Subtlety Rogue 10.2.7 Guide

rogue subtlety guide


Welcome to our guide on the Subtlety Specialization for the Rogue Class in WoW Dragonflight patch 10.2.7! This article covers everything regarding the Subtlety spec, such as the leveling, gearing, and min-maxing your Rogue for the most challenging PvE content in World of Warcraft - Mythic Raiding and Mythic+ Dungeons.

First, we'll check out the specialization's particularities and see why the Subtlety Rogue is one of the best specs in Dragonflight, Season 4. Then you'll learn how to gear your Subtlety Rogue, what stats to prioritize, and the best leveling spec, talents, and rotation that will get you to max level in no time.

Finally, we'll go deep into min-maxing your character for the end-game content and teach you what gear to use for Mythic Raiding and Mythic Plus dungeons. By the end of the guide, you will become a master of Rogue's Subtlety specialization! Sounds good, right? Let's get started!

Table of Contents

  • Subtlety Rogues: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • How to gear a Subtlety Rogue
  • How to level a Subtlety Rogue. Subtlety Rogue leveling tips
  • Best Subtlety Rogue talents for end-game content
  • Subtlety Rogue in Dragonflight - FAQ

Subtlety Rogue in Dragonflight: Strengths and Weaknesses

In World of Warcraft, the Rogue class comes with three DPS specializations: Outlaw, Subtlety, and Assassination. The rogue's spending resource is called Energy. All three specializations revolve around a fast-paced melee-oriented playstyle.

The Subtlety Rogue represents one of the best DPS classes for Mythic Dungeons and Mythic Raiding in Dragonflight Season 4. The Subtlety spec excels in providing high damage with the rogue's finisher abilities, in both single-target and multi-target encounters.

In terms of weapons, the Subtlety Rogue uses any combination of daggers, fist weapons, one-handed axes, maces, and swords. Though, many abilities and passives essentially require you to use two daggers. As for raid gear, rogues share the Vanquisher Tier Token with Death Knights, Mages, and Druids for legacy content. In the Dragonflight's latest expansion, the Awakened raid, the rogue shares the Zenith Tier Token with Monks, Warriors, and Evokers.

In the table below, we present the Subtlety Rogue's strengths and weaknesses:

Advantages Disadvantages
+ Great single-target damage - Lack of burst AoE damage and Cleave
+ Sustained AoE damage - Low damage outside main cooldowns
+ Great mobility and group utility
+ Powerful defensive cooldowns

How to gear a Subtlety Rogue

In World of Warcraft, gearing is one of the most important aspects that enhances your character's overall performance by providing massive amounts of stats, armor, procs, and set bonuses. This guide will teach you how to properly gear up for the most challenging content in WoW Dragonflight, Mythic Raiding, and Mythic+ Dungeons.

We'll start with the basics and cover the Subtlety Rogue's stats priority, check out the tier set bonuses, and finally, the best in slot gear you can get from mythic raids and dungeons.

Subtlety Rogue stat priority

Regardless of the class and spec you roll into in World of Warcraft, the stats are a key component when gearing up and min-maxing your character for the end-game content. Subtlety Rogues wear Leather gear with Agility as the main stat.

As a rogue, the Agility stat increases the attack power of your abilities, in other words - the damage you are dealing to the enemies. Also, please note that a higher and adequate item level will better impact your character's performance than a perfect stat distribution, so always keep an eye on the gear's item level!

Subtlety Rogue's stats priority looks like this:

  • 1. Agility
  • 2. Mastery
  • 3. Versatility
  • 4. Critical Strike
  • 5. Haste

So, as a Subtlety Rogue, you will primarily value item level for Agility as the primary stat, then Mastery, followed by Versatility, Critical Strike, and Haste as secondary stats.

In other words: Agility > Mastery > Versatility > Critical Strike > Haste. And here's why:

Agility: Increases your attack power and, therefore, all the damage you are dealing to your enemies

Mastery: Increases the damage of your finisher abilities

Versatility: Increases damage dealt and reduces damage taken

Critical Strike: Increases the chances of dealing double damage with your attacks

Haste: Increases your attack speed and your energy regen rate

Subtlety Rogue Tier Set Bonus

To start with, what is a tier set in World of Warcraft?

In WoW, a tier set is a unique class armor set with powerful 2-set and 4-set specific bonuses for each specialization of that particular class. Tier set bonuses change based on the character's active talent specialization, ensuring that the bonus is appropriate and useful to that spec.

So, to recap, tier sets are unique pieces of armor that, when equipped simultaneously, provide you with a bonus, different for each spec of the chosen class. This bonus is based on the number of pieces from the set you have equipped, with most tier sets providing bonuses when equipping 2 or 4 pieces.

How to get the Subtlety Rogue Tier Set in Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7

There are three ways you can get tier set items in WoW in the Dragonflight expansion:

  • Awakened Raids: You can get tier set items found as class tokens from specific bosses in the Dragonflight Awakened Raids.
  • Revival Catalyst: You can craft Tier armor from non-set pieces of the same item level using the Revival Catalyst crafting system.
  • Great Vault: You can obtain tier set items from all activities that typically reward Great Vault, such as raiding, Mythic+ dungeons, and PvP.

The fastest way to obtain tier set items is to take advantage of these three sources that can reward you with the Subtlety Rogue Tier Set items. The best advice is to complete the Awakened raid weekly - this is probably the fastest way to get your hands on the desired tier armor. In case you don't have a team to raid with, complete some Mythic+ Dungeons or some PvP matches.

Mythic dungeons and PvP are highly beneficial because even if you can't drop the set items while participating in these activities, you increase the chances of getting your set items at the Great Vault or the Revival Catalyst console in Thaldraszus. At the revival catalyst console, you can convert the non-set pieces obtained in dungeons or PvP into tier set items.

Let's have a closer look at the Great Vault feature:

great vault

And this is what the Revival Catalyst looks like:

revival catalyst >

Back to our Subtlety Rogue Tier Set. Now that you learned how to obtain the tier set, let's see some set bonuses and particularities, shall we?

The Subtlety Rogue Tier set is called Lucid Shadewalker's Silence. It comes with the following bonuses for two pieces and four pieces equipped:

  • 2-Set: Using Eviscerate, Rupture, or Black Powder has a chance to summon a shadow clone to echo your finishing move for 70% additional Shadow damage.
  • 4-Set: Your shadow clones deal 20% increased damage with all attacks and grant you 2 combo points per clone when summoned.

In the table below, we present you the sources for Subtlety Rogue Tier Set items:

Slot Tier Piece Source
Helm Lurking Specter's Visage Raszageth / Magmorax / Tindral Sageswift
Shoulders Lurking Specter's Shoulderblades Broodkeeper Diurna / Neltharion / Smolderon
Chest Lurking Specter's Brigandine Kurog Grimtotem / Zskarn / Nymue
Gloves Lurking Specter's Handgrips Dathea, Ascended / Forgotten Experiments / Igira the Cruel
Legs Lurking Specter's Tights Sennarth / Rashok / Larodar, Keeper of the Flame

The remaining tier set items (Cloak, Wrists, Waist, and Boots) can be obtained by using the Revival Catalyst in Thaldraszus.

As previously stated, you unlock the tier set bonuses for your Subtlety Rogue when you equip any two or four pieces of the Lucid Shadewalker's Silence set. Your four pieces of tier set as a Subtlety Rogue will be the Gloves, Shoulders, Chest, and Legs for itemization and build optimization.

Raid Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Subtlety Rogues

In the table below, you can find the best item to use in each slot from the raids as a Subtlety Rogue:

Slot Item Name Encounter
Helm Lurking Specter's Visage Raszageth / Magmorax / Tindral Sageswift
Neck Magmorax's Fourth Collar Magmorax
Shoulders Lurking Specter's Shoulderblades Broodkeeper Diurna / Neltharion / Smolderon
Cloak Voice of the Silent Star Scalecommander Sarkareth
Chest Lurking Specter's Brigandine Kurog Grimtotem / Zskarn / Nymue
Wrists Primordial Serpent's Bindings Volcoross
Gloves Lurking Specter's Handgrips Dathea, Ascended / Forgotten Experiments / Igira the Cruel
Waist Fused Shale Waistband Terros
Legs Lurking Specter's Tights Sennarth / Rashok / Larodar, Keeper of the Flame
Boots Flamebound Huntsman's Footpads BoE - Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Ring #1 Seal of Diurna's Chosen Eranog
Ring #2 Signet of the Last Elder Igira the Cruel
Trinket #1 Ashes of the Embersoul Smolderon
Trinket #2 Spiteful Storm Raszageth
Main Hand Cruel Dreamcarver Igira the Cruel
Off Hand Fang of the Sundered Flame Scalecommander Sarkareth

Mythic+ Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Subtlety Rogues

In the table below, you can find the best item to use in each slot from the Mythic+ Dungeons as a Subtlety Rogue:

Slot Item Name Location
Helm Lurking Specter's Visage Catalyst
Neck Custodian's Medallion of Delusion The Azure Vault
Shoulders Lurking Specter's Shoulderblades Catalyst
Cloak Lurking Specter's Capelet Catalyst
Chest Lurking Specter's Brigandine Catalyst
Belt Watcher's Clasp of Purpose Halls of Infusion
Gloves Lurking Specter's Handgrips Catalyst
Wrist Ferocious Hyena Hidebinders Brackenhide Hollow
Legs Lurking Specter's Tights Catalyst
Boots Treads of the Swift Uldaman
Ring #1 Bloodied Wedding Ring Brackenhide Hollow
Ring #2 Scalebane Signet Neltharus
Trinket #1 Irideus Fragment Halls of Infusion
Trinket #2 Accelerating Sandglass Dawn of the Infinite
Main Hand Croaking Dagger Halls of Infusion
Off Hand Nick of Time Dawn of the Infinite

Best in Slot (BiS) Trinkets for Subtlety Rogues

The best Subtlety Rogue trinkets for end-game content are:

Tier Item Name Drop Location
S Ashes of the Embersoul Smolderon
S Manic Grieftorch Broodkeeper Diurna
A Irideus Fragment Halls of Infusion
A Spiteful Storm Raszageth
A Cataclysmic Signet Brand Smolderon
A Storm-Eater's Boon Dathea, Ascended
A Neltharion's Call to Suffering Neltharion
A Whispering Incarnate Icon Kadros Icewrath - Prime Council
A Ominous Chromatic Essence Neldris - Forbidden Experiments
A Controlled Current Technique Kurog Grimtotem
A Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser Zskarn
A Globe of Jagged Ice Halls of Infusion
B Algeth'ar Puzzle Box Algeth'ar Academy
B Coiled Serpent Idol Volcoross
B Accelerating Sandglass Dawn of the Infinite
B Ruby Whelp Shell Ruby Life Pools
B Frenzying Signoll Flare Brackenhide Hollow
B Mutated Magmammoth Scale Neltharus
B Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows Dawn of the Infinite
C Bottle of Spiraling Winds The Nokhud Offensive
C Erupting Spear Fragment Neltharus
D Homeland Raid Horn Uldaman

This wraps up everything you should know about gearing your Subtlety Rogue: the stats priority, how to obtain the tier set, and what items to use in the end-game activities. Moving on to the next section of our guide, we'll teach you how to level your Subtlety Rogue in Dragonflight patch 10.2.7. Sounds good, right? Let's dive in!

How to level a Subtlety Rogue. Subtlety Rogues leveling tips

Before leveling your Subtlety Rogue, you must first create and customize the character. That brings us to the first question: what race should you go for when creating the character? Let's find out, shall we?

Best Subtlety Rogue Races

When it comes to racials, with so many options to choose from, you are probably wondering what would be the best race for your rogue. In World of Warcraft, each race has different racial abilities and spells, but no races offer an immediate advantage compared to others regarding the Subtlety spec. I highly recommend choosing the race you like the most, aesthetically speaking.

However, in the table below, you can see the top 10 best races for Subtlety Rogues based on performance gain:

Race Performance Gain
Mechagnome +1.27%
Void Elf +1.19%
Dwarf +1.11%
Human +0.93%
Night Elf +0.91%
Gnome +0.75%
Blood Elf +0.74%
Worgen +0.59%
Zandalari Troll Paku +0.53%
Vulpera +0.53%

Now, if you want to make an idea of what race players generally choose for their Subtlety Rogues:

  • For Alliance: Night Elf, Human, Gnome, and Mechagnome.
  • For Horde: Orc and Blood Elf.

Best Subtlety Rogue Leveling Talents and Rotation in Dragonflight 10.2.7

The best talents to use while leveling to level 60 as a Subtlety Rogue are:

leveling talents

Now let's check out how you should prioritize your abilities. Here is what most people consider to be the best single-target and multi-target rotations for Subtlety Rogues:

Subtlety Rogue Single Target Rotation

  • Your opening strike should always be initiated from Stealth. Use Shadowstrike to unleash this opening salvo.
  • Let's understand how to use Subtlety abilities in regards to the health pool of a specific enemy. If facing a tough enemy with a significant health bar, apply Rupture first. This DoT (Damage over Time) effect helps wear down their health over time. While for enemies with less health, prioritize Eviscerate. This finisher deals significant upfront damage.
  • Symbols of Death and Shadow Dance are your big damage cooldowns. However, use them wisely. Don't waste Symbols of Death on a nearly dead enemy. It's better to hold onto it for the next strong opponent to maximize its impact. The same goes for Shadow Dance. If the enemy has a large health pool remaining, unleash this burst window to maximize your damage output.
  • During Shadow Dance, prioritize using Shadowstrike to quickly generate Combo Points. Once you have 5 or more Combo Points, cut your enemies with Eviscerate for maximum damage.
  • If you want to build more Combo Points (your abilities resource, to recap) when Shadow Dance is on cooldown, use Backstab or Gloomblade to generate Combo Points.
  • If talented into Secret Technique, use it whenever you have 5 or more Combo Points. This powerful finisher offers a significant damage boost.
  • If Secret Technique is unavailable, use Eviscerate when you reach 5 Combo Points.

Subtlety Rogue AoE Rotation

    The main difference between the single target and multi target rotation is the use of Shuriken Storm as your main combo builder and Black Powder as your main finishing move. Finishers can also be used a bit more dynamically. It could be that using Eviscerate instead of Shuriken Storm is better to funnel damage into one big target. Applying Rupture to multiple targets is a strong option too if you fight multiple strong enemies at once.

  • While Black Powder is your go-to AoE finisher, the situation might call for adjustments. If there's a priority target within the group, consider using Eviscerate instead of Shuriken Storm to focus damage on that enemy. And if you face a large pack of enemies, apply Rupture to spread its DoT (Damage over Time) effect and wear them down efficiently.
  • Just like single-target encounters, initiate the fight from Stealth for a damage bonus. Use Shadowstrike to unleash your opening salvo and to generate Combo Points.
  • If the priority enemy has a significant health bar, apply Rupture first. For less healthy enemies, prioritize Black Powder for maximum AoE damage.
  • During Shadow Dance, use Shadowstrike to generate Combo Points on up to 3 targets simultaneously. When facing 3 or more enemies, use Shuriken Storm to efficiently build Combo Points. Once you have 5 or more Combo Points, use Black Powder for maximum AoE damage.
  • When Shadow Dance is on cooldown, make your count on Shuriken Storm for generating Combo Points.
  • Once you have 5 or more Combo Points outside Shadow Dance, use Black Powder as your primary AoE finisher.

Subtlety Rogues are generally aggressive with cooldown usage, but some cooldowns require more planning. Your simplest cooldown which can be used whenever it's ready is Symbols of Death. Shadow Blades offers a strong 20-second valuable cooldown making it valuable against tougher enemies in a burst composition. Ideally, use Shadow Dance cooldown alongside Symbols of Death to maximize your burst damage. However, don't hold onto it if charges are about to cap. Don't waste Shadow Dance on enemies about to die. It increases Combo Point generation, which can reduce cooldown timers – wasted potential on a nearly dead target. Prioritize using Shadow Dance on strong enemies where its burst damage can make a significant impact. The ideal scenario is Shadow Dance followed by a Finishing Move and then other cooldowns to maximize the damage window. Some very simple cooldowns to use are: Echoing Reprimand, Sepsis and Cold Blood. Still, the best ability to use alongside Shadow Dance is Secret Technique. Feel free to use Goremaw's Bite whenever you can and don't forget to generate more Combo Points while using Thistle Tea. Is the best to use while you are low on energy.

Follow the rotations, and you'll get to max level in no time! Now that we've covered the leveling part, it's time to move on to the end-game.

In the next section of our Subtlety Rogue Guide, we'll present the best talents to use for PvE end-game content, such as raiding and Mythic+ dungeons. In the end game, it's crucial to use the right talents and prioritize the skills you use depending on the activity. Choosing the best talents will significantly impact your performance as a DPS!

Best Subtlety Rogue End-game Talents

From the PvE perspective, there are two main end-game activities we'll take into consideration: Mythic raiding and Mythic+ Dungeons. We'll treat them separately to keep things clear and avoid confusion.

Best Talents for Mythic Raiding in Season 4 (patch 10.2.7)

In the picture below, you can see the best talents for mythic raiding as a Subtlety Rogue:

Raid Invigorating build:


Raid Dark Brew build:

dark brew

Best Talents for Mythic+ Dungeons in Season 4 (patch 10.2.7)

As a Subtlety Rogue, these are the talents you should use to maximize your damage in M+ Dungeons:

M+ Burst build:

mythic burst

M+ Dark Brew build:

mythic dark brew

M+ Invigorating build:

mythic invigorating

Subtlety Rogues in Dragonflight - FAQ

1. Are Subtlety Rogues good in Dragonflight 10.2.7?

Yes, Subtlety Rogue represents one of the best specs in WoW Dragonflight in Season 4.

2. Is Subtlety Rogue easy to play?

Not really. The Subtlety Rogue specialization qualifies as one of the medium-to-hard specs to play in WoW Dragonflight.

3. What is the stats priority for Subtlety Rogues?

The stats priority for Rogue's Subtlety specialization looks like this: Agility > Mastery > Versatility > Critical Strike > Haste.

4. Which rogue spec is best for leveling in 10.2.7?

The Outlaw Rogue Specialization is the best spec for rogue leveling, especially for beginners.

5. What is the best race for Subtlety Rogues in Dragonflight?

  • Alliance's best Subtlety Rogue races are Mechagnome, Night Elf, Dwarf, and Human.
  • For Horde, the best Subtlety Rogue races are Blood Elf and Orc.

Final thoughts

This wraps up everything you should know regarding the Rogue's Subtlety specialization in World of Warcraft Dragonflight for Season 4, patch 10.2.7. By reading this guide, you should now better understand the Subtlety Rogues' spec and particularities and how they perform in certain circumstances and different end-game activities. It's one of the best DPS specs in Dragonflight, so you should definitely try it!

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