as well as jewelry for a combination of Life and Resistance modifiers.
Orbs of Alchemy are not very rare, but they are way harder to come across than Orbs of Transmutation and Orbs of Augmentation, so use them sparingly only on items which could easily become upgrades compared to your current gear.
6. Orb of Chance
Orbs of Chance are another rarity upgrade currency which you can acquire during the Path of Exile 2 campaign. Compared to all the other currency items we’ve mentioned previously, the outcome of using an Orb of Chance is not guaranteed.
Once you use a Chance Orb, the item will either become of magic quality (the most common outcome), in some occasions the item will upgrade to rare quality (providing an upgrade to your currently equipped gear), or in very rare cases, the item could even become a random unique which uses the same base as the item it was used on.
They aren’t the most commonly found currency, but, at the same time, they don’t have any niche uses in crafting or trading, so feel free to use them as you drop them, focusing on chancing bases that could give you powerful uniques for leveling.
7. Orb of Regret
Orbs of Regret are a unique type of currency, with their effect working completely different than any other item in this list. While most currencies have effects that alter items, Orbs of Regret instead grant a respec point on use.
Respec points can be used in the passive skill tree of your character to unassign any passive and gain the skill point back. These are generally useful when swapping builds, or transitioning from a variant of your build to another, as they allow you to change your passive skill tree as you wish, without needing to level a new character.
8. Jeweller’s Orb
Jeweller’s Orbs are another unique type of currency which alters the amount of support gem sockets available on skill gems by adding additional ones, with them coming in three different tiers, based on the maximum amount of sockets they can grant:
- Lesser Jeweler’s Orb can be used to increase the number of available sockets on any Skill Gem from 2 to 3. We expect these to be fairly common drops across the campaign, and even be granted as quest rewards at certain points in the game.
- Jeweller’s Orbs can be used to increase the socket count on a gem from 3 to 4 sockets (or 2 to 4 sockets). Our expectancy is that they will be hard to find, only becoming available starting the mid to end-game either as drop or quest rewards.
- Greater Jeweller’s Orbs will be able to increase the number of sockets of a gem from 4 to 5 (possibly 2 to 5 sockets as well). While the other two types of Jeweller’s Orbs are expected to be commonly found, we believe this tier of the currency will be tough to acquire, with drop rates similar to Divine or Exalted orbs.
For now, gems can have up to 5 sockets each (6, if you include the active skill gem itself), just like in Path of Exile 1.
9. Chaos Orb
Chaos Orbs are one of the most recognizable currencies from the Path of Exile franchise, as they were one of the main currencies used when trading for items with other players. Their effect is one that can easily upgrade or destroy pieces of gear at the same time, with the Chaos Orb removing a random modifier, then adding a random new modifier on the item.
These are pretty rare during the campaign, and you can expect to see around 5 to 10 Chaos Orbs dropping during the entire leveling process in the early game. While in the first game they were used as “trade tokens” with other players, we are not yet sure of their value in Path of Exile 2.
10. Regal Orb
Regal Orbs are a crafting currency with niche uses as they can upgrade a magic item to rare with an additional modifier. We expect these to be used in crafts where you will follow a very specific process to obtain certain modifiers.
Once we find out more about how crafting will function in PoE 2, we will be able to discuss further uses for this currency in crafting.
11. Vaal Orb
Vaal Orbs are another currency confirmed to appear in Path of Exile 2, used to corrupt an item unpredictably, with chances to improve or destroy the item, and giving it the “Corrupted” tag, which makes the item unmodifiable from that point onwards. Below, we will provide a list of all available outcomes when using Vaal Orbs:
- Nothing happens to the item except receiving the "Corrupted" tag
- The item gains an enhancement
- Up to half of the modifiers on the item get rerolled
- Adds an additional rune socket (which can exceed the maximum number of sockets)
- When used on Uniques, they can either transform the item into rare without the unique modifiers or reroll the unique modifier values which can exceed the normal range
12. Orb of Annulment
Orbs of Annulment are one of the more powerful currencies when it comes to crafting, being able to remove one random modifier from a magic or rare item. This can be very powerful as sometimes you can get extra modifiers you don’t want on items you are crafting, or have an unsuccessful attempt at a craft, which can be “saved” by removing certain modifiers.
These will be fairly rare drops, around the same as Chaos Orbs, as they have a powerful effect, and generally speaking, currency rarity in Path of Exile 2 scales with the value of the item inside the crafting system.
13. Exalted Orb
Exalted Orbs are an extremely rare Currency item that can be used to add an additional modifier to a Rare item, without removing another one first (in the way that Chaos Orbs function). We recommend not using these casually, or on items that you aren’t planning to use. Exalted Orbs are generally reserved for high-level crafting methods and are best used by players who know what they are doing.
Additionally, they may be used for Vendors, the Map Device or other unknown mechanics. These may also end up being a high-value Currency for trading with other players depending on their usefulness.
14. Divine Orb
Divine Orbs, also known as Divines are an advanced currency item that can be used to randomize the affix values on items to possibly improve them. For example, if there is a Unique item that can roll between +1 to +5% to Maximum Resistances, and you find that item with +1% to Maximum Resistances, using a Divine Orb would reroll that value, as well as any other modifiers with value ranges on that item, potentially improving it.
15. Mirror of Kalandra
While the Mirror of Kalandra was not confirmed yet to be part of Path of Exile 2’s list of currencies, it is one of the most rare, sought-after and iconic items in the entire PoE universe. The logos for both PoE 1 and PoE 2 are based on this item, which just goes to show the importance of this item, and most probably great proof that it will be obtainable in PoE 2 as well.
If you manage to find a Mirror of Kalandra, we recommend not using it unless you absolutely know what you are doing. Mirrors are insanely powerful and rare items, with players from the first game who have over 10000 hours of gameplay having never found one.
Historically, in PoE 1, Mirrors of Kalandra were used by players to duplicate close-to-perfect items which were crafted over hundreds of hours by very experienced crafters. These items generally were under 1% off perfect total stats, often being considered as BiS or high-end upgrades for any build.
What is considered an exotic currency?
We can consider exotic currencies any item that is tied to a specific league mechanic and has drop restrictions tied to that league as well. These were introduced over time together with new leagues and provide a variety of effects in crafting or enhancing your maps or character.
Exotic PoE 2 Currency List
In the following part of our Path of Exile 2 currency guide, we will list all available exotic currencies and their effects on items:
1. Essences
Essences are an exotic crafting currency that allows players to upgrade a normal item to magic with a stat from a specific category guaranteed to roll on the item. Additionally, there will also be Essences that allow you to upgrade a magic item to rare with a guaranteed mod.
These can be obtained by defeating frozen monsters, which can be randomly found in any of your maps.
2. Catalysts
Catalysts are the Breach-related crafting currency, which can be used to alter the Quality of rings or amulets to enhance certain modifier types. These can randomly drop when defeating Breach monsters, with a variety of Catalysts being present in the game.
3. Distilled Emotions
Distilled Emotions can be used to instill amulets with a Notable from the Passive Tree. This allows you to essentially gain a free skill point and come with the advantage that you don't have to path towards that node on your Passive Tree.
Distilled Emotions can be obtained either as random drops from Delirium monsters or as rewards for reaching thresholds when inside the Delirium fog.
4. Omens
Omens allow players to alter the crafting effects of other currencies, especially for meta-crafting. One example of an Omen's effect is "your next Exalted Orb will only add Prefix modifiers".
You can obtain Omens by interacting with the Ritual league mechanic. Players will have to defeat monsters near Ritual altars, after which they can open the Favours screen, from which they can purchase Omens and other items.
Removed Currency Items in PoE 2
There will be many more currency items in Path of Exile 2, but we are still determining which have been included and their function. Quality-improving Currencies will return in the form of Blacksmith’s Whetstones and Armourer’s Scraps. Still, there hasn’t been confirmation of the return of items like Gemcutter’s Prisms or Cartographer’s Chisels. We will update the guide once we know what is in the game.
Here are some of the currency items that have been confirmed to be removed in Path of Exile 2:
- Orb of Alteration - reforges a Magic item with new modifiers
- Orb of Fusing - reforges the links of an item, which will not be needed as sockets will be automatically linked in PoE 2
- Chromatic Orb - reforges the colours of sockets on an item. All socket colours in Path of Exile 2 will be White, meaning they will no longer need to be recoloured
- Orb of Scouring - removes all modifiers from a Magic or Rare item and reverts it to Normal Rarity. These are apparently not going to be present in PoE 2, but we suspect this may change as they are a foundational part of crafting in PoE 1
How to get PoE 2 Currency fast. Best money making methods
The fastest ways to get currency in Path of Exile 2 are:
- Speed farming high-tier juiced maps
- Crafting items used in popular builds
- Trading sought-after items to other players
- Flipping items for profit
As you can see, obtaining currency in Path of Exile 2 can be done in multiple ways, each with its benefits and negatives. Depending on the currency you want to acquire, specific farming methods may outshine others, or a combination of various strategies could be best.
In this chapter of our guide, we will briefly go through each way you can obtain currency, outline the pros and cons of each method, and give a few tips, tricks, and recommendations on the fastest ways to acquire large amounts of currency quickly.
Path of Exile 2 Currency Drop Rates
The drop rate of various currencies in Path of Exile 2 depends on multiple factors, such as the content you are farming and the currency you are trying to obtain. For example, Orbs of Transmutation are pretty common at any point in the game, Chaos Orbs are rare during the campaign, and Divines are close to impossible to obtain unless you are farming in the end-game.
To give a summary and clear up any confusion you may have in regard to currency drop rates, we will provide a table detailing the drop rate of the main currencies depending on what point of the game you are currently situated at:
Currency | Campaign Drop Rate | End-game Drop Rate |
Chaos Orbs | One once every couple of areas | Multiple orbs dropped per map |
Orbs of Annulment | ||
Exalted Orbs | Rare drop, chances to not find any during the entire campaign | Fairly rare, depending on the farming strategy you can find one every 10-15 maps |
Divine Orbs | ||
Mirror of Kalandra | Close to impossible to drop during the campaign, consider yourself extremely lucky if you manage to acquire one before you unlock maps | Extremely rare drop, can take thousands of maps using the best farming strategies for one to drop |
Path of Exile 2 Currency Vendor Recipes
In the first game, we had certain “recipes” you could perform by trading specific sets of items at vendors in order to receive a particular currency. These will not be part of Path of Exile 2, and instead will be replaced by vendors offering better prices when selling your items to them in town.
Farming is one of the main ways of acquiring currency in Path of Exile 2 and generally covers a wide variety of strategies to acquire currency. This can range from farming end-game content like maps or Pinnacle bosses to more complex strategies, like providing services for other players on communities in exchange for in-game currency, such as leveling, boss kills, or completing various challenges or achievements.
Farming by yourself or with a group of friends for currency is the most consistent method, as you are not tied to waiting around for other players like you would be if you were to provide services or try to trade and flip items. For farming maps, it’s generally recommended to do it in a group of friends or alone, and while farming bosses, you can always look to carry others for some additional currency during your runs.
Crafting is one of the most profitable avenues for making currency in Path of Exile 2. This is tied in very closely with trading, as the price of crafting materials and certain items will affect your profit margins, so understanding the market is a requirement for making currency through this method in PoE 2.
When it comes to crafting, this can generally be split up into two main categories: crafting items to sell them for profit directly, or the more advanced method, crafting mirror-tier items and then listing them up in “mirror shops” of various communities, where players can use a Mirror of Kalandra alongside paying a tax to create a copy of your item.
While both methods are viable, crafting mirror-tier items is better in the long run and provides a constant stream of currency but requires a large initial investment. In contrast, smaller crafts that you can resell for profit are better on a low budget and can provide constant income but require investing time for each craft consistently.
Trading can be a very profitable avenue if you enjoy keeping track of prices and understand how markets work, being able to make suitable investments in certain currencies or items that will grow in value.
Similar to real-life trading, this can be split into two different types of trading: flipping and long-term investing. Long-term investing consists of purchasing uniques or expensive currencies at a lower price, then selling them after some time to gain profit, while flipping consists of buying items or currencies at a lower price than the market and then reselling quickly for a small profit margin.
While long-term investing is self-intuitive, flipping can have multiple avenues you can venture into, which we will briefly cover in the following subchapter of our guide.
Flipping Currency for profit
Flipping currency for profit is one of the best ways to make currency through trading, as you will constantly and quickly sell back anything you buy for a small profit margin. This can be done by purchasing various crafting currencies under market price and then reselling at a marginally higher price. The more currencies you venture into buying, the more profit you will make per hour, as you are covering multiple markets.
If you don’t have the time to farm, craft gear, or trade to earn currency, buying currency items from various third-party service providers is always a solution. While this is in the grey area regarding the rules from GGG, purchasing currency from shady websites or orbs obtained through botting may get your Path of Exile account suspended.
PoE 2 Currency Exchange Market
The Path of Exile 2 currency exchange market is a in-game auction house where players can instantly exchange one type of currency into another based on the best offers available from other players. This is the best and fastest way to stock up on various crafting materials and is a far better system than face-to-face trading, like in the prequel.
How much does each currency value?
Since the game has yet to be released, and we barely have any information on many of the in-game systems, like end-game activities, trading, crafting, gearing, etc,, it is hard to say which currencies will be the most valuable ones. Having a good understanding of how all these parts of the game work is essential in estimating the value of any item in the game.
As soon as the game releases and we manage to take a glance at the mechanics and how the gearing and crafting systems work, we will update this part of our guide with relevant information to give you an overview of the PoE 2 currency values.
Best PoE 2 Currency
Deciding which currency from Path of Exile 2 is the best is very simple, as PoE 2 currency scales in rarity directly related to the power and usefulness of the item. Based on this factor, the best currency in the game is the Mirror of Kalandra.
Path of Exile 2 Currency Tier List
When creating a tier list regarding Path of Exile 2 currency, there are many factors you can take into consideration as criteria for listing the currencies. In the tier list we present to you below, the main factors we take into consideration will be a combination of usefulness and rarity:
Tier | Currency |
S | Mirror of Kalandra |
A | Exalted Orb, Divine Orb |
B | Orb of Annulment, Chaos Orb, Regal Orb, Alchemy Orb |
C | Orb of Transmutation |
D | Orb of Chance, Orb of Augmentation |
Best Currency for Trading in Path of Exile 2
The best currency for trading in Path of Exile 2 will probably be the Divine, Exalted, or Chaos Orbs. Based on previous experience from Path of Exile 1 and the effects of these currencies, alongside how rare they are, they will be the main contenders as currency for trading.
Depending on how the crafting and gearing system changes, they may be worth more or less than in the first game, but there’s a high chance the hierarchy will stay the same, with Mirrors of Kalandra being a premium currency rarely used for trading and Divines or Chaos orbs being the main focus of the trading world.
Best Currency for Crafting in PoE 2
Naming a single currency as the best for crafting in Path of Exile 2 is close to impossible. Due to how items and crafting work, in most cases, you can expect a variety of currencies to be used together for any craft.
Considering this, we will refrain from naming a single currency as the best one for crafting and instead categorize Chaos Orbs, Divine Orbs, Exalted Orbs, and Orbs of Annulment as the most useful crafting currencies in Path of Exile 2.
What is the rarest currency in PoE 2?
The rarest currency in Path of Exile 2 is the Mirror of Kalandra. This item is one of the rarest possible drops in the game, with many players having spent 10.000 hours or more and have never seen a single one drop. The power of the item is directly tied to its rarity, being able to create a perfect copy of any other item in the game.
Generally speaking, players tend to use this item to create copies of almost perfect items (also known as mirror-tier items), alongside paying a small tax and saving a generous amount of currency, as a perfect item in PoE 2 can take 3 or more mirrors worth of currency to craft alone.
What is a basic currency in PoE 2?
Basic currencies are items not tied to any league mechanic and have no drop restrictions. These are all part of the base game and generally provide a variety of crafting-related outcomes on use.
Are Mirrors of Kalandra basic currency?
Yes, Mirrors of Kalandra are considered basic currencies since they can drop from any monster or league mechanic.
How to farm currency fast in PoE 2?
Farming currency in Path of Exile 2 is as simple as doing end-game content such as maps or bosses, then trading the drops with other players in exchange for the commonly used currencies for trading at the time.
Can you make money flipping currency in Path of Exile 2?
Yes, you can make money flipping currency in Path of Exile 2. Buying at a price lower than the current market value and then reselling a bit higher guarantees you a margin of profit on any purchase or sale of currency you make.
What is a premium stash tab?
Premium stash tabs are a variant of stash tabs that were historically used in PoE 1 to list items on the trade website. Due to the changes that are coming to trading in Path of Exile 2, we do not know exactly what their use will be in the sequel.
Do you need premium stash tabs to trade in PoE 2?
Since trading in Path of Exile 2 is receiving a rework compared to the system from the first game, we are currently unsure if premium stash tabs will be required to trade with other players. As soon as we find out more information about trading and premium stash tabs, we will update this part of our guide with the proper information on the utility of premium tabs.
We designed our PoE 2 Currency Guide to help you understand how currency works in Path of Exile 2 and its purpose in the game. Our overview of each currency, tips and tricks for farming, and insights into the rarities and values of each currency will help you understand the value of items and improve the profit of your farming sessions easily.
Hopefully, at this point, you have learned the best ways to make money in Path of Exile 2 and your currency issues will be gone forever.
Related Guides
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