Vengeance Demon Hunter 10.2.7 Guide

This guide presents an in-depth view of the Demon Hunter's Vengeance specialization in WoW Dragonflight patch 10.2.7! You will learn everything about the spec, such as how to gear, prepare, and then min-max your tank DH for the most challenging PvE content in World of Warcraft, Season 4.
First, we'll check out the specialization's particularities and see if the Vengeance Demon Hunter is one of the best tanks in Dragonflight' latest season. Then you'll learn how to gear your demon hunter as a tank, what stats to prioritize, and the best talents and rotations for different circumstances.
Finally, we'll discuss min-maxing your character for the end-game content and teach you what gear to use for Mythic Raiding and Mythic Plus dungeons. By the end of the guide, you will become a master of the Vengeance DH spec! Sounds good, right? Let's get started!
Table of Contents
- Vengeance Demon Hunters: Strengths and Weaknesses
- Vengeance Demon Hunter Stat Priority
- How to gear your Vengeance DH
- Vengeance Demon Hunter Rotations
- Best Vengeance DH talents for Mythic Raiding and Dungeons
- Vengeance DH in Dragonflight - FAQ
Vengeance Demon Hunters in Dragonflight: Strengths and Weaknesses
In World of Warcraft, the demon hunter class has 2 specializations: Havoc and Vengeance. The Vengeance Demon Hunters serve the tank role and use Fury as their spending resource.
In World of Warcraft, tanks have a major responsibility: they use their abilities to absorb damage and prevent their allies from being attacked. The Vengeance DH represents one of the mediocre tank specs for Mythic Dungeons and Mythic Raiding in Dragonflight Season 4. Like death knights, they can heal based on damage taken and come with a mix of damage reduction, self-healing, high mobility, and enemy control.
Regarding weapons, the Vengeance Demon Hunter uses warglaives, swords, axes, and fist weapons. As for raid gear, demon hunters share the Conqueror Tier Token with Paladins, Priests, and Warlocks for legacy content. In the Dragonflight's latest expansion Awakened raids, they share the Dreadful Tier Token with Death Knights and Warlocks.
In the table below, we present the strengths and weaknesses of the Vengeance specialization:
Advantages | Disadvantages |
+ Powerful opening burst & frequently usable cooldowns | - Lower active mitigation uptime compared to other tanks |
+ Great mobility & group utility | - High avoidance, dodge, parry and consistent damage |
+ Amazing solo capability and knockback avoidant | |
- No universal damage reduction and no heal on environmental damage |
Vengeance Demon Hunter Races
As a Demon Hunter, you are restricted to being either the Night Elf race (Alliance) or Blood Elf race (Horde).
Vengeance Demon Hunter stat priority
Regardless of the class and spec you roll into in World of Warcraft, the stats are a key component when gearing up and min-maxing your character for the end-game content. Vengeance Demon Hunters wear Leather gear with Agility as the main stat.
As a demon hunter, the Agility stat increases the armor and the attack power, in other words - the damage you are dealing to your enemies. Also, please note that a higher and adequate item level will better impact your character's performance than a perfect stat distribution, so always keep an eye on the gear's item level!
Vengeance Demon Hunter Stats priority for Mythic Raiding and Dungeons
- 1. Agility
- 2. Haste
- 3. Critical Strike
- 4. Versatility
- 5. Mastery
So, as a Vengeance DH, you will primarily value item level for Agility as the primary stat, then Haste, followed by Critical Strike, Versatility, and Mastery as secondary stats.
In other words: Agility > Haste > Critical Strike > Versatility > Mastery.
Vengeance DH Stats Breakthrough
Agility: Increases your attack power and damage dealt with your skills
Haste: Increases the proc rates for your skills and decreases your cooldowns
Critical Strike: Increases your chance to crit, doubling both damage and healing done
Mastery: Increases the attack power and the amount of agility converted into armor
Versatility: Increases healing and damage dealt and reduces damage taken
Moving on to the next chapter, we will focus on how to gear your demon hunter as a tank, the tier set, and best-in-slot items for mythic raiding and mythic dungeons.
How to gear your Vengeance Demon Hunter
In World of Warcraft, gearing is one of the most important aspects that enhances your character's overall performance by providing massive amounts of stats, armor, procs, and set bonuses. This guide will teach you how to properly gear up for the most challenging content in WoW Dragonflight, Mythic Raiding, and Mythic+ Dungeons.
Vengeance DH Tier Set Bonus
To start with, what is a tier set in World of Warcraft?
In WoW, a tier set is a unique class armor set with powerful 2-set and 4-set specific bonuses for each specialization of that particular class. Tier set bonuses change based on the character's active talent specialization, ensuring that the bonus is appropriate and useful to that spec.
So, to recap, tier sets are unique pieces of armor that, when equipped simultaneously, provide you with a bonus, different for each spec of the chosen class. This bonus is based on the number of pieces from the set you have equipped, with most tier sets providing bonuses when equipping 2 or 4 pieces.
How to get the Vengeance Demon Hunter Tier Set in Dragonflight patch 10.2.7
There are three ways you can get tier set items in WoW in the Dragonflight expansion:
- Awakened Raids: You can get tier set items found as class tokens from specific bosses in the Dragonflight Awakened Raids.
- Revival Catalyst: You can craft Tier armor from non-set pieces of the same item level using the Revival Catalyst crafting system.
- Great Vault: You can obtain tier set items from all activities that typically reward Great Vault, such as raiding, Mythic+ dungeons, and PvP.
The fastest way to obtain tier set items is to take advantage of these three sources that can reward you with the Vengeance Demon Hunter Tier Set items. The best advice is to complete the VotI raid weekly - this is probably the fastest way to get your hands on the desired tier armor. In case you don't have a team to raid with, complete some Mythic+ Dungeons or some PvP matches.
Mythic dungeons and PvP are highly beneficial because even if you can't drop the set items while participating in these activities, you increase the chances of getting your set items at the Great Vault or the Revival Catalyst console in Thaldraszus. At the revival catalyst console, you can convert the non-set pieces obtained in dungeons or PvP into tier set items.
Let's have a closer look at the Great Vault feature:

And this is what the Revival Catalyst looks like:

Back to our Vengeance Demon Hunter Tier Set. Now that you learned how to obtain the tier set, let's see some set bonuses and particularities, shall we?
The demon hunter tier set is called Screaming Torchfiend's Brutality. For the Vengeance spec, it comes with the following bonuses for two pieces and four pieces equipped:
- 2-Set:2-SetFiery Resolve - When you attack a target afflicted by Sigil of Flame damage and healing are increased by 2% and your Stamina is increased by 2% for 8 seconds, stacking up to 5.
- 4-Set - Sigil of Flame's periodic damage has a chance to flare up, shattering an additional Soul Fragment from a darget and dealing (60.72% of Attack Power) additional damage. Each 40 Fury you spend reduces its cooldown by 1.0 seconds..
In the table below, we present you the sources for Vengeance Demon Hunter Tier Set items:
Slot | Tier Piece | Source |
Helm | Skybound Avenger's Visor | Raszageth, Magmorax, Tindral Sageswift |
Shoulders | Skybound Avenger's Ailerons | Broodkeeper Diurna, Echo of Neltharion, Smolderon |
Chest | Skybound Avenger's Harness | Kurog Grimtotem, Zskarn, Nymue |
Gloves | Skybound Avenger's Grips | Dathea, Forgotten Experiments, Igira the Cruel |
Legs | Skybound Avenger's Legguards | Sennarth, Rashok, Larodar |
The remaining tier set items (Cloak, Wrists, Waist, and Boots) can be obtained by using the Revival Catalyst in Thaldraszus.
As previously stated, you unlock the tier set bonuses for your DH when you equip any two or four pieces of the Screaming Torchfiend's Brutality set. For itemization and build optimization, your four pieces of tier set as a Vengeance Demon Hunter will be the Gloves, Shoulder, Chest, and Legs.
Raid Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Vengeance Demon Hunters
In the table below, you can find the best item to use in each slot from the raid as a Vengeance DH:
Mythic+ Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Vengeance Demon Hunters
In the table below, you can find the best item to use in each slot from the Mythic+ Dungeons as a Vengeance DH:
Best in Slot (BiS) Trinkets for Vengeance Demon Hunters
The best Vengeance Demon Hunter trinkets for end-game content are:
This wraps up everything you should know about gearing your Vengeance DH: the stats priority, how to obtain the tier set, and what items to use in the end-game activities. Moving on to the next section of our guide, we'll teach you what talents and rotations to use as a tank demon hunter in Dragonflight patch 10.2.7. Sounds good, right? Let's dive in!
Vengeance Demon Hunter Leveling Talents and Rotation in Dragonflight 10.2.7
The best talents to use while leveling as a Vengeance DH are:

Now let's check out how you should prioritize your abilities. Here is what most people consider to be the best rotation for a Vengeance DH:
- Vengeance Demon Hunters in Dragonflight are masters of absorbing punishment and dishing out fiery vengeance. Maintaining your core defensive buffs is crucial. Always keep Immolation Aura active to burn enemies over time.
- For single-target damage, prioritize building your resources, "Souls" and "Fury," by using Fracture or Shear. Once you have enough, unleash consume fury resource with Soul Cleave for a devastating blow.
- As you level up and unlock more abilities, your group-handling capabilities become stable. Once you can comfortably handle 4-5 enemies, cast the The Hunt to pull them all together, making them prime targets for your area-of-effect (AoE) damage. Make sure you persist on using Fel Devastation whenever you can.
- If you target any low health enemy, use Fiery Brand to quickly kill him.
- For large groups, prioritize saving Metamorphosis and Fel Devastation. These powerful abilities are perfect for initiating encounters by grouping enemies together, allowing you to cleave them down with maximum efficiency.
- For smaller packs or single targets, use burst abilities like The Hunt and Soul Carver to eliminate them quickly. Using those strategically during downtime while traveling, you ensure they're ready for the next fight.
In the next section, we will present the best talents for PvE end-game content, such as raids and Mythic+ dungeons. In the end game, it's crucial to use the right talents and prioritize the skills you use depending on the activity. Choosing the best talents will significantly impact your performance as a tank!
Best Vengeance Demon Hunter End-game Talents in 10.2.7
From the PvE perspective, there are two main end-game activities we'll take into consideration: Mythic raiding and Mythic+ Dungeons. We'll treat them separately to keep things clear and avoid confusion.
Best Talents for Mythic Raiding in Season 4 (patch 10.2.7)
In the picture below, you can see the best talents for mythic raiding as a Vengeance Demon Hunter:
Raid Standard build

Raid Utility build

Best Talents for Mythic+ Dungeons in Season 4 (patch 10.2.7)
As a Vengeance DH, these are the talents you must use to maximize your performance in M+ Dungeons:
M+ Standard build

Vengeance Demon Hunter in Dragonflight - FAQ
1. Are Vengeance Demon Hunters good in Dragonflight 10.2.7?
Not really. The Vengeance DH represents one of the mediocre tank specs in WoW Dragonflight.
2. Is Vengeance Demon Hunter easy to play?
Yes, the Vengeance Demon Hunter is one of the easier-to-play tank specs in the game.
3. What is the stats priority for Vengeance Demon Hunters?
Stats priority for Vengeance Demon Hunter: Agility > Haste > Critical Strike > Versatility > Mastery
4. Which demon hunter spec is best for leveling in patch 10.2.7?
The Havoc Specialization is the best spec for demon hunter leveling.
Final thoughts
This wraps up everything you should know regarding the demon hunter's Vengeance specialization in World of Warcraft Dragonflight for Season 4, patch 10.2.7. By reading this guide, you should now better understand the Vengeance Demon Hunter's spec and particularities and how it performs in certain circumstances and different end-game activities.