Division 2 Custom Build Service

Get your fully customized Division 2 build with the desired gear, weapons, and stats quality in the blink of an eye! Our custom build boosting service consists of you creating the desired loadout using our Division 2 build planner, and we will prepare that loadout on your account in no time!
You can configure the custom build using any combination of gear, weapons, and stats, and we guarantee the delivery of the desired loadout that will match your requirements. All weapons, brand sets, gear sets, and high-end items supported!
We will farm for the gear in a full team until we get proper items that can be rerolled to obtain the desired item type-attribute-stats combination, and then optimize their stats until they meet your requirements.
As for delivery, the service is available with Piloted Mode only, so one booster will log into your account and prepare your Division 2 Custom Build. When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification.
Service ETA is 1 to 5 days starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- Fully customized build with your desired weapons, gear, rolls, and stat quality.
- Chances to get the desired God Roll Items for your build.
- Chances to get SHD Levels, Expertise, Exotics, and Named Items.
To create your custom Division 2 build, please use the configuration elements explained below:
- Select Platform: Select your platform (PC, PS, or XB) where we must provide the boost
- Primary Weapon: Choose the primary weapon's type (exotic/named/high-end), attribute, stats quality
- Secondary Weapon: Choose the secondary weapon's type (exotic/named/high-end), attribute, stats quality
- Sidearm: Choose the sidearm's type (exotic/named/high-end), attribute, talent, stats quality
- Mask: Choose the mask's type (exotic/named/brand/gear set), attributes, stats quality
- Backpack: Choose the backpack's type (exotic/named/brand/gear set), attributes, talent, stats quality
- Chest: Choose the chest's type (exotic/named/brand/gear set), attributes, talent, stats quality
- Gloves: Choose the gloves' type (exotic/named/brand/gear set), attributes, stats quality
- Kneepads: Choose the kneepads' type (exotic/named/brand/gear set), attributes, stats quality
- Holster: Choose the holster's type (exotic/named/brand/gear set), attributes, stats quality
- Extra Options: Add extra SHD Levels, extended mags, gear mods, etc
If you already own some of the build components, use the "NOT NEEDED" option in the respective categories.
For a thorough examination of your custom build, please contact us through live chat or the Discord server!
- You must have a level 40 character with WONY expansion to qualify for this service. If you don't meet the requirement, please contact us for a custom order.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the Discord server for more information on our Division 2 Custom Build service. We are here for you 24/7!