Best Division 2 Gear Sets & Brand Sets in 2025

Welcome to our Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets guide for 2025, Agent! Gear sets and brand sets are the backbones of any build in The Division 2, whether you're just starting out or already in the endgame. With 52 sets to choose from, it can be overwhelming, especially for new players. But fear not. We're here to help!
Our guide starts by explaining what gear and brand sets are in The Division 2 and their unique features. We then provide practical tips on obtaining any gear set and brand set in the game using the most efficient farming methods. We also delve into the set bonuses, attributes, and talents, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the game's build-making concept.
Then, we'll cover each set individually, providing the complete list of all Division 2 gear sets & brand sets in 2025, along with their bonuses and unique talents. You'll also gain insights on how to craft, recalibrate, and optimize gear sets to unleash their full potential in your builds.
Finally, we have prepared some lists to help you better understand what would be the best gear sets and brand sets for various roles such as DPS or support, or various PvE and PvP activities such as legendary missions, raids, heroic activities, Dark Zone, and Conflict.
By the end of this guide, you'll have a clear understanding of the gear sets and brand sets worth pursuing, and you'll be equipped with the knowledge to choose the best options that suit your playstyle. Are you ready, Agent?
Key Takeaways
The best Division 2 Gear Sets in 2025 are:
- Striker
- Heartbreaker
- Umbra Initiative
- Hunter's Fury
- Negotiator's Dilemma
- Hotshot
- Rigger
- Eclipse Protocol
- Future Initiative
- Foundry Bulwark
The best Division 2 Brand Sets in 2025 are:
- Providence
- Empress
- Wyvern
- Alps Summit
- China Light
- Palisade Steelworks
- Brazos de Arcabuz
- Gila Guard
- Fenris
- Petrov
- Overlord
- Walker, Harris & Co
What are Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets?
Gear and brand sets are unique collections of equipment that provide additional attributes when you equip two, three, or four items belonging to the same set. So, once you equip a certain number of pieces of the same gear or brand set, you will benefit from a set bonus. In Division 2, gear sets represent the starting point of any build (loadout).
Division 2 set components
Every Divison 2 gear set or brand set is composed of 6 item types, as follows:
- Mask
- Backpack
- Chest
- Gloves
- Holster
- Kneepads
How many Gear Set items can you equip at once?
Whether a brand or a gear set, you can equip all its six items simultaneously. However, that will rarely be the case, as, in Division 2, the set bonuses require you to have a maximum of three (for brand sets) or four (for gear sets) pieces of that particular set equipped to benefit from the last bonus.
It means that it's pointless to use more than three or four pieces of the same set because, unlike the Division 1 classified sets, you will never receive any bonus for having 5 or 6 pieces equipped. (Shoutout to the Division 1 OGs over there!)
It's always better to use as many set items as needed to unlock the desired set bonus and then use exotic items or a different gear set/brand set in the remaining slots as fillers for your build.

How do you get Gear Sets and Brand Sets in Division 2?
In Division 2, you can get gear sets and brand sets from multiple sources, such as:
- Countdown game mode
- The Summit game mode
- Open-world activities
- Missions
- Dark Zone
- Raids & Incursion
- Vendors
- Caches
- Crafting
- Random drops while killing enemies or other players
- Seasonal rewards
The fastest way to get gear sets and brand sets in 2025
The fastest way to get a specific gear set or brand set in Division 2 is to play Countdown while selecting that set as the targeted loot. This is by far the best way to get sets in the game, as you can get a complete set in roughly 15 minutes, depending on luck.

Note: When going for a specific set, the best advice is to play in a full team willing to target-farm the set and share the loot if it drops. This is by far the fastest way to get any gear set or brand set in The Division 2, especially when going for god-rolls!
Now that we're done with the introductory part, let's take gear sets and brand sets separately and dive deep into their bonuses, attributes, and talents. We'll start with the gear sets. Ready?
Division 2 Gear Sets
How many gear sets are in Division 2 in 2025?
Right now, there are 21 gear sets in Division 2. With every new season, Ubisoft introduces one additional gear set. Which is great - I'll take it. More sets equal higher build diversity!
Division 2 gear set bonuses
With Division 2 gear sets, you can get multiple bonuses based on how many items of that particular set you equip:
- 2-piece bonus: unlocked by equipping any 2 of the 6 set items
- 3-piece bonus: unlocked by equipping any 3 of the 6 set items
- 4-piece bonus: unlocked by equipping any 4 of the 6 set items

Division 2 gear set attributes
Based on the core attribute, there are three major types of Division 2 gear sets:
Core Attribute | Attribute Type | Attribute Roll | Gear Set Type |
Red | Offensive | Weapon Damage | Firearms DPS-oriented gear sets |
Yellow | Utility/Offensive | Skill Tier | Healer/Support/Skill DPS-oriented gear sets |
Blue | Defensive | Armor | Tank/Support-oriented gear sets |
Each gear set in Division 2 belongs to one of these categories, and any of its components will always drop with the set's natural core attribute.
Example: Striker set is an offensive gear set and comes with a red core attribute. Any Striker's set items (mask, backpack, chest, etc) will always drop with a red core attribute. You will never be able to drop a Striker set piece with a blue or yellow core attribute.
As for the secondary attributes, in Division 2, gear sets come with only one attribute out of the following:
Offensive | Utility | Defensive |
Critical Hit Chance | Skill Damage | Armor Regeneration |
Critical Hit Damage | Skill Haste | Explosive Resistance |
Headshot Damage | Skill Repair | Hazard Protection |
Weapon Handling | Status Effects | Health |
To conclude, any Division 2 gear set item will always drop with its natural core attribute and one of those 12 secondary attributes mentioned above.
Division 2 gear set talents
Apart from the 2-3-4 gear set bonuses, you can also benefit from unique talents found exclusively on the set's chest and backpack components:
- Chest talent: unlocked by equipping 4 pieces of the set including the set's body armor
- Backpack talent: unlocked by equipping 4 pieces of the set including the set's backpack
Compared to the 2-3 piece set bonuses that can be obtained by using/combining other items in the game, the 4-piece talent, the backpack, and the set chest talents are exclusively tied to the gear set and cannot be obtained anywhere else.
Note: For example, you can obtain Negotiator's Dilemma's 2-piece bonus (+15% Critical Hit Chance) through gear rolls or gear mods, but you cannot get the set's "Hostile Negotiation's" 4-piece talent or "Target Rich Environment" set's unique chest talent elsewhere.
All Division 2 Gear Sets in 2025. Full list
1. Striker's Battlegear
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Handling
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Rate of Fire
- 4-piece bonus: Striker's Gamble - Weapon hits increase total weapon damage by 0.65%, stacking up to 100 times.
- 1 stack lost per second between 0 to 50 stacks
- 2 stacks lost per second between 50 and 100 stacks
- Backpack talent: Risk Management - Increases total weapon damage gained per stack of Striker's Gamble from 0.65% to 1%.
- Chest talent: Press the Advantage - Increases max stacks for Striker’s Gamble from 100 to 200. 3 stacks lost per second between 100 and 200 stacks.
2. Heartbreaker
- 2-piece bonus: +15% AR Damage & +15% LMG Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Handling
- 4-piece bonus: Heartstopper - Headshots apply pulse for 5 seconds. Weapon hits on pulsed enemies add a stack of 1% bonus armor and 1% weapon damage to pulsed enemies, up to a max of 50 stacks. 2 stacks are lost each second.
- Backpack talent: Cold - Increases total bonus armor gained per stack of Heartstopper from 1% to 2%.
- Chest talent: Max BPM - Increases max stacks for Heartstopper from 50 to 100.
3. Umbra Initiative
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Critical Hit Chance
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Reload Speed
- 4-piece bonus:
- From the Shadows - While in cover, gain 10 Stacks per second up to 50. Each stack will give 1% Critical damage increase and 0.3% RPM. Buff does not apply while shooting from cover. While out of cover Agents lose 2 stacks per second at normal speed and 1 stack per second if sprinting.
- Into the Light - While out of cover and in combat, gain 10 Stacks per second up to 50. Each stack will give 0.8% Armor regen when it is consumed. Stacks consume, 10 stacks per second, only in cover.
- Backpack talent: Into the Light - Increases max stacks for "Into the Light" from 50 to 100, stack gain from 10 to 20 and stack consumption from 10 to 20.
- Chest talent: From the Shadows - Increases max stacks for "From the Shadows" from 50 to 100 and stack gain from 10 to 20.
4. Hunter's Fury
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Shotgun Damage & +15% SMG Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +20% Armor on Kill & +50% Health on Kill
- 4-piece bonus: Apex Predator - Enemies within 15 meters receive a debuff, amplifying your weapon damage against them by 20%. Killing a debuffed enemy with your weapon disorients other enemies within 5 meters, and amplifies weapon damage by 5% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
- Backpack talent: Overwhelming Force - Increases the radius of disorient on Apex Predator kills from 5 meters to 10 meters.
- Chest talent: Endless Hunger - Increases the duration of Apex Predator stacks from 10s to 30s.
5. Negotiator's Dilemma
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Critical Hit Chance
- 3-piece bonus: +20% Critical Hit Damage
- 4-piece bonus: Hostile Negotiations - Critical hits mark enemies for 20 seconds, up to 3 marks total. When you critically hit a marked enemy, all other marked enemies take 60% of the damage dealt. Whenever a marked enemy dies, gain +2% critical hit damage, stacking up to 20 times, until combat ends.
- Backpack talent: Critical Measures - Increases Hostile Negotiations damage to additional marked enemies from 60% to 100%.
- Chest talent: Target Rich Environment - Increases Hostile Negotiations mark count from 3 to 5.
6. Hotshot
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Marksman Rifle Damage & +30% Weapon Handling
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Headshot Damage
- 4-piece bonus: Headache - First Headshot with a Marksman Rifle will increase next headshot by 20%, second consecutive headshot with a Marksman Rifle will give +10% armor (if at full armor it will give bonus armor max +50% of current armor value), third consecutive headshot will refill magazine. From the fourth headshot forward, agents will get all 3 bonuses for each consecutive headshot kill. Missing a headshot will reset the cycle.
- Backpack talent: Blessed - Agents can miss a headshot before resetting the cycle.
- Chest talent: Daring - Increase bonus Armor from 50% to 100%.
7. Rigger
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Duration
- 4-piece bonus: Tend and Befriend - Interacting with your deployed skills grants the skill 25% skill damage for 10s. This buff cannot be refreshed. Interactions include:
- Using / Deploying the Skill
- Changing the skill's target
- Healing the skill
- Backpack talent: Complete Uptime - Cancelling your skills will reset their cooldown
- Chest talent: Best Buds - Increase the damage buff from 25% to 50%
8. Eclipse Protocol
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Status Effects
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste & +30% Hazard Protection
- 4-piece bonus: Indirect Transmission - Your status effects now spread on kill to all enemies within 10m and refresh 50% of the duration.
- Backpack talent: Symptom Aggravator - Amplifies all damage you deal to status affected targets by 30%.
- Chest talent: Proliferation - Increases Indirect Transmission range from 10m to 15m and refresh percentage from 50% to 75%.
9. Future Initiative
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Repair Skills
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste & +30% Skill Duration
- 4-piece bonus: Ground Control - Increases you and your allies' total weapon and skill damage by 15% when at full armor. When you repair an ally, you and all allies within 5 meters of you are also repaired for 60% of that amount.
- Backpack talent: Strategic Combat Support - Increases Ground Control proximity repair from 60% to 120%.
- Chest talent: Tactical Superiority - Increases Ground Control damage bonus from 15% to 25%.
10. Foundry Bulwark
- 2-piece bonus: +10% Total Armor
- 3-piece bonus: +1% Armor Regen & +50% Shield health
- 4-piece bonus: Makeshift Repairs - Whenever you or your shield take damage, 25% of that amount is repaired to both over 10s.
- Backpack talent: Process Refinery - Increases Makeshift Repairs speed from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Chest talent: Improved Materials - Increases Makeshift Repairs from 25% to 35%.
11. Hard Wired
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Skill Haste
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Skill Damage & +30% Repair Skills
- 4-piece bonus: Feedback Loop - Whenever you use or cancel a skill, your other skill's cooldown is automatically reduced by 30 seconds while increasing total skill damage and repair by 10% for 20 seconds. Feedback Loop can occur once every 20 seconds.
- Backpack talent: Short Circuit - Decreases Feedback Loop cooldown from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Chest talent: Positive Reinforcement - Increases Feedback Loop skill damage and repair bonus from +10% to +25%.
12. Ongoing Directive
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Status Effects
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Reload Speed
- 4-piece bonus: Rules of Engagement - Shooting a status affected enemy will apply a mark. Killing a marked enemy grants a full clip of Hollow-Point Ammo for your active weapon, and half a clip of the agent's active weapon to the rest of the party. Mark lasts for 10 seconds. Hollow-Point Ammo amplifies weapon damage by 20% and applies bleed on hit.
- Backpack talent: Trauma Specialist - Increases the duration of your bleed status effects by 50% and all bleed damage done by 100%.
- Chest talent: Parabellum Rounds - Increases Hollow-Point Ammo weapon damage amplification to 35%. This bonus does not apply to party members.
13. True Patriot
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Ammo Capacity
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Magazine Size
- 4-piece bonus: Red, White, and Blue - Every 2s, enemies you shoot receive a stacking debuff of Red, White and Blue.
- Red: Amplifies the enemy's damage taken by 8%.
- White: Shooting the enemy repairs the attacking agent's armor by 2% once every second.
- Blue: Decreases the enemy's damage dealt by 8%.
- Full Flag: Enemies that die while under the effect of all 3 debuffs create a 5 meter explosion, dealing damage equal to their total health and armor. (Explosion damage reduced on Named enemy deaths.)
- Backpack talent: Patriotic Boost - Increases "Red, White and Blue" debuff strength. Red: 8% to 12%. White: 2% to 3%. Blue: 8% to 12%.
- Chest talent: Waving the Flag - Increases "Red, White and Blue" rotation speed to 1.5 seconds.
14. Aces and Eights
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Marksman Rifle Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Headshot Damage
- 4-piece bonus: Dead Man's Hand - Flip a card when landing shots with a Marksman Rifle. After 5 cards are flipped, the damage of your next shot is amplified by 30%. More shots are enhanced the better the hand revealed.
- Four of a Kind: 4 shots.
- Full House: 3 shots.
- Aces and Eights: 2 shots.
- Flip an additional card on headshots.
- Backpack talent: Ace in the Sleeve - Amplifies 1 extra shot when revealing your hand.
- Chest talent: No Limit - Increases Dead Man's Hand damage bonus from 30% to 50%.
15. Tip of the Spear
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Signature Weapon Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +10% Weapon Damage
- 4-piece bonus: Aggressive Recon - Getting a Signature Weapon kill gives a +15% Signature Weapon Damage for 10s and +25% Reload Speed for the next reload of the weapon (the bonuses do not stack). Automatically regenerate Signature Weapon Ammo every 60s.
- Backpack talent: Signature Moves - +50% Weapon Damage for 15s after fully depleting the Signature Weapon of ammo. Doubles the amount of ammo generated by Aggressive Recon.
- Chest talent: Specialized Destruction - Increases Aggressive Recon Signature Weapon Damage bonus from 15% to 30%. Every 3rd Signature Weapon kill generates Signature Weapon ammo.
16. System Corruption
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Armor on Kill
- 3-piece bonus: +40% Disrupt Resistance + 40% Pulse Resistance
- 4-piece bonus: Hackstep Protocol - Replaces armor kits with an instant, infinite-use ability on a 20s cooldown, that repairs 20% armor, grants 50% bonus armor and hides your nameplate for 5s. Increases total weapon damage by 2% per 5% bonus armor gained, up to 20%.
- Backpack talent: Multithreaded Execution - Increases Hackstep Protocol bonus armor from 50% to 100%.
- Chest talent: Compiler Optimization - Decreases Hackstep Protocol cooldown from 20s to 15s.
17. Cavalier
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Hazard Protection
- 3-piece bonus: +40% Repair Skills
- 4-piece bonus:
- Charging - For each second spent out of cover, during combat, Agents will get 5% reduced incoming skill damage. Max 50%.
- Charged - While fully charged, gain immunity to any movement speed debuff and share this with all of the agent's hazard protection and the incoming skill damage reduction with all allies for 10 seconds. After Charged is consumed, Charging buff will resume, if still in combat and out of cover.
- Backpack talent: Safe Charging - Charging gives 10% protection per second.
- Chest talent: Overcharging - Increases Charging max incoming damage protection to 70%.
18. Ortiz: Exuro
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Increased Burn Duration & +15% Skill Health
- 3-piece bonus: +40% Burn Damage
- 4-piece bonus: Ortiz Incinerator Turret Prototype - The Incinerator Turret spins 360. You are immune to your own Incinerator Turret's fire. The Incinerator Turret explodes when disabled.
- Backpack talent: Heatstroke - +25% Weapon Damage to enemies set on fire by the Ortiz Incinerator Turret Prototype & +25% Ortiz Incinerator Turret Prototype Range.
- Chest talent: Chain Combustion - Enemies set on fire by the Ortiz Incinerator Turret Prototype ignite other enemies within 2m.
19. Aegis
- 2-piece bonus: +70% Health
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Total Armor
- 4-piece bonus: Stoic - Get +3% Damage Resistance for every enemy that is targeting you. The bonus is multiplied by 1.X, where X is the number of agents in your group.
- Backpack talent: Polyethylene Plating - Increase Stoic Damage Resistance bonus from 3% to 4%.
- Chest talent: Deceit - Enemies targeting your Decoy also count towards the Stoic Damage Reduction bonus.
20. Breaking Point
- 2-piece bonus: +25% Rifle Damage & +25% MMR Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Headshot Damage & +15% Weapon Handling
- 4-piece bonus: On Point
- Landing a shot using a Rifle or MMR grants a stack. Reloading will grant +2% Weapon Handling and 2% Weapon Damage per stack, for 10 seconds.
- No stacks are acquired while the bonuses are active. The timer running out will refill your magazine.
- Switching weapons while the bonuses are active will stop the effect and refill your magazine. Switching weapons while the bonuses are not active will remove all stacks and refill your magazine.
- Backpack talent: Point of Honor - Increase On Point Weapon Damage bonus from 2% to 3%.
- Chest talent: Point of no Return - Increase On Point bonuses timer from 10s to 15s.
21. Virtuoso
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Handling & ++15% Magazine Size
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Damage
- 4-piece bonus: Symphony
- Killing an enemy further than 25m will provide +40% Weapon Damage to Shotguns, SMG's and Pistols, +20% Weapon Damage to AR's and LMG's and 25% Bonus Armor for 15s.
- Killing an enemy within 25m will provide +40% Weapon Damage to MMR's and Rifles, +20% Weapon Damage to AR's and LMG's and +30% Headshot Damage for 15s.
- Intermittently killing enemies from both ranges will build up stacks. At 4 stacks, all bonuses are multiplied by 1.5 and triggered at the same time for 15s. No stacks are acquired while these bonuses are active.
- Backpack talent: Accelerando - Decrease the number of stacks needed to proc the Symphony double buffs from 4 to 3.
- Chest talent: Fortissimo - Double the Weapon Damage bonuses of Symphony.
Now that we've gone through all the Division 2 gear sets and their particularities, it's time to move on to the brand sets.
Division 2 Brand Sets
How many brand sets are in Division 2 in 2025
Currently, there are 31 brand sets in The Division 2 in 2025. Just like the gear sets, players receive an additional brand set every new season.
Division 2 brand set bonuses
Compared to gear sets, where it was worth equipping up to 4 set items for the bonuses, brand sets come with a maximum of 3-piece bonus, which means you will always use up to 3 items belonging to the same brand set.
It is always better to fill the remaining 3 slots with other brand sets, gear sets, or exotic items instead of using additional pieces of that brand set. In the screenshot below, you can see that by equipping one Grupo Sombra brand set item, we've unlocked the first out of the three maximum set bonuses:

Division 2 brand set attributes
Regarding the core attributes, brand sets follow the exact same rules as gear sets. But things change a lot with the secondary attributes. Let me explain how. Brand sets and gear sets share the same 12 secondary attributes, but the big difference is that brand sets come with two secondary attributes, compared to gear sets, which always drop with just one.
What does this mean? This means you will always be able to hit higher stats using brand sets because you will always miss 1x6 secondary attributes when using gear sets.
For DPS builds, it is way easier to hit the critical chance cap (60%) while maintaining a high crit damage by using brand sets. Why? Because you can have both critical hit chance AND critical hit damage rolls as secondary attributes. If you were to use a gear set, you would only have one secondary attribute per item - in this case, either crit chance OR crit damage.

At first glance, it might seem pointless to ever consider using gear sets since they can always roll with just one attribute. Remember, though, that brand sets are missing those four-piece bonuses found on gear sets!
Division 2 brand set talents
Things are a bit different regarding brand set talents. Unlike the gear sets' backpacks and chests, which always roll with their unique talents, brand sets bypass this rule.
You can also get unique talents on brand set items, but not necessarily on the backpacks and chests or ANY backpack or chest, only on the named versions of some of the brand set's components.
Example: You can have a brand set chest with a random talent that can be rerolled, and the named version of the set's chest with the unique talent, which cannot be rerolled or obtained anywhere else. Below, you can see the two variants of a Belstone's chest: the regular one (left) and the named one (right):

These brand set named items are highlighted with yellow and come with the "Perfect" version of a particular talent. In most cases, yes, the brand set's backpack and chest have a named version that comes with these unique talents, but there are exceptions. Some examples below:
- Petrov set: Contractor's Gloves (named gloves)
- Overlord set: Fox's Prayer (named kneepads)
- Brazos de Arcabuz set: Picaro's Holster (named holster)
All Division 2 Brand Sets in 2025. Full list
1. Providence Defense
- 1-piece bonus: +13% Headshot Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +8% Critical Hit Chance
- 3-piece bonus: +13% Critical Hit Damage
2. Uzina Getica
- 1-piece bonus: +5% Total Armor
- 2-piece bonus: +10% Armor on Kill
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Hazard Protection
3. Empress International
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Skill Health
- 2-piece bonus: +10% Skill Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +8% Skill Efficiency
4. Wyvern Wear
- 1-piece bonus: +8% Skill Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +18% Status Effects
- 3-piece bonus: +45% Skill Duration
5. Belstone Armory
- 1-piece bonus: +1% Armor Regen
- 2-piece bonus: +10% Armor on Kill
- 3-piece bonus: +45% Incoming Repairs
6. Alps Summit
- 1-piece bonus: +18% Repair Skills
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Skill Duration
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Skill Haste
7. China Light
- 1-piece bonus: +15% Explosive Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Skill Haste
- 3-piece bonus: +25% Status Effects
8. Palisade Steelworks
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Armor on Kill
- 2-piece bonus: +60% Health
- 3-piece bonus: +1 Skill Tier
9. Brazos de Arcabuz
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Skill Haste
- 2-piece bonus: +1 Skill Tier
- 3-piece bonus: +50% Magazine Size
10. Gila Guard
- 1-piece bonus: +5% Total Armor
- 2-piece bonus: +60% Health
- 3-piece bonus: +2% Armor Regen
11. Fenris Group
- 1-piece bonus: +10% AR Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Reload Speed
- 3-piece bonus: +50% Weapon Stability
12. Petrov Defense Group
- 1-piece bonus: +10% LMG Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Handling
- 3-piece bonus: +50% Ammo Capacity
13. Overlord Armaments
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Rifle Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Weapon Accuracy
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Weapon Handling
14. Walker, Harris & Co
- 1-piece bonus: +5% Weapon Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +5% Damage to Armor
- 3-piece bonus: +10% Damage to Health
15. Yaahl Gear
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Hazard Protection
- 2-piece bonus: +10% Weapon Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +40% Pulse Resistance
16. Electrique
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Status Effects
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Shock Resistance
- 3-piece bonus: +30% SMG Damage
17. Hana-U
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Skill Haste
- 2-piece bonus: +10% Skill Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Damage
18. Murakami Industries
- 1-piece bonus: +15% Skill Duration
- 2-piece bonus: +35% Repair Skills
- 3-piece bonus: +18% Skill Damage
19. Richter & Kaiser
- 1-piece bonus: +15% Incoming Repairs
- 2-piece bonus: +25% Explosive Resistance
- 3-piece bonus: +40% Repair Skills
20. 5.11 Tactical
- 1-piece bonus: +30% Health
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Incoming Repairs
- 3-piece bonus: +30% Hazard Protection
21. Badger Tuff
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Shotgun Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +5% Total Armor
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Armor on Kill
22. Golan Gear
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Status Effects
- 2-piece bonus: +1.5% Armor Regen
- 3-piece bonus: +10% Total Armor
23. Habsburg Guard
- 1-piece bonus: +13% Headshot Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +20% MMR Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +25% Status Effects
24. Lengmo
- 1-piece bonus: +20% Explosive Resistance
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Skill Health
- 3-piece bonus: +30% LMG Damage
25. Ceska Vyroba
- 1-piece bonus: +8% Critical Hit Chance
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Hazard Protection
- 3-piece bonus: +90% Health
26. Douglas & Harding
- 1-piece bonus: +20% Pistol Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +30% Weapon Stability
- 3-piece bonus: +50% Weapon Accuracy
27. Grupo Sombra
- 1-piece bonus: +13% Critical Hit Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Explosives Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +13% Headshot Damage
28. Airaldi
- 1-piece bonus: +10% Marksman Rifle Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +13% Headshot Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +5% Damage to Armor
29. Sokolov
- 1-piece bonus: +10% SMG Damage
- 2-piece bonus: +13% Critical Hit Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +8% Critical Hit Chance
30. Zwiadowka
- 1-piece bonus: +15% Mag Size
- 2-piece bonus: +20% Rifle Damage
- 3-piece bonus: +30 Weapon Handling
31. Legatus
- 1-piece bonus: +30% Swap Speed
- 2-piece bonus: +70% Optimal Range
- 3-piece bonus: +15% Weapon Damage
Division 2 Gear Sets vs. Brand Sets
Are gear sets better than brand sets in Division 2? Well, don't expect a Yes/No answer because it's not that simple. What you can expect instead is people having different opinions based on personal preferences or experience, which is absolutely understandable. Some players will consider gear sets better than brand sets, others vice-versa, while some will consider them equal.
To make it a bit easier, we'll point out some aspects worth taking into consideration when comparing Division 2 gear sets with brand sets:
1. Gear set vs. brand set talents
In Division 2, gear sets come each with three unique talents (4-piece bonus, chest, and backpack), while brand sets have their two named items with "Perfect talents". There are situations or builds where gear sets' talents might overcome brand sets, but in most cases, the perfect attributes found on named brands usually provide higher damage or utility.
2. Brand sets have one extra secondary attribute
From this point of view, brand sets beat the hell out of gear sets because having that extra attribute on every gear slot makes a huge difference.
Let's take a crit DPS build as an example. Using brand sets, you could get 6x Critical Hit Chance & 6x Critical Hit Damage rolls (a total of 12 crit rolls), while using gear sets, you could only get 6 crit rolls. A lot of crit attributes missing there, you see?
3. Using brand sets leads to a higher build diversity
Compared to gear sets, brand sets require one less item to unlock their final set bonus - 4 pieces on gear sets vs 3 pieces on brand sets required - and be at their full potential. This means you have one extra "free" slot to combine the set with other items while still taking advantage of its full potential.
4. RNG level when going for specific stats (god rolls, hybrids)
When talking about god rolls and getting specific stats on items, it will always be way easier to get the desired attributes on a gear set item compared to a brand set item.
The first factor that increases the RNG is that extra attribute found on brand set items, and when going for chest/backpacks, things become even "worse". Imagine going for specific attributes on a brand set's chest or backpack: you must get the desired core attribute, the two secondary attributes, AND the talent.
That's what we call a god-roll item. And, remember, you can only recalibrate one attribute on any item. This means you must drop the item with 3/4 of the desired attributes and then reroll the final one.
Now, if you were looking for a god-rolled gear set item, you would only have to get the proper core and the secondary attribute. Gear sets' chests and backpacks always have unique talents with set values that cannot be recalibrated. This means you must drop the gear set item with 1/2 of the desired attributes and then reroll the other one. Way easier!
Considering everything above, what is your opinion now? Are gear sets better than brand sets in Division 2?
Combining multiple Division 2 Gear Sets
How many gear sets can you use at a time in Division 2?
You can use up to any six different brand set or gear set items. You can equip a different brand/gear set in each gear slot (mask, backpack, chest, etc.), but that will be barely the case.
The golden rule for a build to be functional is to ensure a synergy between the items; that being said, you will always have to unlock some set bonuses to make it work, which implies using multiple items as part of the same set.
Combining Division 2 gear sets and brand sets got A LOT easier in 2023 with the introduction of the NinjaBike Messenger Bag, an exotic backpack whose talent reads like this:
"Resourceful: Slots in with any equipped Gear Set or Brand Set item to fulfill a requirement towards unlocking a Gear Sets bonus. Can unlock bonuses from multiple sets simultaneously."
So you can use this exotic backpack with multiple sets and gain +1 set bonuses for each one of them. Let's take the following build as an example:

The loadout uses the Ninja Backpack + 1x Petrov + 1x Overlord + 1x Uzina + 2x Brazos pieces. In the following screenshots, please notice how the character benefits from +1 set bonuses on all sets using the Ninja Backpack:

You see? Even though there is just one Petrov/Uzina/Overlord brand set item equipped, you benefit from the 2-piece bonus on all the sets. Also, only 2x Brazos brand set items (mask & holster) are equipped, but the character benefits from the 3-piece bonus thanks to the exotic backpack.
Okay, so far, all good. You know how to get and combine the sets, but what about modifying them? In the next section, we'll briefly teach you how to craft, recalibrate, and optimize the Division 2 gear sets and brand sets.
Division 2 Gear Sets crafting
Can you craft gear sets or brand sets?
Yes, in Division 2, you can also craft gear and brand sets at the Crafting Station, but not all of them. To be able to craft a particular set item, you must first unlock its blueprint. In the screenshots below, you can see the crafting window for brand set masks (left) and gear set masks (right):

How to get gear set and brand set blueprints?
In Division 2, you can get gear set and brand set blueprints by:
- Completing projects
- Completing missions
- Completing raids
- Completing season tracks
Recalibrating Division 2 Gear Sets
Can you recalibrate gear sets or brand sets?
Yes, gear sets and brand sets can also be recalibrated in the Division 2. Keep in mind, though, that you can only recalibrate one attribute, so do it wisely! Select the item and use the Tinkering feature to start the recalibration process. Click on the attribute you want to be changed, find the desired replacement, and then hit "Select to Recalibrate." It's as simple as that!

Note: Very important! Gear set talents and "Perfect" talents found on named brand set items cannot be recalibrated, so those are off the table.

Optimizing Division 2 Gear Sets
Can you optimize gear sets or brand sets?
Yes, any Division 2 gear set or brand set can be optimized using the Tinkering Station. You select the attribute you want to optimize, ensure you have the required items (check out the "Cost to Optimize" section), and keep optimizing until you get max stats.
You can optimize all the attributes on any set item, including the core attribute. The exception here is the talent, which is always of a set value and cannot be upgraded further.

Before we conclude our guide, there's one more aspect left: showcasing the best sets to use in different scenarios.
Best Division 2 Gear Sets & Brand Sets in 2025
Best Division 2 Gear Sets in 2025:
- Striker's Battlegear
- Heartbreaker
- Umbra Initiative
- Hunter's Fury
- Negotiator's Dilemma
- Hotshot
- Rigger
- Eclipse Protocol
- Future Initiative
- Foundry Bulwark
Best Division 2 Brand Sets in 2025:
- Providence
- Uzina Getica
- Empress
- Wyvern
- Belstone
- Alps Summit
- China Light
- Palisade Steelworks
- Brazos de Arcabuz
- Gila Guard
- Fenris
- Petrov
- Overlord
- Walker, Harris & Co
Best Division 2 Gear Sets for solo players:
- Striker's Battlegear
- Heartbreaker
- Hunter's Fury
- Umbra Initiative
- Negotiator's Dilemma
- Rigger
- Eclipse Protocol
Best Division 2 Brand Sets for solo players:
- Providence
- Uzina Getica
- Empress
- Wyvern
- Belstone
- Gila
- Brazos
- Fenris
- Petrov
- Overlord
- Walker, Harris & Co
Best Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets for Legendary content:
- Striker's Battlegear
- Heartbreaker
- Negotiator's Dilemma
- Foundry Bulwark
- Rigger
- Providence
- Empress
- Wyvern
Best Division 2 Gear Sets and Brand Sets for PvP:
- Striker's Battlegear
- Heartbreaker
- Umbra
- Belstone
- Providence
- Uzina Getica
- Empress
- Walker, Harris & Co
Division 2 Gear Sets - F.A.Q
1. What is the most popular gear set in Division 2 in 2025?
The most popular gear set in Division 2 in 2025 is the Striker's Battlegear set.
2. What is the most popular brand set in Division 2 in 2025?
The most popular brand set in Division 2 in 2025 is the Providence set.
3. Where do you get sets in The Division 2?
In Division 2, you can get gear sets through various sources such as Countdown, Summit, open-world activities, vendors, caches, crafting, and more.
4. Can you craft gear sets or brand sets in Division 2?
Yes, in Division 2, you can craft both brand & gear sets at the Crafting station.
5. Can you upgrade gear sets in Division 2?
Yes, in Division 2, you can recalibrate and optimize gear sets using the Tinkering station.
6. Are gear sets better than brand sets in Division 2?
We consider them equal in power, but this strongly depends on the build and the purpose they are used for!
This wraps up everything you should know regarding the Division 2 gear sets and brand sets in 2025. Remember, everything was subjectively presented from our point of view. Opinions might differ, we 100% respect and agree on that!
After reading this guide, we hope you now understand how sets work and what your go-to options should be when creating your characters' end-game builds.
Related Guides
Stay tuned and check out our related guides for The Division 2:
- Division 2 Builds Guide
- Division 2 Exotics Guide
- Division 2 Best Weapons Guide
- Paradise Lost Incursion Guide
- Descent Mode Guide
About KBoosting
Are you struggling to put all the pieces together, or simply don’t have the time for all the grinding? No problem, we've got it covered! At KBoosting, we also provide professional Division 2 boosting services to ensure players worldwide have a smoother gaming experience. Skip the grind and enjoy the endgame faster, Agent!