The Division 2 Builds – Best PvE & PvP Builds in 2025

Division 2 builds guide

Are you still looking for that perfect build for your character in Division 2? Then you've come to the right place, Agent! Here you can find an up-to-date collection of the best builds for PvE and PvP in 2025. Choosing the right build for your character significantly impacts your gaming experience, so you must make the best decisions regarding your weapons, gear, and playstyle.

First, we will cover the basics and clarify what a build is, the different types of builds, and their particularities, to determine what kind of build would suit the best for your playstyle. Then, we introduce you to the best builds the year 2025 has brought to the Division 2 universe.

By the end of this guide, you will become a master of build-making and learn how to optimize your favorite builds for a swift gaming experience, whether you are a PvE or PvP fan. Sounds good, right? Let's get started!

What is a Division 2 Build?

In Division 2, builds represent a specific arrangement of weapons, gear, skills, and stats selected by the player to prepare the character with the best equipment for certain PvE or PvP encounters. Also known as "setups" or "loadouts," builds are divided into multiple categories based on the purpose they are used for.

Like any looter-shooter, Division 2 has a complex character progression system that revolves around different weapons, gear, skills, and various end-game activities that automatically require specific builds to be prepared and taken care of.

In this guide, we will go into detail through all these builds and categories so you can easily decide on the best build for your Division 2 character.

My build-making experience in The Division games

As a Day One Division Agent, I proudly consider myself one of the most dedicated players that had the opportunity to try out and experience the amazing universe that this franchise brought to the looter-shooter scene over the past six years. At this point, I have invested over 10000 hours in The Division games, and I spent most of my time trying to figure out the best builds for different PvE and PvP scenarios.

Due to the games' complexity, things constantly change, and so do the meta builds. I have personally tested dozens of builds in TD2, so it's safe to say that I know all the tips and tricks on build-making and min-maxing in the game. In this guide, I want to share the best Division 2 builds to use nowadays, in 2025. PvE or PvP, I got your back, Agent!

Table of Contents

Before we start, here's a little breakdown of our Division2 build guide:

  • What is a Division 2 build made of?
  • What is the fastest way to create a build?
  • How to choose the best build for your character in Division 2
  • How to min-max your builds
  • Types of builds in Division 2
  • The Best Division 2 PvE builds in 2025 for Solo and Group
  • The Best PvP Builds in 2025 for Division 2 for Solo and Group
  • The Best Builds in Year 6 Season 3 (TU 23)
  • Best Striker, St Elmo's, and Ouroboros Builds
  • Best XP & SHD Farming Builds
  • Best Legendary Builds in Division 2
  • Best Builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion
  • Best Raid Builds for The Division 2 in the current meta (2025)
  • Best Builds for Hardcore Mode
  • Best Protection from Elites (PFE) Builds
  • Conclusion

Are you ready to learn how to create the perfect loadout for your character and discover the best Division 2 builds in the ongoing meta? I’m looking forward to seeing what fits the best for you. Let's dive in!

What is a Division 2 build made of?

The core elements of a Division 2 build are:

  • The Weapons
  • The Gear
  • The Skills
  • The Stats & Attributes
  • The Mods
  • The Specialization

These are the key components you must focus on when creating a build for your character. When these elements are wisely chosen and put together, they create a synergy that will reflect your build's power and capability.

Note: Please keep in mind that in Division 2, the gearing for the end-game builds comes as a package with the grinding for the rarest items or mods out there. So if you aim high, get ready for some serious time investments, and rest assured that it's worth it, by all means. The rare items used in the best Division 2 builds are real game-changers!

The Division 2 Weapons

In Division 2, weapons play a huge role when choosing the perfect build for your character. You have access to various weapon types, so the game covers it all, whether you prefer a close-combat playstyle or sniping the enemies from long distances. There are plenty of weapons to choose from and use for your favorite builds.

You can use three types of weapons in the game: high-end weapons, named weapons (better variants of the standard weapons), and exotic weapons. Your character comes with three weapon slots so that you can equip and use up to three weapons in your builds at the same time: 2 primary weapons and a secondary sidearm.

Now let's see what weapons are the best to use for your loadout based on the combat style. We'll briefly go through the main weapon types and see the correlation between the weapons and the playstyle they imply.

Below you can find the main weapon types you can choose from in the game:

  • Assault Rifles: best for medium-long range combat
  • Rifles: best medium-long range combat
  • Marksman Rifles: exclusively for long-range combat
  • Submachine Guns: best for close combat
  • Light Machine Guns: for medium-long range combat
  • Shotguns: exclusively for close combat
  • Sidearms: best for close combat

If you are looking for the best exotics, the most popular Division 2 exotic weapons in 2025 are:

  • Eagle Bearer: the best raid weapon for the assault rifle DPS builds
  • Ouroboros: the best exotic SMG in the game, perfect for close-combat builds
  • St Elmo's Engine: the best weapon for most of the DPS builds
  • The Regulus: the best weapon for pistol builds
  • Scorpio: the best weapon for close-combat DPS and support builds
  • Capacitor: the best assault rifle for skill builds
  • Mantis: the best marksman rifle for sniper builds
  • Pestilence: the best LMG for DPS and support builds

So once you figure out what type of playstyle you prefer, choose the best weapon type for your build. To optimize your build, you have to make sure you use the best weapons with the proper stats and talents.

The Gear

Like the weapons, in Division 2, players get to choose from various gear for their builds, such as Brand Sets, Gear Sets, and Exotic Armor. There are six gear slots that you must fill in with the best variants for your build: mask, backpack, chest, gloves, holster, and kneepads.

The game has improved a lot since its launch, so nowadays, you have the opportunity to choose from 21 Gear Sets and 31 Brand Sets when going for that perfect build for your character. All these armor sets come with unique set bonuses and talents, which is a significant factor in the build diversity the Division 2 players face.

There are many cases when the players get discouraged when they find out there are so many gearing options available in the game, and they don't know what to choose out of all these armors, where to start from, or how to mix and match the items when working on their builds. To make it easier, we'll briefly go through the best exotic armor and gear sets used in the ongoing meta.

The most popular Division 2 gear sets in 2025 are:

  • Striker Set: best for assault rifle and SMG builds
  • Heartbreaker Set: ideal for assault rifle and LMG DPS builds
  • Negotiator's Dilemma Set : best for legendary content builds
  • Hunter's Fury Set: best for SMG builds
  • Foundry Bulwark Set: best for tank builds
  • Future Initiative Set: exclusively for healer builds
  • Eclipse Protocol Set: best for status effect builds
  • Rigger Set: the perfect choice for skill builds

As for the best exotics, the most popular exotic armor items used in the 2025 meta builds are:

  • Memento: the best exotic backpack in the game
  • Ninja Messenger Backpack: best-in-slot backpack for hybrid builds
  • Waveform: the best holster for skill builds
  • Coyote's Mask: the best exotic mask for firearm builds
  • Vile Mask: the perfect choice for status effect builds
  • Catharsis Mask: ideal for PvP builds
  • Tardigrade: the best exotic chest for tank builds
  • BTSU Datagloves: the best gloves for healer builds

This is the main reason we created this guide: to make your build-making experience a lot easier. Later in the guide, we will show you exactly what items to combine to create some of the best Division 2 builds in 2025. On top of that, if you ever encounter any difficulty getting the desired items for your builds, we provide boosting services as well, so you can buy Division 2 Exotics or God Roll Farming and complete your builds in no time!

The Skills in Division 2

Now that we've covered the weapons and the gear, it's time to move on to the next aspect you must focus on when creating your Division 2 build: the Skills you will be using. There are 11 skills you can choose from in the game, each having multiple variants. Though the character comes with only two skill slots, so you can equip and use a maximum of 2 skills at any given time.

However, you have the freedom to combine ANY two of the skills available in the game, as no restrictions are forcing you to use a particular skill based on your equipped loadout or stats. We won't insist too much on this aspect right now as we'll get more into details when showcasing the builds and the best skills to use for each of them.

Here are some of the skills that you can use in Division 2:

skills overview

Division 2 Specializations

Moving on to the following key component: The Specialization. Each specialization has its skill tree that unlocks a unique signature weapon, unique skills, skill mods, and a special type of grenade related to the specialization build. Based on the desired build you want to focus on, there are six specializations you can choose from:

Specialization Name Signature Weapon Skill Variant Grenade Type
Sharpshooter TAC-50 Sniper Tactician Drone Flashbang Grenade
Demolitionist Grenade Launcher Artillery Turret Fragmentation Grenade
Survivalist Crossbow Mender Seeker Mine Incendiary Grenade
Gunner Minigun Banshee Pulse Riot Foam Grenade
Technician Missile Launcher Artificer Hive EMP Grenade
Firewall Flamethrower Striker Shield Cluster Grenade

Talents, Attributes & Mods

At this stage, we approach the fine-tuning of the build. What comes next focuses mainly on min-maxing and getting the optimal stats for the build. In Division 2, each item has a core attribute, and by case, 1 or 2 secondary attributes. Apart from the attributes, the items can also come with talents, which are special bonuses that improve specific weapon or armor stats.

Items can also be socketed with mods. There are two types of mods based on the item type: gear mods and weapon mods. Players use the mods to improve the stats on the desired items. We call the "best-in-slot" or "perfect" gear piece the item with the best talent, the perfect attributes, and the best mod for a particular build. A build is 100% optimal only when you have the right talents, stats, and mods on your items.

What is the fastest way to create a build in Division 2 in 2025?

Once you've figured out all the items that you need for your build, it's time to get to work and start farming for them. Now let's see where you can find the required items for your builds.

When the game was released, going for specific items was a pain. There was no targeted loot, so you were dealing with a ridiculous RNG factor as any enemy could have dropped any item in the game. Nowadays, in 2025, with new activities and features such as Countdown or The Summit, build-making in Division 2 has become a lot easier.

Now, the fastest way to get items in Division 2 is to use the targeted loot feature in Countdown and The Summit activities. Here, you can select the desired item type to drop as targeted loot upon killing enemies. So basically, you can filter the drops you will be getting by weapon type, armor slot, brand set, gear set, or mods.

Example: Let's say you are looking for a particular exotic mask, Coyote's Mask. To increase the odds of dropping this exotic mask, you must select the desired item slot – in this case, masks. You will notice that all the named enemies will drop masks as targeted loot, which speeds up getting your desired mask. Once you get the desired item, you can reset the selected targeted loot at any time by accessing the menu and targeting the next one, and so on.

targeted loot in the summit

Exception: The only exceptions here are the raid-exclusive items that drop only in the raids (The Eagle Bearer, The Ravenous, and Regulus) and the crafted items locked behind exotic quests (such as Nemesis, Liberty, and Ridgeway's Pride). You can still drop the items that belong to the second category as targeted loot, but only after you would have already crafted them at the crafting station.

Apart from the two game modes, another targeted loot feature is available in the Open World. In this case, you complete Control Points and Missions on the highest difficulties possible. You can still maintain it as a farming process, but the downside is that you cannot change the loot type by yourself. Each zone or mission on the map has its own targeted loot that resets on a 24-hour cooldown.

targeted loot in open world

Regardless of what method you prefer the most, make a list of all the items required for your build and farm for them as targeted loot one by one until your loadout is complete. Now that you know the best ways to obtain the gear and create loadouts, let's move on and teach you how to choose the best build for your character in Division 2.

How to choose the best build for your character in Division 2

Generally, we all have a hard time figuring out the perfect build to match our playstyle. Given the game's complexity, with so many items and options to choose from, sometimes it's hard to figure out what the best build for you would look like and where to start. Let me help you with that.

Here's a little trick that works like a charm every single time. Try to answer the following questions when choosing the best build for your Division 2 character:

  • What kind of combat type do you prefer? Close, medium, or ranged?
  • What type of weapons have you enjoyed the most in other shooter games?
  • What are your favorite weapons in Division 2?
  • What about your playing sessions? Do you mostly play solo or as part of a group?
  • What type of activities do you want to focus on? PvE or PvP?
  • How much time are you willing to invest into your build?
  • Are you looking for an easy-to-get build or something that uses rare items in the game?

To start with, figure out the answers to these questions, and you'll have a pretty good idea of what your build should look like and focus on it. Then, check out our recommendations for the best Div 2 builds in 2025 based on these criteria and see what fits the best for you.

I'm sure we have already covered a similar build to what you're looking for. You can either create replicas of the builds we posted on our website or take them as reference points, improvise, and create your own builds – your call!

How to min-max your builds in Division 2

In Division 2, min-maxing represents the act of creating a build around a specific concept or game mechanics, such as a particular playstyle (solo/group), combat style (close range, medium, or long-range), or a specific role in a group (DPS, tank, healer, etc.).

You will optimize and focus on a specific playstyle and everything that comes with it (the gear, weapons, stats, mods, etc.) while minimizing everything else. So the result of a min-maxed build is an extremely powerful character in one particular way but exceedingly weak in others.

Example: Let's say you aim for the best healer build for your character, and your whole build revolves around healing and keeping your teammates alive. You must be fully equipped with healing items, such as a healer set (Future Initiative), healer attributes and unique gear mods that improve your healing skills (+% Repair Skills), and specific weapon talents such as "Reformation" (Headshots grant +30% skill repair for 15s).

So right now, this is your trade-off: you are highly efficient in healing your teammates, but you can't take or deal an insane amount of damage as a healer. To make an idea, this is what a healer build looks like:

new healer build 1 new healer build 2
new healer build 3 new healer build 4

Min-maxing is all about getting those perfect items for your build. You aim for the best-in-slot items for the build, with maximum stats, perfect mods, and talents. It's an easy guess that min-maxing equals grinding. So what's the fastest way to get that ideal loadout for your character?

Here are some tips on how to min-max your build in Division 2:

  • If you run solo, use the Matchmaking system in The Summit and Countdown to get more players.
  • Play efficiently on the highest difficulty possible. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards.
  • Always use Targeted Loot. It's the fastest way to get specific items for your builds.
  • Play in a group with loot share, so you get extra chances of obtaining the missing items.
  • Use the Tinkering Station (Recalibration and Optimization) to recalibrate and optimize your gear.
  • Once you have recalibrated and optimized the items for the build, work on your Proficiency and Expertise Levels.

Nowadays, in 2025, you can open the Tinkering Station by pressing "M" by default anywhere in the game. You are no longer required to visit the Base of Operations or the other Settlements to upgrade your gear. Here is what the Tinkering Station looks like:

tinkering station 1

Once you obtain the perfect items for your builds, the whole min-maxing relies on the Tinkering Station. Here you will recalibrate, optimize, and increase the proficiency and expertise levels for your gear:

tinkering station 2 tinkering station 3 tinkering station 4

That's pretty much everything you should know about choosing the best build for your character and how to optimize it and make it top-level. Now it's time to see what type of builds you can opt for and what are the best Division 2 builds in 2025. Let's dive in deeper!

Types of builds in Division 2

The game's complexity has forced its community members and dedicated content creators to develop Division 2 builds to cover all the various playstyles, combat styles, or roles for all the PvE and PvP activities available in the game.

This has been an ongoing process since the game's launch, and the Internet is now flooded with variants of the same type of builds that share the same principles and serve the same roles but come with minor adjustments. So to make it a bit easier for you, let's see the main build categories you get to choose from.

The main types of (meta) builds in Division 2 in 2025 are:

  • PvE Builds: these builds are used exclusively in PvE activities (Summit, Countdown, Missions, etc.)
  • PvP Builds: these are the best builds to use for PvP activities such as Dark Zone and Conflict
  • Solo Builds: extremely powerful builds for solo players that don't require a team to play with
  • Group Builds: these builds focus on covering various roles in a party for both PvE or PvP fights
  • Raid Builds: special builds to use in raids to cover multiple raid roles
  • DPS Builds: these are the damage-dealing builds, as they provide the highest damage in the game
  • Support Builds: these builds cover support roles in parties, such as healer, tank, crowd control, etc

Moving on, in the following sections of the guide, we'll discuss all of these build types in particular and present you with the best builds that stand out in each of these categories. Stay tuned!

The best Division 2 PvE Builds (for DPS) in 2025

In this category, you can find the most powerful loadouts to use as a damage dealer (DPS) for any PvE activity in Division 2, such as The Summit, Countdown, Heroic Control Points, Missions, or Legendary Strongholds. These builds revolve around various weapon classes and different playstyles, and they provide the highest damage output in the game.

The best DPS builds to use for PvE in Division 2 in 2025 are:

  • St Elmo's Striker Build
  • Heartbreaker PvE Build
  • Assault Rifle PvE Build
  • Kingbreaker Spotter Build
  • Pestilence LMG Build
  • Negotiator's Pestilence Build
  • SMG Build for PvE
  • Skill Builds
  • One-Shot Pistol Build
  • One-Shot Sniper Build
  • Armor Regen Build

1. St Elmo's Striker Build

This is the perfect build for all PvE end-game activities on the highest difficulties in the game, such as Legendary Strongholds and Summit. We are using the LMG instead of the Rock n' Roll shotgun as a secondary weapon because you should have no issues maintaining the Striker stacks on the Heroic and Legendary activities.

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 GR9 LMG with "Frenzy" or "Fast Hands" talent
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Some screenshots below:

legendary striker build 1 legendary striker build 2
legendary striker build 3 legendary striker build 4

Build store link: Legendary Striker Build for Sale (Variant 1).

2. Heartbreaker PvE Build

The Heartbreaker build works amazing for PvE end-game content such as Countdown, Summit, Raids, Heroic & Legendary missions. The synergy between the Assault rifle equipped with Technician's Linked Laser Pointer, the "Flatline" talent, and the Heartbreaker Set is incredible!

On your assault rifle, use the Sturdy Extended Mag for the extra 20 rounds. You only use the shotgun to build up the Heartbreaker stacks. Rock n' Roll Shotgun can be a very good alternative for your secondary weapon. Build configuration below:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Flatline" talent
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 with "Flatline" talent
Specialization Technician (for the Linked Laser Pointer)
Mask Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Some screenshots below:

heartbreaker pve new build 1 heartbreaker pve new build 2
heartbreaker pve new build 3 heartbreaker pve new build 4

Build store link: Heartbreaker PvE Build for Sale.

3. Assault Rifle PvE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St. Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 Any prefered weapon
Specialization Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Grupo or Ceska with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Grupo or Ceska with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Palisade with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls), we recommend at least 2

Some screenshots below:

assault rifle new pve build 1 assault rifle new pve build 2
assault rifle new pve build 3 assault rifle new pve build 4

Build store link: Assault Rifle PvE Build for Sale.

4. Kingbreaker Spotter Build

This build still represents one of the strongest builds in Div2. The synergy between the Heartbreaker Set, the Spotter talent and the Flatline talent is incredible. Amazing damage output and survivability! Some build particularities can be found below:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Kingbreaker
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 with "Flatline" talent
Specialization Technician (for the Linked Laser Pointer)
Mask Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Blue Core Closer with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Some screenshots below:

kingbreaker spotter new build 1 kingbreaker spotter new build 2
kingbreaker spotter new build 3 kingbreaker spotter new build 4

Build store link: Kingbreaker Spotter Build for Sale.

5. Pestilence LMG Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Pestilence
Weapon Slot #2 Any prefered weapon
Specialization Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Grupo or Ceska with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Vigilance" or "Composure" talent
Chest Red Core Grupo or Ceska with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Palisade with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Decoy | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls), we recommend at least 2.


pestilence new lmg build 1 pestilence new lmg build 2
pestilence new lmg build 3 pestilence new lmg build 4

Build store link: Pestilence LMG Build for Sale.

6. Negotiator's Pestilence Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Pestilence
Weapon Slot #2 Any preffered weapon
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Composure" or "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


negotiators pestilence build 1 negotiators pestilence build 2
negotiators pestilence build 3 pestilence

Build store link: Negotiator's Pestilence Build for Sale (Variant 2).

7. SMG Build for PvE

This SMG build represents the best speed farm build in Division 2. It is highly efficient for Heroic content such as Control Points, Missions, or The Summit. Let's see some details on it:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Chatterbox
Weapon Slot #2 Shield Splinterer
Specialization Gunner
Mask Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Blue Core Palisade with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Intimidate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


smg new build pve 1 smg new build pve 2
smg new build pve 3 smg new build pve 4

Build store link: SMG PvE Build for Sale (Variant 1).

8. Legendary Skill Builds

In my opinion, skill builds are the strongest PvE builds in Division 2, especially if you aim high, for legendary difficulty. Skill builds revolve around a cover-based playstyle, and they are highly dependent on the skills you use. There are 3 variants of skill builds In the current meta, based on the set they use: Refactor, Empress, and Rigger.

Variant #1: Refactor Force Multiplier Build

This build uses the recently introduced Refactor gear set and is arguably one of the best builds in the ongoing meta, providing incredible damage output and survivability!

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Force Multiplier with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Chest Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" or "Kinetic Momentum" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor force multiplier build 1 refactor force multiplier build 2
refactor force multiplier build 3 refactor force multiplier build 4

Build store link: Refactor Force Multiplier Build for Sale (variant 1).

Variant #2: Refactor Tech Support Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Tech Support" talent
Chest Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" or "Kinetic Momentum" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor tech support build 1 refactor tech support build 2
refactor tech support build 3 refactor tech support build 4

Build store link: Refactor Tech Support Build for Sale (variant 2).

Variant #3: Refactor Ninja Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Ninja Backpack
Chest Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gloves Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor ninja build v2 1 refactor ninja build v2 2
refactor ninja build v2 3 refactor ninja build v2 4

Build store link: Refactor Ninja Build for Sale (variant 3).

Variant #4: Hybrid Empress Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Red Core Empress with Skill Damage & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon"
Gloves Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Yellow Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Brazos with Skill Damage & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Some screenshots below:

hybrid empress build 1
hybrid empress build 2 hybrid empress build 3 hybrid empress build 4
hybrid empress build 5 hybrid empress build 6 hybrid empress build 7

Build store link: Hybrid Empress Skill Build for Sale (Variant 4).

Variant #5: Yellow Empress Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Backpack Yellow Core Wyvern or Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Combined Arms" talent
Chest Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Wyvern or Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Holster Waveform
Kneepads Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Gear Mods Skill Duration
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip You aim for 3x Empress + 1x Wyvern + 1x Hana-U

For more details on this skill build configuration, you can check the screenshots below:

empress yellow build 1 empress yellow build 2
empress yellow build 3 empress yellow build 4

Build store link: Yellow Empress Skill Build for Sale (Variant 5).

Variant #6: Infinite Seeker Mines Hard Wired Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Demolitionist
Mask Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Chest Yellow Core China Light with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" talent
Gloves BTSU Datagloves
Holster Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Cluster Seeker Mine | Stinger Hive | Restorer Hive


infinite seeker mines build 1 infinite seeker mines build 2
infinite seeker mines build 3 infinite seeker mines build 4

Build store link: Infinite Seeker Mines Hard Wired Build for Sale (Variant 6).

Variant #7: Rigger Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Chest Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Gloves Yellow Core Wyvern with Skill Damage
Holster Waveform
Kneepads Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Duration
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip You aim for 4x Rigger while using the set's chest and backpack

For more details on this build version, you can check the screenshots below:

rigger build 1
rigger build 2 rigger build 3 rigger build 4
rigger build 5 rigger build 6 rigger build 7

Build store link: Rigger Skill Build for Sale (Variant 7).

9. One-Shot Pistol Build

This amazing close-combat build uses a pistol as the primary weapon. It's one of the strongest builds in Division2, as in the right hands, it can clear with ease even legendary content!

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1,2 Any desired weapon with "Determined" talent
Weapon Slot #3 Regulus
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Red Core Punch Drunk with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Chainkiller with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Gloves Red Core Contractor's Gloves with Headshot Damage
Holster Red Core Providence with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Kneepads Red Core Fox's Prayer with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Bullwark Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

headhunter regulus build 1 headhunter regulus build 2
headhunter regulus build 3 headhunter regulus build 4

If interested, you can also buy the Pistol build from our store, and we will prepare your custom loadout directly on your account in no time.

10. One-Shot Sniper Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Nemesis
Weapon Slot #2 Model 700 | SR1 with "Determined" talent
Specialization Sharpshooter
Mask Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Backpack Red Core Airaldi or Habsburg with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling & "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Chainkiller or Habsburg with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling & "Headhunter" talent
Gloves Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Holster Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Kneepads Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Decoy | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

one shot new sniper build 1 one shot new sniper build 2
one shot new sniper build 3 one shot new sniper build 4 one shot new sniper build 5

Build store link: One-Shot Sniper Build for Sale.

11. Armor Regen Build

The Armor Regen Build represents a well-balanced build that provides excellent survivability and damage output, especially after the Project Resolve updates. For a fully optimized build, you need Armor Regen and Crit Hit Chance/Crit Hit Damage rolls on all the gear pieces (except the Ninja Exotic Backpack)!

If you own the Chill Out Mask, use it for the extra mod slot! You aim for 50%+ Crit Chance, then you can spec into Crit Hit Damage. Also, use the Sturdy Extended 5.56 Mag on your Shield Splinterer for maximum damage output. You can also swap the Ouroboros with a Scorpio Shotgun.

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 Shield Splinterer
Specialization Survivalist | Gunner
Mask Blue Core Gila with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack NinjaBike Backpack
Chest Blue Core Golan with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" or "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Gila with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Belstone with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Emperor's Guard
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Jammer Pulse | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
Use Chill Out mask if you own it!

For additional information, please check the screenshots below:

best armor regen build 1 best armor regen build 2
best armor regen build 3 best armor regen build 4

Build store link: Armor Regen Build for Sale.

What is the best Division 2 Solo Build for PvE in 2025?

All of the builds mentioned above qualify as the best PvE builds that you can play as a solo player in Division 2. Nobody can say, "This is the best solo PvE build out of all," because we all have our own skills and preferences for weapons, playstyles, etc. At the end of the day, "the best build for you" will be the build that matches perfectly with your playstyle, uses your favorite weapons, and brings you the most of the fun.

Example: I am an absolute fan of Assault Rifles in all the shooters that I play, and I prefer the close to medium-range combat fights, so for me, the best PvE build in Div 2 is the assault rifle build. What about you? What’s your favorite weapon type in this game?

The best Division 2 PvP Builds (for DPS) in 2025

This section presents you with the best PvP builds to use as a DPS in the Dark Zone or Conflict game modes. These are the most popular builds that, paired with the right player skills, really stand out and transform you into a killing machine. Compared to the PvE scenarios, in competitive PvP fights, your player skills really make a difference!

The best DPS builds to use for PvP in Division 2 in 2025 are:

  • Capacitor's Ninja PvP Build
  • Iron Lung PvP Build
  • Striker's Bighorn PvP Build
  • Ravenous PvP Build
  • Chatterbox Striker PvP Build
  • True Patriot Pestilence PvP Build
  • System Corruption Build
  • Umbra PvP Builds
  • Catharsis PvP Build
  • Striker PvP Build
  • Heartbreaker PvP Build
  • Assault Rifle PvP Build
  • Ridgeway's SMG Bleed Build
  • One-Shot Pistol Build
  • One-Shot Sniper Build
  • SMG PvP Build
  • Exodus Corruption PvP Build

1. Capacitor's Ninja PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 M870 Shotgun with "Flatline" talent & Linked Laser Pointer
Specialization Technician
Mask Blue Core Brazos with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Backpack NinjaBike Messenger Backpack
Chest Red Core Fenris, Ceska, or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Walker Harris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Ceska or Providence with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Decoy | Stinger Hive | Explosive Seeker Mine

Screenshots below:

capacitor ninja pvp build 1 capacitor ninja pvp build 2
capacitor ninja pvp build 3 capacitor ninja pvp build 4

Build store link: Capacitor Ninja PvP Build for Sale.

2. Iron Lung PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Iron Lung
Weapon Slot #2 RPK-74 LMG with "Unhinged" or "Fast Hands" talent
Specialization Firewall
Mask Catharsis Mask
Backpack Blue Core Lengmo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Wicked" talent
Chest Blue Core Lengmo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" or "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Grupo or Ceska with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Lengmo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Jammer Pulse | Stinger Hive

Screenshots below:

iron lung pvp build 1 iron lung pvp build 2
iron lung pvp build 3 iron lung pvp build 4

Build store link: Iron Lung PvP Build for Sale.

3. Striker's Bighorn PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 The Bighorn
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Firewall
Mask Catharsis Mask
Backpack Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Blue Core Everyday Carrier with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Decoy | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

striker bighorn pvp build 1 striker bighorn pvp build 2
striker bighorn pvp build 3 striker bighorn pvp build 4

Build store link: Striker's Bighorn PvP Build for Sale.

4. Ravenous PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 The Ravenous
Weapon Slot #2 RPK-74 LMG with "Unhinged" or "Fast Hands" talent
Specialization Firewall
Mask Blue Core Zwiadowka with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Zwiadowka with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Decoy | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

ravenous pvp build 1 ravenous pvp build 2
ravenous pvp build 3 ravenous pvp build 4

Build store link: Ravenous PvP Build for Sale.

5. Chatterbox Striker PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 The Chatterbox
Weapon Slot #2 Lefty shotgun
Specialization Firewall
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Decoy | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

chatterbox striker pvp build 1 chatterbox striker pvp build 2
chatterbox striker pvp build 3 chatterbox striker pvp build 4

Build store link: Chatterbox Striker PvP Build for Sale.

6. True Patriot Pestilence PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Pestilence
Weapon Slot #2 Any prefered weapon
Specialization Firewall
Mask Blue Core True Patriot with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Blue Core True Patriot with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core True Patriot with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core True Patriot with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Decoy | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

true patriot pestilence pvp build 1 true patriot pestilence pvp build 2
true patriot pestilence pvp build 3 true patriot pestilence pvp build 4

Build store link: TP Pestilence PvP Build for Sale.

7. System Corruption Build

The System Corruption Build is one of the best loadouts for PvP end-game activities such as Dark Zone and Conflict. It represents a well-balanced build owned by less than 1% of the player base, providing excellent survivability and damage output.

For a fully optimized build, you need Crit Hit Chance / Crit Hit Damage rolls on all the gear pieces. You can go for either a full blue core build or a hybrid blue and red build (armor rolls & weapon damage rolls). Getting these rolls on the System Corruption set is extremely difficult because of the RNG involved.

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 Dark Winter or Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist"
Specialization Gunner | Firewall
Mask Catharsis Mask
Backpack Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Decoy | Shock Trap | Reviver Hive | Ballistic Shield
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Screenshots below:

system corruption pvp new build 1 system corruption pvp new build 2
system corruption pvp new build 3 system corruption pvp new build 4

Build store link: System Corruption Build for Sale.

8. Umbra PvP Builds

Below, we present some of the best PvP builds for Conflict and DZ that revolve around the Umbra Initiative gear set:

Umbra PvP Build Variant #1

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 RPK-74 with "Flatline" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Assault Rifle with "Flatline" talent
Specialization Technician (for the laser pointer)
Mask Red Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Ninjabike Backpack
Chest Red Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Jammer Pulse | Stinger Hive | Explosive Seeker Mine
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


rpk umbra flatline pvp build 1 rpk umbra flatline pvp build 2
rpk umbra flatline pvp build 3 rpk umbra flatline pvp build 4

Build store link: Umbra PvP Build for Sale (Variant 1).

Umbra PvP Build Variant #2

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St. Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 SMG with "Optimist" | "Measured" | "Killer" talent
Specialization Firewall
Mask Catharsis Mask
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Companion" talent
Chest Red Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Explosive Seeker Mine | Decoy | Stinger Hive | Defender Drone
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


umbra pvp build v2-1 umbra pvp build v2-2
umbra pvp build v2-3 umbra pvp build v2-4

Build store link: Umbra PvP Build for Sale (Variant 2).

Umbra PvP Build Variant #3

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Iron Lung
Weapon Slot #2 SMG with "Optimist" | "Measured" | "Killer" talent
Specialization Firewall
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Umbra Initiative with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills EMP Sticky | Decoy | Reviver Hive | Stinger Hive
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


umbra pvp build v3-1 umbra pvp build v3-2
umbra pvp build v3-3 umbra pvp build v3-4

Build store link: Umbra PvP Build for Sale (Variant 3).

9. Catharsis PvP Build

The Catharsis PvP build represents one of the meta builds for Dark Zone and Conflict game modes in The Division 2. Let's see some details:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Optimist", "Measured", or "Killer" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio Shotgun
Specialization Survivalist | Firewall
Mask Catharsis Mask
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Mender Seeker Mine | Defender Drone | Decoy | Crusader Ballistic Shield
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Below you can see how I personally set up this build:

catharsis pvp build overview catharsis pvp build stats 1
catharsis pvp build stats 2 catharsis pvp build weapon

Now you can also buy the Catharsis PvP build from us, and we will prepare the loadout for you in a breeze. Customize the desired boost, and we're good to go, Agent!

10. Striker PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Optimist", "Measured", or "Killer" talent
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Gunner | Firewall
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


striker pvp new build 1 striker pvp new build 2
striker pvp new build 3 striker pvp new build 4

If interested, you can also buy the Striker PvP build from our store, and we will prepare your custom loadout directly on your account in no time.

11. Heartbreaker PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Flatline" talent
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 with "Flatline" or Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talent
Specialization Gunner
Mask Catharsis Mask
Backpack Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Heartbreaker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Jammer Pulse | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

For additional information on the build, please check the screenshots below:

heartbreaker pvp new build 1 heartbreaker pvp new build 2
heartbreaker pvp new build 3 heartbreaker pvp new build 4

If you don't have the time for all the grinding, you can now buy the Heartbreaker PvP build from us, and we will prepare the loadout for you in a breeze.

12. Assault Rifle PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Optimist", "Measured", or "Killer" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio Shotgun
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Crusader Ballistic Shield
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


assault rifle pvp new build 1 assault rifle pvp new build 2
assault rifle pvp new build 3 assault rifle pvp new build 4

You can now buy the AR PvP build directly from our store. All you have to do is to configure your boost, and we'll make sure you get your loadout completed in no time.

13. Ridgeway's SMG Bleed Build

This is one of the best PvP builds for close-combat encounters. The whole build relies on applying the Bleed debuff to the enemies and taking them down fast with a high RPM submachine gun. Let's take a closer look at the stats:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 High RPM SMG with "Sadist", "Measured" or "Optimist"
Weapon Slot #2 Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Sadist", "Measured" or "Optimist"
Specialization Firewall
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Grupo Sombra, Ceska, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Wicked" talent
Chest Ridgeway's Chest
Gloves Red Core Grupo Sombra, Ceska, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Ballistic Shield | Jammer Pulse
Pro Tip You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2

For more details on the build, please check the screenshots below:

ridgeway bleed pvp new build 1 ridgeway bleed pvp new build 2
ridgeway bleed pvp new build 3 ridgeway bleed pvp new build 4

If interested, you can also buy the Ridgeway's Bleed Build from us, and we will prepare the customized loadout for your agent in no time.

14. One-Shot Pistol Build

This amazing close-combat build for PvP uses a pistol as the main weapon. It's one of the strongest builds in Division 2, as in the right hands, it can one-shot any player!

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1,2 Any desired weapon with "Determined" talent
Weapon Slot #3 Regulus
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Red Core Punch Drunk with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Chainkiller with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Gloves Red Core Contractor's Gloves with Headshot Damage
Holster Red Core Providence with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Kneepads Red Core Fox's Prayer with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Bullwark Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

headhunter regulus build 1 headhunter regulus build 2
headhunter regulus build 3 headhunter regulus build 4

If interested, you can also buy the Pistol build from our store, and we will prepare your custom loadout directly on your account in no time.

15. One-Shot Sniper Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Nemesis
Weapon Slot #2 Model 700 | SR1 with "Determined" talent
Specialization Sharpshooter
Mask Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Backpack Red Core Airaldi or Habsburg with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling & "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Chainkiller or Habsburg with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling & "Headhunter" talent
Gloves Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Holster Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Kneepads Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Decoy | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

one shot new sniper build 1 one shot new sniper build 2
one shot new sniper build 3 one shot new sniper build 4 one shot new sniper build 5

Build store link: One-Shot Sniper Build for Sale.

16. SMG PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Vector with "Optimist", "Measured", or "Killer" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio
Specialization Gunner
Mask Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Screenshots below:

smg pvp new build 1 smg pvp new build 2
smg pvp new build 3 smg pvp new build 4

Build store link: SMG PvP Build for Sale (Variant 2).

17. Exodus Corruption PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Lexington, Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Flatline" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talen
Specialization Technician (for the Linked Laser Pointer)
Mask Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Exodus Gloves
Holster Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage + 1x 10% Pulse Resistance Mod
Skills Trap | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2.


exodus corruption pvp build 1 exodus corruption pvp build 2
exodus corruption pvp build 3 exodus corruption pvp build 4

Build store link: Exodus Corruption PvP Build for Sale (variant 4).

What is the best Division 2 Build for PvP as a solo player in 2025?

This is one of the most popular questions we get regarding Division 2 builds, especially when it comes to PvP. It's understandable because when you focus on the competitive modes in the game, you want THE best build for your character, so the other players don't stand a chance in front of you. However, you will never find that "one" PvP build that outstands all the other builds.

At the end of the day, it's all about the players' skills and what they enjoy the most. Some players enjoy close combat PvP fights, so the best builds, in their case, will revolve around SMGs, Pistols, or Shotguns. On the other hand, some players are experts in the cover-based playstyle, so they prefer sniper-rifle or skill builds. As long as you have the right skills, these are all perfect candidates for the "best PvP build in Division 2".

Best Builds in Year 6 & Season 3

Our most popular builds for Division 2 in Year 6 & Season 3 are:

1. Refactor Force Multiplier Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Force Multiplier with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Chest Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" or "Kinetic Momentum" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor force multiplier build 1 refactor force multiplier build 2
refactor force multiplier build 3 refactor force multiplier build 4

Build store link: Refactor Force Multiplier Build for Sale (variant 1).

2. Refactor Tech Support Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Tech Support" talent
Chest Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" or "Kinetic Momentum" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor tech support build 1 refactor tech support build 2
refactor tech support build 3 refactor tech support build 4

Build store link: Refactor Tech Support Build for Sale (variant 2).

3. Refactor Ninja Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Ninja Backpack
Chest Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gloves Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor ninja build v2 1 refactor ninja build v2 2
refactor ninja build v2 3 refactor ninja build v2 4

Build store link: Refactor Ninja Build for Sale (variant 3).

4. Exodus Corruption PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Lexington, Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Flatline" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talen
Specialization Technician (for the Linked Laser Pointer)
Mask Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Exodus Gloves
Holster Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core or Blue Core System Corruption with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage + 1x 10% Pulse Resistance Mod
Skills Trap | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2.


exodus corruption pvp build 1 exodus corruption pvp build 2
exodus corruption pvp build 3 exodus corruption pvp build 4

Build store link: Exodus Corruption PvP Build for Sale (variant 4).

5. Oxpecker PvE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Oxpecker
Weapon Slot #2 Any preferred weapon
Specialization Gunner
Mask Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Blue Core Palisade with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Intimidate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


oxpecker pve build v1 1 oxpecker pve build v1 2
oxpecker pve build v1 3 oxpecker pve build v1 4

Build store link: Oxpecker PvE Build for Sale (variant 5).

6. Oxpecker PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Oxpecker
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talent
Specialization Firewall
Mask Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


oxpecker pvp build v1 1 oxpecker pvp build v1 2
oxpecker pvp build v1 3 oxpecker pvp build v1 4

Build store link: Oxpecker PvP Build for Sale (variant 6).

These are only some of the most popular builds used in Year 6, Season 3, Title Update 23. We will constantly update this section as we gather more information on new builds worth going for, so make sure you keep an eye on it!

Best Striker Builds for PvE & PvP in 2025

Our most popular Striker builds for Division 2 in Year 6 & Season 3 are:

1. St Elmo's Striker Build for Legendary

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 GR9 LMG with "Frenzy" or "Fast Hands" talent
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

st elmos striker build for legendary

Build store link: St Elmo's Striker Legendary Build for Sale (variant 1).

2. St Elmo's Striker Build for Group

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Ballistic Shield | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
Works perfectly for both solo or groups!

Build showcase:

st elmos striker build for group

Build store link: St Elmo's Striker Group Build For Sale (variant 2).

3. Striker AR PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Lexington, Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Optimist", "Measured", or "Killer" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talent
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush"
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

striker ar pvp build

Build store link: Striker AR PvP Build for Sale (variant 3).

4. Ouroboros Striker PvE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Gunner | Firewall
Mask Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2.

Build showcase:

ouroboros striker pve build

Build store link: Ouroboros Striker PvE Build for Sale (variant 4).

5. Ouroboros Striker PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talent
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

ouroboros striker pvp build

Build store link: Ouroboros Striker PvP Build for Sale (variant 5).

6. Ridgeway Striker's Bleed PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 High RPM SMG with "Sadist", "Measured" or "Optimist"
Weapon Slot #2 Lexington, Carbine 7, Police M4, or FAMAS with "Sadist", "Measured" or "Optimist"
Specialization Firewall
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Grupo Sombra, Ceska, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Wicked"
Chest Ridgeway's Chest
Gloves Red Core Grupo Sombra, Ceska, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Ballistic Shield | Jammer Pulse
Pro Tip You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls), we recommend at least 2.

Build showcase:

ridgeway strikers bleed pvp build

Build store link: Ridgeway Striker's Bleed PvP Build for Sale (variant 6).

Best St Elmo's Builds for PvE & PvP in 2025

Our most popular St Elmos builds for Division 2 in Year 6 & Season 3 are:

1. St Elmo's Striker Build for Legendary

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 GR9 LMG with "Frenzy" or "Fast Hands" talent
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

st elmos striker build for legendary

Build store link: St Elmo's Striker Legendary Build for Sale (variant 1).

2. St Elmo's Striker Build for Group

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Ballistic Shield | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
Works perfectly for both solo or groups!

Build showcase:

st elmos striker build for group

Build store link: St Elmo's Striker Group Build For Sale (variant 2).

3. St Elmo's Classic AR Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 Any preferred weapon
Specialization Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Grupo or Ceska with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Grupo or Ceska with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Palisade with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2.

Build showcase:

st elmos classic ar build

Build store link: St Elmo's Classic AR Build for Sale (variant 3).

4. St Elmo's Striker Hybrid Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Gunner | Firewall
Mask Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2.

Build showcase:

st elmos striker hybrid build

Build store link: St Elmo's Striker Hybrid Build for Sale (variant 4).

5. St Elmo's Double Companion Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 Any preferred weapon
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Catharsis
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Companion" talent
Chest Red Core or Blue Core Henri with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gloves Red Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Fox's Prayer with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Mender Seeker Mine
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2.

Build showcase:

st elmos double companion build

Build store link: St Elmo's Double Companion Build for Sale (variant 5).

6. St Elmo's Armor Regen Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 Any preferred weapon
Specialization Survivalist | Gunner
Mask Blue Core Gila with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack NinjaBike Backpack
Chest Blue Core Golan with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" or "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Gila with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Belstone with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Emperor's Guard
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Jammer Pulse | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
Use Chill Out mask if you own it!

Build showcase:

st elmos armor regen build

Build store link: St Elmo's Armor Regen Build for Sale (variant 6).

7. St Elmo's PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talent
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

st elmos pvp build

Build store link: St Elmo's PvP Build for Sale (variant 7).

Best Ouroboros Builds for PvE & PvP in 2025

Our most popular Ouroboros builds for Division 2 in Year 6 & Season 3 are:

1. Ouroboros PvE Red Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 Shield Splinterer
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Intimidate" or "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

ouroboros pve red build

Build store link: Ouroboros PvE Red Build for Sale (variant 1).

2. Ouroboros PvE Blue Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 Shield Splinterer
Specialization Gunner
Mask Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Blue Core Palisade with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Intimidate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

ouroboros pve blue build

Build store link: Ouroboros PvE Blue Build For Sale (variant 2).

3. Ouroboros PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talent
Specialization Gunner
Mask Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Sokolov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

ouroboros pvp build

Build store link: Ouroboros PvP Build for Sale (variant 3).

4. Ouroboros Striker PvE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Gunner | Firewall
Mask Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls); we recommend at least 2.

Build showcase:

ouroboros striker pve build

Build store link: Ouroboros Striker PvE Build for Sale (variant 4).

5. Ouroboros Striker PvP Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 Custom M870 MCS Shotgun with "Optimist" talent
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" talent
Gloves Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Build showcase:

ouroboros striker pvp build

Build store link: Ouroboros Striker PvP Build for Sale (variant 5).

6. Ouroboros Armor Regen Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Ouroboros
Weapon Slot #2 Any preferred weapon
Specialization Survivalist | Gunner
Mask Blue Core Gila with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack NinjaBike Backpack
Chest Blue Core Golan with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage & "Unbreakable" or "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Blue Core Gila with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Belstone with Armor Regen & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Emperor's Guard
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Jammer Pulse | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods.
Use Chill Out mask if you own it!

Build showcase:

ouroboros armo regen build

Build store link: Ouroboros Armor Regen Build for Sale (variant 6).

Best XP & SHD Farming Builds in The Division 2

In this section we will go through the best builds for fast SHD Watch & Seasonal Leveling. These builds can easily clear Heroic activities with 5 directives for maximum XP gains.

The best SHD & XP Farming Builds in The Division 2 are:

  • Model 700 Headhunter Hotshot Red Build
  • Model 700 Headhunter Hotshot Hybrid Build
  • Headhunter's Fury Determined Build
  • Headhunter Regulus Pistol Build
  • Eclipse Protocol Status Build
  • 1886 Determined Memento Build

1. Model 700 Headhunter Hotshot Red Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Model 700 with "Determined" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Nemesis Sniper
Specialization Sharpshooter
Mask Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Backpack Red Core Airaldi or Providence with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling & "Vigilance" or "Concussion" talent
Chest Red Core Chainkiller with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Gloves Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Holster Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Kneepads Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Drone | Decoy | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

model 700 hotshot red build 1 model 700 hotshot red build 2
model 700 hotshot red build 3 model 700 hotshot red build 4

Build store link: Model 700 Hotshot Red Build for Sale (Variant 1).

2. Model 700 Headhunter Hotshot Hybrid Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Model 700 with "Determined" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Nemesis Sniper
Specialization Gunner | Sharpshooter
Mask Blue Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Backpack Blue Core Palisade with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling & "Bloodsucker" talent
Chest Red Core Chainkiller with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Gloves Blue Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Holster Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Kneepads Red Core Hotshot with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Drone | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls), we recommend at least 3

Screenshots below:

model 700 hotshot hybrid build 1 model 700 hotshot hybrid build 2
model 700 hotshot hybrid build 3 model 700 hotshot hybrid build 4

Build store link: Model 700 Hotshot Hybrid Build for Sale (Variant 2).

3. Headhunter's Fury Determined Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 1886 Rifle with "Determined" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Nemesis Sniper
Specialization Sharpshooter
Mask Red Core Hunter's Fury with Headshot Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Chainkiller with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Gloves Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Headshot Damage
Holster Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Headshot Damage
Kneepads Blue Core Hunter's Fury with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Drone | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip You can use any amount of blue core attributes (armor rolls), we recommend at least 3

Screenshots below:

headhunter's fury determined build 1 headhunter's fury determined build 2
headhunter's fury determined build 3 headhunter's fury determined build 4

Build store link: Headhunter's Fury Determined Build for Sale (Variant 3).

4. Headhunter Regulus Pistol Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1,2 Any desired weapon with "Determined" talent
Weapon Slot #3 Regulus
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Red Core Punch Drunk with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Chainkiller with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Gloves Red Core Contractor's Gloves with Headshot Damage
Holster Red Core Providence with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Kneepads Red Core Fox's Prayer with Headshot Damage
Gear Mods Headshot Damage
Skills Bullwark Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

headhunter regulus build 1 headhunter regulus build 2
headhunter regulus build 3 headhunter regulus build 4

Build store link: Headhunter Regulus Pistol Build for Sale (Variant 4).

5. Eclipse Protocol Status Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Test Subject
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio
Specialization Firewall
Mask Vile Mask
Backpack Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Chest Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gloves Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Holster Yellow Core Electrique or Golan with Status Effects & Skill Haste
Kneepads Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Firestarter Chem Launcher | Burn Sticky Bomb | Stinger Hive
Pro Tip You aim for 4x Eclipse Protocol while using the set's chest and backpack

Screenshots below:

eclipse protocol status build 1 eclipse protocol status build 2
eclipse protocol status build 3 eclipse protocol status build 4

Build store link: Eclipse Protocol Status Build for Sale (Variant 5).

6. 1886 Determined Memento Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 1886 Rifle with "Determined" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Nemesis Sniper
Specialization Sharpshooter
Mask Blue Core Habsburg or Palisade with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Zwiadowka with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling & "Headhunter" talent
Gloves Blue Core Eagle's Grasp with Headshot Damage
Holster Blue Core Palisade or Habsburg with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Kneepads Red Core Zwiadowka with Headshot Damage & Weapon Handling
Gear Mods Protection from Elites
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Decoy | Reviver Hive | Drone
Pro Tip You need at least 150% Headshot Damage before going for PFE mods!

Screenshots below:

1886 determined memento build 1 1886 determined memento build 2
1886 determined memento build 3 1886 determined memento build 4

Build store link: 1886 Determined Memento Build for Sale (Variant 6).

Best Legendary Builds in Division 2

In Division 2, there are multiple tiers of difficulty, with Legendary being the highest one. However, you can only embrace the legendary difficulty within The Summit and the Strongholds in the game's current state.

Things get rough when playing on the most challenging difficulty in the game. Trust me. Your enemies are members of the White Tusk who are dealing increased damage, they have increased health pools and advanced skills. This automatically leads to the necessity of a solid build that can handle all that pressure and extremely challenging content. Not to mention that the legendary difficulty also requires some advanced player skills…a little shoutout here to the White Task “Rushers”.

If most of the DPS builds can cover the Heroic difficulty with ease, you don't have too many options to choose from for the legendary content. You must be extremely cautious, and if you are a solo player, you must use a cover-based playstyle. This is why the skill build is one of the best DPS builds for legendary missions in Division 2. You stay safe, in cover, and the skills do all the work for you.

However, if you're not a big fan of skill builds and prefer pure firearms builds, you still have some viable options: the Negociator's Dilemma Build and the Striker Build.

Below, we present the Best Legendary Builds in Division 2 for 2025:

  • Legendary Striker Build
  • Negotiator's Pestilence Build
  • Negotiator's Dilemma Focused Build
  • Refactor Force Multiplier Skill Build
  • Refactor Tech Support Skill Build
  • Refactor Ninja Skill Build
  • Hybrid Empress Skill Build
  • Yellow Empress Skill Build
  • Infinite Seeker Mines Skill Build
  • Rigger Skill Build
  • Foam Status Effect Support Build

1. Legendary Striker Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 GR9 LMG with "Frenzy" or "Fast Hands" talent
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Some screenshots below:

legendary striker build 1 legendary striker build 2
legendary striker build 3 legendary striker build 4

Build store link: Legendary Striker Build for Sale (Variant 1).

2. Negotiator's Pestilence Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Pestilence
Weapon Slot #2 Any preffered weapon
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Composure" or "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Defender Drone | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


negotiators pestilence build 1 negotiators pestilence build 2
negotiators pestilence build 3 pestilence

Build store link: Negotiator's Pestilence Build for Sale (Variant 2).

3. Negotiator's Dilemma Focused Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Assault Rifle with 8x Scope or higher and "Fast Hands" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle with 8x Scope or higher
Specialization Gunner
Mask Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Composure" or "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Pristine Example with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gloves Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Negotiator's with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Decoy | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for 60% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Some screenshots below:

negotiator focused build 1 negotiator focused build 2
negotiator focused build 3 negotiator focused build 4

Build store link: Negotiator's Dilemma Focused Build for Sale (Variant 3).

4. Refactor Force Multiplier Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Force Multiplier with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Chest Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" or "Kinetic Momentum" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor force multiplier build 1 refactor force multiplier build 2
refactor force multiplier build 3 refactor force multiplier build 4

Build store link: Refactor Force Multiplier Build for Sale (variant 1).

5. Refactor Tech Support Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Tech Support" talent
Chest Yellow Core Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" or "Kinetic Momentum" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor tech support build 1 refactor tech support build 2
refactor tech support build 3 refactor tech support build 4

Build store link: Refactor Tech Support Build for Sale (variant 2).

6. Refactor Ninja Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Technician
Mask Red Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Backpack Ninja Backpack
Chest Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Gloves Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Holster Yellow Core Refactor with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip By using the Technician specialization, we can use a red core for extra weapon damage while still having 6x skill tiers.
Can be used on any item.


refactor ninja build v2 1 refactor ninja build v2 2
refactor ninja build v2 3 refactor ninja build v2 4

Build store link: Refactor Ninja Build for Sale (variant 3).

7. Hybrid Empress Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Red Core Empress with Skill Damage & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon"
Gloves Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Yellow Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Brazos with Skill Damage & Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip Aim for at least 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods

Some screenshots below:

hybrid empress build 1
hybrid empress build 2 hybrid empress build 3 hybrid empress build 4
hybrid empress build 5 hybrid empress build 6 hybrid empress build 7

Build store link: Hybrid Empress Skill Build for Sale (Variant 4).

8. Yellow Empress Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Backpack Yellow Core Wyvern or Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Combined Arms" talent
Chest Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" talent
Gloves Yellow Core Wyvern or Hana-U with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Holster Waveform
Kneepads Yellow Core Empress with Skill Damage & Skill Haste
Gear Mods Skill Duration
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip You aim for 3x Empress + 1x Wyvern + 1x Hana-U

For more details on this skill build configuration, you can check the screenshots below:

empress yellow build 1 empress yellow build 2
empress yellow build 3 empress yellow build 4

Build store link: Yellow Empress Skill Build for Sale (Variant 5).

9. Infinite Seeker Mines Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Demolitionist
Mask Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Chest Yellow Core China Light with Skill Damage & Skill Haste & "Glass Cannon" talent
Gloves BTSU Datagloves
Holster Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Kneepads Yellow Core Hard Wired with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Cluster Seeker Mine | Stinger Hive | Restorer Hive


infinite seeker mines build 1 infinite seeker mines build 2
infinite seeker mines build 3 infinite seeker mines build 4

Build store link: Infinite Seeker Mines Hard Wired Build for Sale (Variant 6).

10. Rigger Skill Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Capacitor
Weapon Slot #2 Rifle or SMG with "In Sync" talent
Specialization Tehnician
Mask Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Backpack Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Chest Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Gloves Yellow Core Wyvern with Skill Damage
Holster Waveform
Kneepads Yellow Core Rigger with Skill Damage
Gear Mods Skill Duration
Skills Striker Drone | Assault Turret
Pro Tip You aim for 4x Rigger while using the set's chest and backpack

For more details on this build version, you can check the screenshots below:

rigger build 1
rigger build 2 rigger build 3 rigger build 4
rigger build 5 rigger build 6 rigger build 7

Build store link: Rigger Skill Build for Sale (Variant 7).

11. Foam Status Effect Support Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Scorpio
Weapon Slot #2 Lefty
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Backpack Yellow Core Electrique with Status Effects & Skill Haste & "Creeping Death" talent
Chest Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gloves Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Holster Yellow Core Golan with Status Effects & Skill Haste
Kneepads Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Riot Foam Chem Launcher & Jammer Pulse | Trap
Pro Tip Another variant would include BTSU Datagloves for overcharges
Use Foam + Restorer Hive in that case


eclipse foam support build 1 eclipse foam support build 2
eclipse foam support build 3 eclipse foam support build 4

Build store link: Foam Status Effect Support Build for Sale (Variant 8).

Best Builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion

Now let's check out what type of builds you need for Paradise Lost Incursion. In the Paradise Lost Incursion players use 3 types of builds, as follows:

  • DPS Builds
  • Healer Builds
  • Tank Builds

Moving on, we'll showcase some examples of builds to use in the incursion for each role. Ready?

St. Elmo's Striker DPS Build

The St Elmo's Striker Build represents one of the best DPS builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion in The Division 2. Let's check out some stats:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Ballistic Shield | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


st elmos red striker build 1 st elmos red striker build 2
st elmos red striker build 3 st elmos red striker build 4

Build store link: Incursion Striker Build for Sale.

Healer Build for the Paradise Lost Incursion

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Scorpio
Weapon Slot #2 Any weapon with "Sledgehammer" talent
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Backpack Yellow Core Murakami or Hana-U with Repair Skills & Skill Haste & "Opportunistic" talent
Chest Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Gloves BTSU Datagloves
Holster Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Kneepads Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Gear Mods Repair Skills
Skills Reinforcer Chem Launcher | Restorer Hive

Screenshots below:

new healer build 1 new healer build 2
new healer build 3 new healer build 4

Build store link: Healer Build for Sale.

Tank Build for the Paradise Lost Incursion

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1,2 Any preffered AR or SMG
Weapon Slot #3 Liberty
Specialization Demolitionist
Mask Blue Core Belstone with Armor Regen and Hazard Protection
Backpack Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Chest Tardigrade
Gloves Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Holster Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Kneepads Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Gear Mods Protection from Elites
Skills Bulwark Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

best tank build overview tank build weapon talent
tank build chest talent tank build armor value

Build store link: Tank Build for Sale.

Remember, these are just my personal build recommendations for the Paradise Lost Incursion. Feel free to customize your own build and always use whatever seems the best for you! Let's move on to the next category: the Division 2 raid builds.

Best Raid Builds for The Division 2 in the current meta (2025)

This section covers the must-have builds that shouldn't be missing from any raid setup. Apart from great team skills and communication, Division 2 raids also require some particular loadouts to run through.

These builds are specially designed to cover the key roles in The Dark Hours and The Iron Horse raids. So whether you want to be the tank, the healer, or one of the damage dealers in the raid, we've got the perfect build.

The best raid builds for Division 2 in 2025 are:

  • Striker DPS Build
  • Healer Build
  • Tank Build
  • Eclipse Protocol Fire Build
  • Foam Status Effect Support Build
  • Ongoing Directive Support Build

1. Striker DPS Build

This is one of the most popular DPS builds used in the Division 2 raids. My favorite AR build config for the raids looks like this:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 St Elmo's Engine
Weapon Slot #2 ACS-12 Shotgun
Specialization Firewall | Gunner
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" talent
Gloves Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Striker with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Striker Ballistic Shield | Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Aim for about 50% Crit Chance, then use Crit Damage rolls and mods


st elmos red striker build 1 st elmos red striker build 2
st elmos red striker build 3 st elmos red striker build 4

Build store link: Striker Build for Sale.

2. Healer Build

This is a vital build that cannot be missing from your raid setup. As a healer, your role is to heal and keep your teammates alive. This is one of the most accessible raid builds to use in Division 2, and it looks like this:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Scorpio
Weapon Slot #2 Any weapon with "Sledgehammer" talent
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Backpack Yellow Core Murakami or Hana-U with Repair Skills & Skill Haste & "Opportunistic" talent
Chest Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Gloves BTSU Datagloves
Holster Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Kneepads Yellow Core Future Initiative with Repair Skills
Gear Mods Repair Skills
Skills Reinforcer Chem Launcher | Restorer Hive

Screenshots below:

new healer build 1 new healer build 2
new healer build 3 new healer build 4

Build store link: Healer Build for Sale.

3. Tank Build

This build is the definition of survivability and provides a huge armor boost to your team as well. Try to get as much armor as possible (at least 1.8 mil), as you will have to face-tank the enemies so the rest of the team can take them down. Build configuration below:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1,2 Any preffered AR or SMG
Weapon Slot #3 Liberty
Specialization Demolitionist
Mask Blue Core Belstone with Armor Regen and Hazard Protection
Backpack Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Chest Tardigrade
Gloves Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Holster Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Kneepads Blue Core Foundry Bulwark with Armor Regen or Hazard Protection
Gear Mods Protection from Elites
Skills Bulwark Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive

Screenshots below:

best tank build overview tank build weapon talent
tank build chest talent tank build armor value

Build store link: Tank Build for Sale.

4. Eclipse Protocol Fire Build

One of the best support builds used in the Division 2 raids. It's extremely fun to play, and I find it one of the most enjoyable raid builds in the game, as you mostly stay in cover and put your enemies on fire. Some build particularities can be found below:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Test Subject
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio
Specialization Firewall
Mask Vile Mask
Backpack Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Chest Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gloves Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Holster Yellow Core Electrique or Golan with Status Effects & Skill Haste
Kneepads Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Firestarter Chem Launcher | Burn Sticky Bomb | Stinger Hive
Pro Tip You aim for 4x Eclipse Protocol while using the set's chest and backpack

Screenshots below:

eclipse protocol status build 1 eclipse protocol status build 2
eclipse protocol status build 3 eclipse protocol status build 4

Build store link: Status Effect Fire Build for Sale.

5. Foam Status Effect Support Build

This build represents the other meta crowd-control support build oftenly used in Legendary activities and raids. Some stats below:

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Scorpio
Weapon Slot #2 Lefty
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Backpack Yellow Core Electrique with Status Effects & Skill Haste & "Creeping Death" talent
Chest Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gloves Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Holster Yellow Core Golan with Status Effects & Skill Haste
Kneepads Yellow Core Eclipse Protocol with Status Effects
Gear Mods Skill Haste
Skills Riot Foam Chem Launcher & Jammer Pulse | Trap
Pro Tip Another variant would include BTSU Datagloves for overcharges
Use Foam + Restorer Hive in that case


eclipse foam support build 1 eclipse foam support build 2
eclipse foam support build 3 eclipse foam support build 4

Build store link: Foam Status Effect Support Build for Sale.

6. Ongoing Directive Support Build

This loadout represents the last but not least support build you can use in the raids. Extremely useful!

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 GR9 LMG with "Sadist" or "Fast Hands" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Carnage LMG with "Perfect Sadist" talent
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Red Core Ongoing Directive with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Petrov with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Wicked" talent
Chest Red Core Ongoing Directive with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gloves Red Core Contractor's Gloves with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Holster Red Core Ongoing Directive with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Red Core Ongoing Directive with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Gear Mods Crit Chance | Crit Damage
Skills Jammer Pulse | Reviver Hive


ongoing directive new support build 1 ongoing directive new support build 2
ongoing directive new support build 3 ongoing directive new support build 4

Build store link: Ongoing Directive Support Build for Sale.

These are the best raid builds you should use if you want a smooth raiding experience in Division 2. In terms of difficulty, the raid builds are some of the most accessible builds to get as they don't rely on that many rare items or perfect rolls on the gear.

Best Hardcore Builds in Division 2

In this section we cover the best builds you should go for your Hardcore (HC) characters in Division 2.

As soon as you hit level 40, things change a lot, especially in Hardcore mode. It will take you some time to gather the required gear for the end-game builds, therefore, you need an easy-to-get loadout to use while going for those items.

Remember, you won't have access to exotic items and best in slot gear early on! Below we present one of the best starter builds for a fresh level 40 hardcore character in Division 2.

Hardcore Starter Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Assault Rifle with "Measured" or "Optimist" talent
Weapon Slot #2 Dark Winter or Baker's Dozen Rifle
Specialization Gunner
Gear Configuration Fox's Prayer + Contractor's Gloves + Ceska + Fenris + Grupo + Belstone
Chest Talent Unbreakable
Backpack Talent Bloodsucker
Skill Slot #1 Drone or Crusader Ballistic Shield
Skill Slot #2 Reviver Hive
Core Attribute Hybrid red & blue build (weapon damage & armor rolls)
Gear Rolls Crit hit chance & Crit hit damage
Gear Mods Crit hit chance & Crit hit damage

Now let's check out some screenshots:

hardcore starter build overview hardcore starter build stats 1
hardcore starter build stats 2 hardcore starter build stats 3

Now that you have a decent hardcore build to work with, you can go for the end-game stuff. Moving on, we'll present the best builds you can use for the end-game activities on a Hardcore character in Division 2.

The Best Builds for Hardcore in Division 2 in 2025 are:

  • St Elmo's Striker Build
  • Heartbreaker PvE Build
  • Assault Rifle PvE Build
  • Pestilence LMG Build
  • SMG Build for PvE
  • Skill Builds

All these builds have already been presented in the Best PvE Builds section above.

This wraps up our selection of the best hardcore builds for Division 2 in 2025. Remember - Stay safe, Agent! Moving on, we'll check out the most popular Improvised Protection from Elites builds in the game.

Protection from Elite (PFE) Builds

The PFE Builds are hybrid DPS-Tank builds that use multiple Protection from Elites mods and Improvised (Crafted) Gear and are perfect for Heroic and Legendary activities. The Chill Out Mask is the Best-In-Slot mask for most of these builds. If you own it, use it for the 2x Gear Mod Slots!

The best PFE Builds in The Division 2 are:

  • Picaro's Memento PFE Build
  • Picaro's Coyote PFE Build
  • Dark Winter's Memento PFE Build
  • Shielded Vigilance Build

1. Picaro's Memento PFE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Shield Splinterer
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Blue Core Gila with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" or "Intimidate" talent
Gloves Blue or Red Core Improvised Gloves with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue or Red Core Improvised Kneepads with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gear Mods Protection from Elites x5
Skills Mender Seeker Mine | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Minimum 65% Protection From Elites (Specialization bonus included!)
Use Chill Out Mask if owned!

Screenshots below:

picaros memento pfe build 1 picaros memento pfe build 2
picaros memento pfe build 3 picaros memento pfe build 4

Build store link: Picaro's Memento PFE Build for Sale (Variant 1).

2. Picaro's Coyote PFE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Shield Splinterer
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Adrenaline Rush" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" or "Intimidate" talent
Gloves Blue or Red Core Improvised Gloves with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue or Red Core Improvised Kneepads with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gear Mods Protection from Elites x5
Skills Mender Seeker Mine | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Minimum 65% Protection From Elites (Specialization bonus included!)
Use Chill Out Mask if owned!

Screenshots below:

picaros coyote pfe build 1 picaros coyote pfe build 2
picaros coyote pfe build 3 picaros coyote pfe build 4

Build store link: Picaro's Coyote PFE Build for Sale (Variant 2).

3. Dark Winter's Memento PFE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Dark Winter
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Backpack Memento
Chest Red Core Ceska or Grupo with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" or "Intimidate" talent
Gloves Blue or Red Core Improvised Gloves with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue or Red Core Improvised Kneepads with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gear Mods Protection from Elites x5
Skills Chem Launcher Riot Foam | Defender Drone | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Minimum 65% Protection From Elites (Specialization bonus included!)
Use Chill Out Mask if owned!

Screenshots below:

dark winter memento pfe build 1 dark winter memento pfe build 2
dark winter memento pfe build 3 dark winter memento pfe build 4

Build store link: Dark Winter's Memento PFE Build for Sale (Variant 3).

4. Shielded Vigilance PFE Build

Build Component Description
Weapon Slot #1 Shield Splinterer
Weapon Slot #2 Scorpio
Specialization Survivalist
Mask Coyote's Mask
Backpack Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Vigilance" talent
Chest Red Core Ceska, Grupo, or Fenris with Crit Chance & Crit Damage & "Obliterate" or "Intimidate" talent
Gloves Blue or Red Core Improvised Gloves with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Holster Blue Core Picaro's Holster with Crit Chance or Crit Damage
Kneepads Blue or Red Core Improvised Kneepads with Crit Chance & Crit Damage
Gear Mods Protection from Elites x5
Skills Crusader Ballistic Shield | Reviver Hive
Pro Tip Minimum 65% Protection From Elites (Specialization bonus included!)
Use Chill Out Mask if owned!

Screenshots below:

shielded vigilance pfe build 1 shielded vigilance pfe build 2
shielded vigilance pfe build 3 shielded vigilance pfe build 4

Build store link: Shielded Vigilance PFE Build for Sale (Variant 4).

Update Log

01.03.2025 - Re-added the "Best Striker Builds", "Best St Elmo's Builds", and "Best Ouroboros Builds" sections

28.02.2025 - Updated the "Year 6 & Season 3 Builds" section

27.02.2025 - Updated the "Year 6 & Season 3 Builds" section

21.02.2025 - Updated the "Best PvE Builds (2025)" section

20.02.2025 - Updated the "Best PvP Builds (2025)" & "Meta Raid Builds" sections

19.02.2025 - Updated the "Best PvP Builds (2025)" section for Season 3

18.02.2025 - Updated the "Best XP & SHD Farming Builds", "Paradise Lost Builds", "Meta Raid Builds", and "Best PFE Builds" sections

17.02.2025 - Updated the "Best Legendary Builds" section

14.02.2025 - Added 6 new PvP builds in the "Best PvP Builds" section

18.11.2024 - Added the Chatterbox Builds in the "Year 6 Season 2" section

13.11.2024 - Added the Auto Rifle Builds in the "Year 6 Season 2" section

04.11.2024 - Added the Infinite Seeker Mines HW Build in the "Year 6 Season 2" section

02.11.2024 - Updated the "Year 6 Season 2" section with the most recent seasonal builds

13.06.2024 - Updated the "Year 6 Season 1" section with the "Rifle Builds"

11.06.2024 - Updated the "Title Update 20 & Season 3" section and renamed it "Year 6 Season 1"

27.05.2024 - Added the "Umbra PvP Builds" in the "Best PvP Builds" section

24.05.2024 - Updated the "RPK-74 Builds" in the "Title Update 20 & Season 3" section

23.05.2024 - Added the "RPK-74 Builds" in the "Title Update 20 & Season 3" section

11.05.2024 - Updated the "Best XP & SHD Farming Builds" section

17.03.2024 - Updated the guide with the newest healer build variant

13.03.2024 - Updated the "Best Legendary Builds" section

11.03.2024 - Added the "Hybrid Red-Yellow Empress Skill Build" in "Best PvE Builds" section

09.03.2024 - Added the "Best PFE Builds" section

05.03.2024 - Added the "Best XP & SHD Farming Builds" section

10.02.2024 - Added the "System Corruption Build" in "Best PvP Builds" & "Title Update 20 & Season 3" sections

09.02.2024 - Updated the "Title Update 20 & Season 3" section with Armor Regen & Vindicator Builds

08.02.2024 - Updated the "Title Update 20 & Season 3" section with Shield Splinterer Builds

07.02.2024 - Updated the "Title Update 20 & Season 3" section

05.01.2024 - Updated the whole guide with the new 2024 changes

20.10.2023 - Updated the "Title Update 19 & Season 2" section with "Iron Lung Builds", "Collector Builds", and "Ortiz Exuro Builds"

05.10.2023 - Added the "Title Update 19 & Season 2" and "Paradise Lost Incursion Builds" sections

14.09.2023 - Added the "Best Hardcore Builds" section with 7 recommended builds

01.09.2023 - Updated the "Title Update 18 & Season 1 Builds" section with the Hunter's Determined Build & St Elmo's Armor Regen Build

04.07.2023 - Updated the "Title Update 18 & Season 1 Builds" section with the Hunter's Fury Build

03.07.2023 - Updated the "Title Update 18 & Season 1 Builds" section with the Double Companion Build

12.06.2023 - Updated the "Title Update 18 & Season 1 Builds" section

28.04.2023 - Added the Heartbreaker PvE Build in "Best PvE Builds (2023)" section

06.04.2023 - Added the Striker PvP Build & Catharsis PvP Build in "Best PvP Builds (2023)" section

12.03.2023 - Added the NinjaBike Legendary Skill Build in "Title Update 17 Builds" section

05.03.2023 - Added the Doctor Home Rifle Build in "Title Update 17 Builds" section

04.03.2023 - Added the NinjaBike Striker's Fury Build in "Title Update 17 Builds" section

03.03.2023 - Added the NinjaBike Heartbreaker Striker Build in "Title Update 17 Builds" section

02.03.2023 - Added the Hotshot Sniper Build in "Title Update 17 Builds" section

01.03.2023 - Updated the "Title Update 17 Builds" section with Prophet and NinjaBike Messenger Builds

29.09.2022 - Added the Kingbreaker Striker Build in "Title Update 16 Builds" section

17.09.2022 - Added the Ridgeway's Ongoing SMG Build in "Title Update 16 Builds" section

15.09.2022 - Added the "Title Update 16 Builds" section with 6 new loadouts

03.09.2022 - Started working on the new builds for Season 10 and Title Update 16. Updates incoming very soon!

10.06.2022 - Updated the "Build components" section with the best gear sets and exotic items to use in 2022 meta

07.06.2022 - Added the "Pulse Resistance Build (Heartbreaker Counter Build)" in the "Best PvP Builds (2022)" section

22.05.2022 - Updated the "Creating the perfect build" section with the new Expertise feature

18.05.2022 - Added the "Heartbreaker PvP Build" in the "Best PvP Builds (2022)" and "Title Update 15 Builds" sections

16.05.2022 - Updated "Tank Build" and "Healer Build" in the "Meta Raid Builds" section

14.05.2022 - Added "Title Update 15 Builds" section that showcases 3 brand-new builds introduced with the launch of Season 9: "Kingbreaker Spotter Build", "Bluescreen LMG Build", "Dread Edict Sniper Build"

04.05.2022 - Added Pestilence LMG Build and Legendary Skill Build with Empress Set to "Best Builds for PvE in 2022"


This wraps up everything you should know regarding build-making and the best Division 2 builds in 2025. By reading this guide, I hope you now have a clear image of what a build is made of, how min-maxing works, the different types of builds and their particularities, and how to choose the best PvE or PvP build for your character.

We will keep updating this guide as new builds keep joining the stage, so keep an eye on this post and don't miss out on what can be the "new best build" for your character.

Related Guides

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About KBoosting

Are you struggling to put all the pieces together or simply don’t have the time for all the grinding? No problem, we've got it covered! At KBoosting, we also provide build-making services for Division 2. All you have to do is to choose the desired build for your character and let our professional boosters handle everything for you.

You can buy Complete Division 2 Builds from the store or create your custom build, and we will follow your instructions and prepare the desired loadout on your account. Also, if you are eager to try the most powerful loadouts right now, you can purchase a premade TD2 account and get your hands on the best builds in the game, lightning-fast. You deserve the best gaming experience, Agent! We're here to make it happen!

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