Division 2 Best Weapons in 2025 – Tier Lists & Rankings

  • Sale 7%
    Sale Ends Soon
    Ouroboros Exotic SMG
    • Highest RPM & burst damage exotic SMG
    • S-Tier weapon for meta PvE & PvP builds
    • Exclusive Paradise Lost incursion drop
  • Sale 7%
    Ends in 4h 43m 55s
    St. Elmo's Engine Assault Rifle
    • The best exotic assault rifle in the game
    • Great crowd-control with shock ammo
    • Perfect for PvE, PvP, solo, and groups
  • Sale 7%
    Sale Ends Soon
    Scorpio Shotgun Boost
    • The best exotic shotgun in the game
    • The strongest crowd-control support gun
    • S-Tier weapon for meta PvE & PvP builds
  • The Regulus Boost
    • The best exotic pistol in the game
    • Headshot kills create explosions
    • Exclusive drop from the Iron Horse raid
  • Eagle Bearer Boost
    • The most popular raid exotic weapon
    • Community favorite weapon for PvP!
    • Drops only in the Dark Hours raid and DZ
  • Shield Splinterer Assault Rifle
    • The best named assault rifle in the game
    • We kill the hunters and get the Ivory Keys
    • Comes with "Perfect Optimist" talent
best weapons guide


Welcome back, Agent! In this article, we will cover everything regarding the Best Division 2 Weapons in 2025. First, you will learn why you need good guns for your build, what makes a weapon good, what its components are, and what the best weapon talents are in the game.

Then, we'll go through the different types of guns available in The Division 2 and use some tier lists to rank them from the best to the worst based on multiple criteria, such as weapon rarity, weapon class, and various PvE & PvP activities.

"What are the best weapons in The Division 2? What is a meta weapon? Or a god-rolled weapon? Are exotics the best guns in the game?" These are just some of the questions you will easily have an answer to by reading our article. Use our tips & tricks, focus on the meta weapons, and start creating the most powerful builds in the game.

There are just a few weapons really worth going for, and knowing your best options will save you a lot of time. At the end of our guide, we guarantee you'll say, "KBoosting was right!" Bet?

Key Takeaways

The Best Division 2 Weapons in 2025 are:

  • St. Elmo's Engine
  • Ouroboros
  • Scorpio
  • Regulus
  • Capacitor
  • Shield Splinterer
  • Lexington
  • FAMAS 2000
  • Carbine 7
  • Police M4
  • Eagle Bearer
  • Dark Winter
  • Mantis

Importance of Weapons in Division 2

Division 2 is a grindy looter-shooter type of game that brings a lot of weapon choices to the table. Having an adequate weapon for your build is the key to success. Of course, that's only part of it, as, besides good guns, you also need proper gear, mods, skills, and talents.

However, in most meta builds, the weapon is the game-changer. Now, imagine the game has hundreds of weapons and dozens of weapon talents. How do you choose the best ones for your build? We'll make it simple by explaining everything and ranking the Division 2 weapons based on multiple criteria.

What makes a weapon good

For any given build or circumstance in Division 2, a weapon is considered good when there is a perfect synergy between its components (mods, attributes, and talent), the gear, and purpose.

How many weapon slots are there in The Division 2?

There are three weapon slots in the Division 2: a primary, a secondary, and a sidearm slot. So you can equip and swap between three different weapons using any loadout. The only restriction here is that you can only equip (and use) one exotic weapon at a time. You cannot equip two exotic weapons in The Division 2, not even if they belong to different weapon classes!

Moving on, we'll briefly present what a Division 2 weapon consists of: the weapon's components.

Division 2 Weapon components

Any gun in The Division 2 consists of the following components:

  • Core Stats
  • Expertise
  • Attributes
  • Weapon Handling
  • Talent
  • Mods

Core Stats

A Division 2 weapon's core stats reflect the item's Total Damage, RPM, and Magazine size while used in a particular loadout. Depending on the build configuration, especially on the brand set/gear set used, the same weapon can have different core stat values, such as higher/lower damage, RPM, or even magazine size.

In the example below, you can see how the same St. Elmo's Engine assault rifle behaves in three different builds:

same weapon different core values 1 same weapon different core values 2 same weapon different core values 3

Another example, take a look at the same Kingbreaker used in two different builds: first using the Heartbreaker set vs. a random build using Brazos de Arcabuz's set (that increases the magazine size by 50%):

same weapon different core values 4 same weapon different core values 5 same weapon different core values 6

Weapon's Expertise Level

Expertise represents one of the end-game progression features when min-maxing the Division 2 weapons. To increase a weapon's expertise level, you must first obtain a Proficiency Rank of 10 and become Proficient with it. Afterward, you can level its expertise rank up to your account's overall expertise level.

How does the Expertise level affect a weapon in Division 2?

In Division 2, you can use the Expertise feature to increase the weapon's damage by 1% per Expertise level. Suppose your account's expertise level is 25; then you can get a maximum +25.0% weapon damage increase on any Proficient weapon on your account. That is a huge damage increase!

Below, you can see a comparison of 2 weapons identically rolled, one with no expertise level and one with expertise level 5 that has a +5.0% Weapon Damage increase:

expertise impact


Can you reroll a weapon's attributes in The Division 2?

The short answer is YES. However, you cannot reroll any attribute on any weapon. There are some limitations, though. First, we'll discuss the high-end and the named weapons.

Any given high-end/named weapon in Division 2 has 3 Attributes: 2x Core Attributes and 1x Attribute. The Core Attributes are tied to the weapon's type, meaning assault rifles will always roll with certain Core Attributes, while submachine guns, for example, will roll with others. All weapons belonging to a specific weapon class will always roll with the classes' specific Core Attributes.

Example: All assault rifles in Division 2 will always roll with +% Assault Rifle Damage & +% Health Damage, while all SMGs will roll with +% SMG Damage & +% Critical Hit Chance.

Below, you can see a comparison between an assault rifle and a sub machine gun, in terms of Core Attributes:

specific core attributes per weapon class

These Core Attributes (the first two attributes) are locked and cannot be changed to something else, only optimized. However, compared to the Core Attributes, the 3rd Attribute can be rerolled into something else using the Tinkering feature:

rerolling 3rd attribute with tinkering

That said, you can have the same 3rd Attribute on weapons belonging to different weapon classes. In the example below, you can notice that both the Carbine 7 (AR) and the Dark Winter (SMG) have "+% DMG to target out of cover" as their 3rd Attribute:

different weapons same 3rd attribute

What is the best weapon attribute in The Division 2?

The best weapon attribute in the current meta is +% DMG to target out of cover. This attribute is the most popular and powerful for pretty much every end-game build in Division 2. It can hardly be swapped for something better!

Now that we're done explaining how rerolling works on high-end and named weapons, it's time to check out the exotics. So, regarding exotic weapons, they can also have their 3rd attribute rerolled using the Reconfigure feature at the crafting station, but that's it! You will never be able to reroll an exotic weapon's Core Attributes. Never.

reconfiguring exotic

Weapon Handling

In this area, you can check out the weapon's Accuracy, Stability, and Reload Speed. These are directly affected by the gear, the weapon mods, and the talents used in the build.

Weapon Talent

There are three types of weapon talents in Division 2: regular talents, perfect talents, and exotic talents. Any Division 2 weapon comes with a talent that can or cannot be changed, depending on the weapon's rarity.

For example, high-end weapons come with regular talents that can be rerolled into something else, while named weapons and exotic weapons have their talents locked. You will never be able to change an exotic or named weapon's unique talent.

perfect talent locked

What are the best weapon talents in Division 2?

The best weapon talents in Division 2 for high-end weapons are: Optimist, Measured, Determined, Killer, Fast Hands, In Sync, and Flatline.

Weapon mods

How many weapon mods are in the Division 2? Currently, 72 weapon mods are available in The Division 2 in 2025: 12x Optics Mods, 34x Magazine Mods, 6x Underbarrel Mods, and 20x Muzzle Mods.

Depending on the class they belong to, Division 2 weapons can be modded with various types and number of mods, such as:

  • Optics Mod: Accuracy, Critical Hit Chance, Headshot Damage, Stability, Weapon Handling, Critical Hit Damage, Reload Speed
  • Magazine Mod: Stability, Reload Speed, Headshot Damage, Extra Rounds, Rate of Fire, Critical Hit Damage, Optimal Range, Weapon Damage
  • Underbarrel Mod: Stability, Headshot Damage, Reload Speed, Critical Hit Chance, Accuracy
  • Muzzle Mod: Stability, Critical Hit Damage, Accuracy, Optimal Range, Headshot Damage, Critical Hit Chance
weapon mods

What are the Best Division 2 Weapon mods?

The best weapon mods will always depend on the weapon's type and build in which the gun is used. Some builds need high Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage values, others focus on Headshot Damage, etc.

However, when it comes to magazine mods, for example, the best mods would be the ones that provide Extra Rounds, such as Sturdy Extended 5.56 Mag and Sturdy Extended 7.62 Mag, which each increase the magazine with +20 Rounds!


Division 2 Weapons Crafting

Can you craft weapons in Division 2?

Yes, in Division 2, you can also craft weapons at the Crafting Station. To be able to craft a particular weapon, you must first unlock its blueprint.

crafting station

How to get weapon blueprints in Division 2

In Division 2, you can get weapon blueprints by:

  • Completing projects
  • Completing missions
  • Completing exotic quests
  • Completing season tracks
  • Opening reconstructed caches

Optimizing weapons in Division 2

Can you optimize weapons in The Division 2?

Yes, in Division 2, you can optimize any type of weapon using the Tinkering Station. You simply select the attribute you want to be optimized, ensure you have the required items to optimize it (check out the "Cost to Optimize" section), and keep optimizing until you get max stats.

optimizing weapon

Now that we've covered the particularities of Division 2 weapons, let's briefly go through the different types of guns available in the game to find the perfect match for your build. Still with me, Agent?

Division 2 Weapon Types

How many weapons are in Division 2?

As we speak, there are currently 236 weapons in Division 2 in 2025:

  • 30x Rifles
  • 46x Assault Rifles
  • 29x Marksman Rifles
  • 29x Shotguns
  • 37x SMGs
  • 31x LMGs
  • 28x Pistols
  • 6x Specialization (Signature) Weapons

Except for the last type, the Division 2 weapons come in different rarity and quality tiers: High-End, Named, and Exotic Weapons.

What is a Division 2 Meta Weapon?

In Division 2, meta weapons represent the best-in-slot weapons used by pro players in end-game builds. They have the best stats and talent synergy, providing the highest DPS and utility. In other words, they are S-tier weapons.

What is a Division 2 God-Rolled Weapon?

In Division 2, a God-Rolled weapon is a fully optimized weapon with max stat values and the best synergy between the attributes, mods, and talent. Example below:

god rolled weapon

How to get Weapons in Division 2

In Division 2, you can get weapons from multiple sources, such as:

  • Countdown game mode
  • The Summit game mode
  • Missions and exotic quests
  • Open-world activities
  • Dark Zone
  • Raids & Incursion
  • Vendors
  • Caches
  • Crafting
  • Random drops while killing enemies or other players
  • Seasonal rewards

Division 2 weapons drop chance

In Division 2, a weapon's drop chance is determined by multiple factors, but the most impactful ones are the gun's rarity and where it can drop from. High-end weapons are usually the easiest to get, while exotics have the lowest drop chance, especially the raid and incursion-exclusive ones, such as the Eagle Bearer, The Ravenous, or Ouroboros.

Note: When going for a specific weapon, the best advice is to play in a full team willing to target-farm the same item and share the loot if it drops. This is by far the fastest way to get any weapon in The Division 2!

Division 2 Weapons Tier Lists explained

Disclaimer: Please remember that tier lists are always subjective, so how I ranked the Division 2 weapons reflects my personal preferences. I am a dedicated player who has invested thousands of hours into the game and tested hundreds of builds using all these guns in different circumstances, so I consider it worth sharing my experience with you.

I will briefly explain each tier so you can better understand the rankings and why a specific weapon deserves its spot within that tier:

  • S-Tier: Meta weapons, the best-in-slot for multiple end-game meta builds, activities, and various scenarios
  • A-Tier: Very high utility, among the most popular weapons used in the game, with outstanding stats and/or talents
  • B-Tier: Decent weapons, but with situational utility, mostly used as secondary guns in the end-game builds
  • C-Tier: The weakest weapons, barely used in end-game builds, not recommended to go for

Any weapon that won't be mentioned in one of these categories will be considered a D-Tier, so an absolute waste of time.

Best Exotic Weapons in Division 2

The best exotic weapons in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: St Elmo's Engine, Capacitor, Ouroboros, Pestilence, Scorpio, Mantis, Regulus
  • A-Tier: Eagle Bearer, Chameleon, The Bighorn, Strega, The Chatterbox, Lady Death, Iron Lung, The Ravenous, Diamondback, Nemesis, Liberty
  • B-Tier: Backfire, Bluescreen, Bullet King, Doctor Home, Overlord, Dread Edict, Sacrum Imperium, Busy Little Bee
  • C-Tier: Vindicator, Merciless, Sweet Dreams, Mosquito

Best Named Weapons in Division 2

The best named weapons in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: Shield Splinterer, Lexington, Dark Winter, Rock n' Roll, Orbit
  • A-Tier: Savage Wolverine, Kingbreaker, TDI "Kard" Custom, Lefty, Mechanical Animal, Baker's Dozen
  • B-Tier: Harmony, Test Subject, The White Death, Carnage
  • C-Tier: Prophet, Designated Hitter, The Railsplitter, Everlasting Gaze, Emeline's Guard, The Grudge

Best High-End Weapons in Division 2

The best high-end weapons in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: FAMAS 2000, Carbine 7, Police M4
  • A-Tier: ACS-12, ACR, G36, 1886, M44, M700, Model 700, M249, M870, Banshee, Vector SBR 9mm, Vector SBR .45 ACP, GR9
  • B-Tier: AK-M, P416, Tactical .308, Super 90, Classic M1A, SIG MPX, RPK-74
  • C-Tier: Honey Badger, M60, MG5

Best Assault Rifle Weapons in Division 2

The best assault rifles in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: St Elmo's Engine, Capacitor, Shield Splinterer, Lexington, FAMAS 2000, Carbine 7, Police M4
  • A-Tier: Eagle Bearer, Chameleon, The Bighorn, Strega, Savage Wolverine, Kingbreaker, Mechanical Animal, ACR, G36
  • B-Tier: Test Subject, AK-M, P416
  • C-Tier: The Railsplitter, Honey Badger

Best SMG Weapons in Division 2

The best sub machine guns in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: Ouroboros, Dark Winter
  • A-Tier: The Chatterbox, Lady Death, Banshee, Vector SBR 9mm, Vector SBR .45 ACP
  • B-Tier: Backfire, SIG MPX
  • C-Tier: Emeline's Guard, The Grudge

Best LMG Weapons in Division 2

The best lightmachine guns in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: Pestilence
  • A-Tier: Iron Lung, GR9, M249
  • B-Tier: Bluescreen, Bullet King, Carnage, RPK-74
  • C-Tier: M60, MG5

Best Sniper Weapons in Division 2

The best marksman rifles in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: Mantis
  • A-Tier: Nemesis, M44, M700, Model 700
  • B-Tier: Dread Edict, Sacrum Imperium, The White Death, Tactical .308
  • C-Tier: Designated Hitter

Best Shotgun Weapons in Division 2

The best shotguns in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: Scorpio, Rock n' Roll
  • A-Tier: Lefty, ACS-12, M870
  • B-Tier: Overlord, Super 90
  • C-Tier: Sweet Dreams

Best Pistol Weapons in Division 2

The best pistols in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: Regulus, Orbit
  • A-Tier: Liberty, TDI "Kard" Custom
  • B-Tier: Busy Little Bee
  • C-Tier: Mosquito, Prophet

Best Rifle Weapons in Division 2

The best rifles in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: -
  • A-Tier: The Ravenous, Diamondback, Baker's Dozen, 1886
  • B-Tier: Doctor Home, Harmony, Classic M1A
  • C-Tier: Vindicator, Merciless, Everlasting Gaze

Best Weapons for PvE in Division 2

The best weapons for PvE in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: St Elmo's Engine, Capacitor, Ouroboros, Scorpio, Mantis, Regulus, Pestilence, Shield Splinterer, Lexington, Dark Winter, Rock n' Roll, FAMAS 2000, Carbine 7, Police M4
  • A-Tier: Eagle Bearer, Chameleon, The Chatterbox, Strega, The Bighorn, Lady Death, Diamondback, Savage Wolverine, Kingbreaker, Banshee, TDI "Kard" Custom, Mechanical Animal, Baker's Dozen, Lefty, ACS-12, 1886, M44, M700, Model 700, GR9, M249
  • B-Tier: Overlord, Iron Lung, Bluescreen, Bullet King, AK-M, P416, Super 90, Classic M1A, SIG MPX
  • C-Tier: Emeline's Guard, The Grudge, M60, MG5

Best Weapons for PvP in Division 2

The best weapons for PvP in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: St Elmo's Engine, Ouroboros, Scorpio, Shield Splinterer, Lexington, Dark Winter, Orbit, FAMAS 2000, Carbine 7, Police M4
  • A-Tier: Eagle Bearer, Lady Death, Banshee, Vector SBR 9mm, Vector SBR .45 ACP, RPK-74, M870
  • B-Tier: SIG MPX
  • C-Tier: -

Best Weapons for Solo DPS in Division 2

The best weapons for Solo players in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: St Elmo's Engine, Ouroboros, Scorpio, Regulus, Eagle Bearer, Capacitor, Pestilence, Shield Splinterer, Lexington, Dark Winter, Rock n' Roll, Orbit, FAMAS 2000, Carbine 7, Police M4
  • A-Tier: Chameleon, The Chatterbox, Strega, The Bighorn, Lady Death, Nemesis, Mantis, Diamondback, TDI "Kard" Custom, Mechanical Animal, Kingbreaker, 1886, Baker's Dozen, M44, M700, Model 700, M870, Banshee, Vector SBR 9mm, Vector SBR .45 ACP, GR9
  • B-Tier: Harmony, The White Death
  • C-Tier: Bluescreen, Emeline's Guard, The Grudge

Best Weapons for Legendary DPS in Division 2

The best weapons for Legendary Content in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: St Elmo's Engine, Scorpio, Regulus, Capacitor, Pestilence, Shield Splinterer, Lexington, FAMAS 2000, Carbine 7, Police M4
  • A-Tier: Strega, Mechanical Animal
  • B-Tier: Diamondback, Harmony

Best Weapons for Speedfarming in Division 2

The best weapons for PvE Speedfarming in Division 2 are:

  • S-Tier: St Elmo's Engine, Ouroboros, Regulus, The Chatterbox, Shield Splinterer, Lexington, Dark Winter, FAMAS 2000, Carbine 7, Police M4
  • A-Tier: Chameleon, Lady Death, Mechanical Animal, 1886, Model 700
  • B-Tier: -

Division 2 Weapons - F.A.Q

1. What is the best weapon in The Division 2 in 2025?

The best weapon in Division 2 in 2025 is the St. Elmo's Engine exotic assault rifle.

2. What is the best AR weapon in The Division 2?

The best AR weapon in Division 2 in 2025 is the St. Elmo's Engine exotic assault rifle.

3. How many weapons are in The Division 2?

In 2025, in Division 2, there are 235 weapons available: 30x Rifles, 45x Assault Rifles, 29x Marksman Rifles, 29x Shotguns, 37x SMGs, 31x LMGs, 28x Pistols, and 6x Signature Weapons.

4. How to get high-end weapons in Division 2?

In Division 2, you can get weapons through various sources such as targeted loot in Countdown, Summit, open world, exotic quests, raids, seasonal and challenge rewards, and more.

5. What is the fastest way to get Division 2 weapons?

The fastest way to get weapons in Division 2 is to use the targeted loot feature in the Countdown game mode, selecting the desired weapon class.

6. Can you buy weapons in The Division 2?

Yes, you can buy any Division 2 weapon from professional service providers like KBoosting.


This concludes our Division 2 Weapons Guide, Agent! Hopefully, now you have a better image and know exactly what weapons are worth going for when creating your favorite builds in Division 2, whether it is exotics, named, or high-end weapons. We will keep this guide updated as meta weapons constantly change, so make sure you keep an eye on it so you don't miss anything!

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