Paradise Lost Incursion Guide

Welcome to our Paradise Lost Incursion Guide for The Division 2, Agent! This article covers the Paradise Lost Incursion, the first and newly introduced incursion in The Division 2. We'll start with the basics and cover the new mission's particularities, such as how to access Paradise Lost, the incursion's difficulty, length, encounters, and bosses.
Then, we'll dive deep into the rewards you can expect upon completing this incursion, showcasing the Paradise Lost loot table and its exclusive drops. Finally, we'll present our pro tips & tricks alongside the best strategy and builds to use and teach you how to easily beat the Paradise Lost Incursion.
Whether you are a newcomer or a veteran player, by the time you read our guide, you will become a Master of the Paradise Lost Incursion in the Division 2. Are you ready to embark on this new journey, Agent? We've got your back - Let's get started!
Table of Contents
Below, we present the key takeaways from our Paradise Lost Incursion Guide for The Division 2:
- What is the Paradise Lost in The Division 2?
- How to access the Paradise Lost Incursion
- Paradise Lost Incursion Difficulty
- Paradise Lost Bosses, Encounters & Mechanics
- Paradise Lost Incursion Length
- Paradise Lost Rewards, Drops & Loot Table
- Mastering the incursion: Pro Tips & Tricks
- Best Builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion
- Final Thoughts
What is the Paradise Lost in Division 2?
As previously stated, Paradise Lost represents the first Incursion ever introduced in The Division 2. Alright, but what exactly is an incursion? Well, let me introduce you to Division 2 Incursions!
Definition of Division 2 Incursions
In the Division 2, Incursions represent end-game challenging PvE missions (mini-raids) where a team of 4 players fights against a certain faction. Teamplay and coordination are key aspects when it comes to incursions!
Incursions were initially introduced in the pre-sequel game, The Division 1, and for many of us, they turned out to be, at the same time, the most challenging, enjoyable, and fun content back in the day.
There were a total of 4 Incursions in The Division 1 (Falcon Lost, Clear Sky, Dragon's Nest, and Stolen Signal), with the first one being Falcon Lost, released in April 2016. The last incursion, Stolen Signal, hit the live servers in February 2017. Six years later, here we are, getting our first Division 2 Incursion - Paradise Lost.
Paradise Lost Incursion Release Date
The Paradise Lost Incursion was released on October 3rd 2023, with the introduction of Season 2 in Division 2's Year 5.
Why should you play the Paradise Lost Incursion?
Simply put, for the unique experience that awaits you. Incursions are nothing like the regular missions that nowadays, even on the highest difficulties, can be easily completed even as a solo player; or, on the other hand, the raids, which are extremely difficult, and you rely on 7 more players.
Also, the Paradise Lost Incursion comes with an exclusive reward - the Ouroboros Exotic SMG. This is the only place where you can get the new meta submachine gun.
How to access the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2
Just like any other end-game activity in the Division 2, you can access the Paradise Lost Incursion from the menu, the map, or the helicopter pilot in the Base of Operations:

Paradise Lost Incursion Location and Entrance
For those of you wondering - "Where is the Paradise Lost Incursion located on the map?" the incursion is located in the Meret Estate zone, between the DZ West Dark Zone and the NYC teleport point:

Paradise Lost Incursion Requirements
Now that you have found out how to access the Paradise Lost incursion, let's see if there are any requirements you must meet to be eligible for this new game mode.
Who can play the Paradise Lost Incursion?
The Paradise Lost Incursion is available on all platforms for anyone with a level 40 character and story completed.
Is the Paradise Lost Incursion free-to-play?
Yes, the Paradise Lost Incursion is free for everybody. The Paradise Lost Incursion is part of the Season 2 Year 5 FREE content. It is not locked behind the Premium Season Pass, and you do not have to purchase any additional item from the Ubisoft Store to unlock access.
Does the Paradise Lost Incursion require the Warlords of New York DLC?
Yes, you must own the Warlords of New York Expansion and have a level 40 character to access the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2.
Can you play Paradise Lost Incursion Solo in Division 2?
Yes, you can enter the mission solo, but unfortunately, you cannot complete the Paradise Lost Incursion as a solo player due to the mission's mechanics and difficulty.
It was specially designed for a 4-player team composition. Yes, but not everybody has a team to play with, right? Well, don't get discouraged just yet! For those who don't have a rich friend list or other teammates to play with, there are some solutions: matchmaking, communities, clans, general chat, etc.
But to sum up and answer the question, "Can you complete the Paradise Lost Incursion Solo?" - The answer is NO. What about 2 players? Can you beat the Paradise Lost Incursion in 2 people? Yes, it would be possible, but very, very challenging!
Paradise Lost Incursion Matchmaking
So what about matchmaking for the incursion? Does Paradise Lost come with a matchmaking feature? Can you matchmake for the Paradise Lost Incursion? Yes, you can matchmake for the Paradise Lost Incursion. I guess this is good news for everybody, right?
How can you matchmake for the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2?
To join a queue and activate the matchmaking feature for the incursion, you must open the map, hover on its location, and press "G" to matchmake. Alternatively, you can start matchmaking directly from the "Matchmake" tab or by fast-traveling to its location and activating the feature over there:

Moving on, let's cover another major aspect of the Paradise Lost Incursion: the difficulty.
Paradise Lost Incursion Difficulty
So far, we've learned that in The Division 2, in terms of difficulty, incursions have their own spot between the main missions and the raids, right? But still, how difficult is it to complete the Paradise Lost? Well, let's find out!
How hard is the Paradise Lost Incursion?
In my opinion, Paradise Lost is of the same difficulty level as the legendary strongholds. However, it has more complex mechanics that require a team of at least 2 players, compared to the missions that can be easily completed solo nowadays.
Is the Paradise Lost Incursion available on multiple difficulties?
No, just like raids, the Paradise Lost Incursion comes on just one difficulty level.
Does difficulty matter or scale in Paradise Lost Incursion?
No, in the Paradise Lost Incursion the difficulty doesn't scale based on the number of players. It goes without saying that running it in a full four-player team will be much easier and faster to complete than running it in just two people.
Now that we've gone through every detail regarding the difficulty of the incursion let's find out what exactly awaits you in Paradise Lost: Encounters and Mechanics.
Paradise Lost Bosses, Encounters & Mechanics
As previously stated, incursions are more complex than regular missions, so Paradise Lost features multiple bosses and encounters, each with unique mechanics.
Who is the enemy faction in the Paradise Lost Incursion?
The Cleaners represent the faction you fight against in the Paradise Lost Incursion, so you should prepare for many fire hazards! Now, let's go deeper and check out the incursion's bosses, shall we?
Paradise Lost Incursion Bosses
Just like with any other mission in The Division 2, in Paradise Lost, you'll face multiple types of enemies: regular, elites, and bosses!
How many bosses are there in the Paradise Lost Incursion?
The Paradise Lost Incursion has four bosses: 1 miniboss (Moss) and 3 main bosses (Wright, Martinez, Johnson), each with its own mechanics and special abilities. Speaking of, who do you think is the ultimate boss in this incursion? A comeback from the vanilla story or someone completely new on the stage?
Who is the final boss in the Paradise Lost Incursion?
Actually, the final boss in the Paradise Lost Incursion are in fact 2 bosses, "Lovebirds" called Martinez and Johnson. In the next section of our Paradise Lost Incursion Guide, we'll go through each encounter, mechanics, and what strategy you should use for an easy win. Prepare to take some notes, Agent!
Paradise Lost Encounters & Mechanics
How many encounters are there in the Paradise Lost Incursion? In the Paradise Lost Incursion, there are a total of 4 encounters, as follows:
- Encounter #1: Destroy the Turrets
- Encounter #2: Protect the Oil Tanker
- Encounter #3: Wright Boss Encounter
- Encounter #4: Lovebirds Boss Encounter
How to complete the Turrets Encounter in Paradise Lost
- Team composition: 3x DPS + 1x Heal/Tank
- Use Decoys to distract the turrets
- Focus on one turret at a time. Use Regulus if available to one-shot them!
- One DPS player climbs on the ledge and takes down the turret
- The other guys handle the add-clearing
- Once the first turret is down, you go for the other one and do the same
- Clear everything and move on to the next area
- Shortcut: Use Oxidizer or Shock to deactivate the turrets so they stop shooting at you
How to complete the Tanker Oil Encounter in Paradise Lost
- Team composition: 3x DPS + 1x Heal/Tank
- Split around the area to cover multiple spawning spots
- The only enemies who are damaging the oil tanker are the ones with a mark above their head
- Prioritize the mini-gunners and the snipers; they will damage the tanker
- Aim for their weak spots; it speeds things up a lot
- Focus on the drones once they are up. Careful, they hit hard! Use Jammer Pulse, helps a lot!
- Clear the next 2 waves of enemies, then gather in front of the door on the stairs
- When the door opens, take down the boss ASAP as the boss will be shooting the tanker with the minigun
- As soon he breaks the door, run inside the room and shoot its weakspot in the back and then aim for headshots
How to complete the Wright Boss Encounter in Paradise Lost
- Team composition: 3x DPS + 1x Heal/Tank
- Use a callout for the 4 areas: Bar, Stage, Dance Floor, Seating Area
- Each valve corresponds to one of the 4 areas
- There is a drawing near each valve showing what area the valve belongs to
- 2 players handle the boss, while the others handle the adds
- The tank needs to kite the boss below the sprinklers so it becomes vulnerable to damage
- Careful on the pressure gauges whenever you are trying to use a certain valve
- Team 1 coordinates to stun the boss and cool it off in a certain area
- The DPS phase starts; everybody handles the boss, and then the adds
- Avoid the purple smoke on the floor. It deals a lot of damage
- Repeat the process until Wright is down
- Shortcut: Stun Wright as he appears and use the Regulus Pistol & Dodge City Holster to one-shot him!
How to complete the Final Boss "Lovebirds" Encounter in Paradise Lost
- Team composition: 3x DPS + 1x Healer
- Start damaging Martinez until it calls for the drone
- Once the drone is out, everybody focus and take it down ASAP
- Then keep on attacking the bosses. Prioritize Johnson.
- Careful on the sniper turrets. Take them down ASAP!
- Once the mortars phase begins, start running in circles and avoid getting hit by them
- Repeat the process, be extremely cautious on the drone
- When Johnson tries to deploy the healing station, take it down ASAP
- If you fail to take down the healing station in time, bosses will heal up
- Repeat the process until both bosses are down
- Shortcut: Start the first DPS phase and use the Regulus Pistol & Dodge City Holster to one-shot Johnson, then eliminate Martinez!
- Get inside the house and loot the chest. Good luck on getting that Ouroboros
Follow these tips, and you should have no problem completing the Paradise Lost encounters with your team.
How hard is the final encounter in the Paradise Lost Incursion?
If you have a coordinated team and every team member knows the mechanics, the final encounter isn't that hard, to be honest. Just use a proper healer build and be careful on the drone and the callouts on which boss must be looked at and prioritized when damaging them.
This concludes everything regarding the bosses and the encounters in Division 2's Paradise Lost Incursion. Interesting, right?
How long is the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2?
Now that you know what to expect in each phase, let's see how long it would take you to complete the Paradise Lost Incursion.
Paradise Lost Incursion Length
If you are wondering, "How long does it take to complete the Paradise Lost Incursion?", the length and time spent depends on your team, your skills, and the builds you are using. It should typically take you around 30 minutes for one Paradise Lost run. Though, there are speedrunners with meta builds that already complete the whole incursion in 6-10 minutes!
Paradise Lost Incursion Leaderboard
Does the Paradise Lost Incursion come with a leaderboard? Yes! So, good news for those of you who enjoy speedruns and competing against other teams: there is indeed a leaderboard that tracks down the completion time for this brand-new activity.
Moving on, we'll go deep into another major aspect regarding the incursion: the rewards you can get for completing the Paradise Lost mission.
Paradise Lost Incursion Rewards, Drops & Loot Table
What kind of rewards can you get from the Paradise Lost Incursion?
By completing the Paradise Lost Mission, you will receive multiple rewards such as XP, currency, materials, and items, but the most important - is a chance to drop the incursion-exclusive weapon: the Ouroboros Exotic Submachine Gun.
The Ouroboros Exotic SMG
The Ouroboros is the exotic SMG that drops exclusively in the Paradise Lost Incursion. It is one of the most sought-after weapons in the ongoing meta, thanks to its attributes, mods, and exotic talent:
- RPM: 1485
- Magazine: 50
- Core attribute #1: +SMG Damage
- Core attribute #2: +Critical Hit Chance
- Attribute: Random
- Optic Mod: +10.0% Critical Hit Damage
- Magazine Mod: +25.0% Reload Speed
- Underbarrel Mod: +10.0% Critical Hit Chance
- Muzzle Mod: +10.0% Rate of Fire
The Ouroboros has the unique talent Rule Them All = When the agent has a Status Effect applied to them, 50% of the ammo in their next magazine will apply the same Status Effect to their targets. This effect will only occur during combat.
Is it worth farming for the Ouroboros SMG in The Paradise Lost Incursion?
Absolutely! Especially if you are a fan of the close-combat playstyles in Division 2, the Ouroboros SMG might be the best-in-slot weapon for most of your builds. The high RPM and its unique talent "Rule them all" make it one of the meta weapons in Season 2 for both PvE and PvP activities.
What is the fastest way to get the Ouroboros Exotic SMG?
The fastest way to get the Ouroboros Exotic SMG is to run the Paradise Lost Incursion weekly on multiple characters while being in a team willing to share the item if it drops.
Other rewards from the Paradise Lost Incursion. Loot table
Upon completing the Paradise Lost incursion for the first time, you will receive the following:
- 315600 XP
- Wright Patch
- The "Lovebirds" Patch
- Meret Estate Cypher Fragment
- Unmarked SHD Supplies
Also, you will get a random exotic item on your first run during the ongoing week. To get the most out of it, run the Paradise Lost Incursion on all your characters every week. That way, you have increased chances of getting the Ouroboros SMG and guaranteed exotics as well.

Paradise Lost Incursion Collectibles and Commendations
For all of you collectionists, new collectibles and comms will be available for the Paradise Lost Incursion. Like other activities, you can track them down by browsing the menu.
Paradise Lost Incursion Farming
Is the Paradise Lost Incursion a time-gated or repeatable activity? Can you play it over and over? The answer is Yes. You can replay the Paradise Lost Incursion as often as you want during the ongoing week. However, the weekly rewards will be locked behind a cooldown that resets, as usual, every Tuesday.
Can you farm the Paradise Lost Incursion?
Yes, you can farm the Paradise Lost Incursion in The Division 2. Okay, but is it worth farming the incursion? If not for the unique experience, especially if you are trying to get the exclusive exotic item, the Ouroboros SMG.
Targeted Loot Feature in Paradise Lost Incursion
Is there a targeted loot feature in the Paradise Lost Incursion?
Well, this time, folks, bad news, as the Paradise Lost Incursion wasn't designed with a targeted loot feature. So what does this mean? Can you farm for specific loot in the Paradise Lost Incursion? Unfortunately not. Moving on, we'll present our tips and tricks for smooth incursion wins.
Mastering the Paradise Lost Incursion: Pro Tips & Tricks
Below, we present our early recommendations for a smoother incursion experience:
- 1. Make sure the leader has the world difficulty set on NORMAL
- 2. Use The Regulus Pistols and Dodge City Holster if available!
- 3. Use Scorpio Shotguns; really helps a lot!
- 4. Reviver Hives are a must-have!
- 5. Decoys are extremely helpful as well
- 6. Highly recommended to use Striker Builds
- 7. The Paradise Lost Incursion is mechanic-heavy, not a DPS race
As it's still very early and we don't have all the info just yet, we will update our Paradise Lost Incursion Guide with additional tips & tricks very soon! Meanwhile, good luck on the final chest!

Paradise Lost Cheese, Glitches, and Exploits
It goes without saying that some players will definitely try to "trick the system" and use "uncommon practices" to complete the incursion even faster, just like with the Division 1 incursions, back in the day. However, these come with some risks - Is it worth it or not?
Important Note: We strongly recommend playing the game as it was meant to be played and avoid using any cheese tactics, glitches, or exploit mechanics! Keep your account safe!
Paradise Lost Incursion Cheese Strategies
Generally speaking, what is a cheese strategy/tactic in gaming? Quote: "In gaming, a cheese strategy is one that abuses an overly powerful ability or exploits a game mechanic to produce an easy win."
In our case, the Paradise Lost Incursion, you would abuse a possible overpowered skill, weapon, talent, etc., in a particular circumstance to beat an encounter or a boss much faster and easier than you'd typically do.
Are there any cheese tactics for the Paradise Lost Incursion? Yes, using the Regulus Pistol overpowered on bosses can one-shot them but we strongly recommend you play the game the way it was meant to be played. Trying all kinds of crazy stuff without proper skills and gear can end up with just wasting your time. It's really not worth it!
Can you get banned if you cheese in the Paradise Lost Incursion? Probably not. Anyways, whatever makes the cheese tactics possible is often quickly hotfixed by the game developers, and they usually don't punish the players with account suspensions or rollbacks.
Paradise Lost Glitches & Exploits
Can you get banned if you use glitches or exploits in the Paradise Lost Incursion? Yes, you can get banned for using exploits, and you should also be extremely careful with your teammates and those you are playing with. This is not only for the Paradise Lost Incursion but generally any activity in the game.
If it seems like someone in your party is using any kind of unintended game advantages, leave the group immediately, as there are high chances you might get in trouble as well!
Play the game legitimately and avoid using glitches or exploits under any circumstances. Don't risk getting your account banned!
There are always solutions if the game seems too challenging: look for a guide and double-check the mechanics, make sure you are doing everything right, try to improve your build, or look for better-skilled teammates.
Best Builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2
In this section, we will go through the best builds to use in the Paradise Lost Incursion. Sounds good, right? Let's dive in!
The best combination of builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion consists of 1x Tank, 1x Healer, and 2x DPS Builds. If you feel confident, you can go for 3x DPS and 1x Healer/Tank. Below, we present some examples for each role:
St. Elmo's Striker DPS Build
The St Elmo's Striker Build represents one of the best DPS builds for the Paradise Lost Incursion in The Division 2. Let's check out some stats:
Build Component | Description |
Weapon Slot #1 | St. Elmo's Engine Assault Rifle |
Weapon Slot #2 | Rock n' Roll | ACS-12 Shotgun |
Specialization | Gunner | Firewall |
Gear Configuration | 4x Striker + Coyote's Mask + 1x Fenris | Ceska | Grupo |
Chest Talent | Obliterate |
Backpack Talent | Risk Management (Striker Backpack) |
Skill Slot #1 | Crusader Ballistic Shield |
Skill Slot #2 | Reviver Hive |
Core Attribute | Full red build (max weapon damage) |
Gear Rolls | Crit hit chance & Crit hit damage |
Gear Mods | Crit hit chance & Crit hit damage |

Healer Build for the Paradise Lost Incursion
Build Component | Description |
Weapon Slot #1 | Scorpio Shotgun |
Weapon Slot #2 | Any weapon with "Sledgehammer" talent |
Specialization | Survivalist |
Gear Configuration | 4x Future Initiative + BTSU Datagloves + 1x Murakami | 1x Hana-U |
Chest Talent | Technical Superiority (from Future Initiative Chest) |
Backpack Talent | Opportunistic |
Skill Slot #1 | Reinforcer Chem Launcher |
Skill Slot #2 | Restorer Hive |
Core Attribute | Full yellow build (for max skill tiers) |
Gear Rolls | Repair Skills & Skill Haste |
Gear Mods | Repair Skills |
Screenshots below:

Tank Build for the Paradise Lost Incursion
Build Component | Description |
Weapon Slot #1 | Liberty Pistol |
Weapon Slot #2 | Assault Rifle or SMG |
Specialization | Demolitionist |
Gear Configuration | 4x Foundry Bulwark + Tardigrade Chest + 1x Belstone |
Chest Talent | Ablative Nano-Plating (from Tardigrade Chest) |
Backpack Talent | Process Refinery (from Foundry Bulwark Backpack) |
Skill Slot #1 | Bulwark Ballistic Shield |
Skill Slot #2 | Reviver Hive |
Core Attribute | Full blue build (for max armor) |
Gear Rolls | Armor Regen or Explosive Resistance |
Gear Mods | Protection From Elites |
Screenshots below:

This wraps up our recommendations on the best builds to use in the Paradise Lost Incursion for a smoother experience and easy wins. These are just some examples; use whatever works better for your team!
Paradise Lost Incursion - F.A.Q
1. What are Incursions in Division 2?
In Division 2, incursions are 4 player challenging missions, such as mini-raids with unique encounters, bosses, and mechanics.
2. How do you access Paradise Lost in Division 2?
You can access the Paradise Lost Incursion from the map, the helicopter pilot, or the menu.
3. Who can play the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2?
The Paradise Lost Incursion is free-to-play for anyone with a level 40 character and story completed.
4. Can you matchmake the Paradise Lost Incursion?
Yes, you can matchmake in the Paradise Lost Incursion.
5. Can you beat the Paradise Lost Incursion Solo?
No, you cannot beat the Paradise Lost Incursion solo due to the mechanics within, which require at least two players.
6. What rewards do you get from the Paradise Lost Incursion?
When you complete the Paradise Lost Incursion, you can get XP, Patches, random items, and a chance to get the incursion-exclusive weapon, the Ouroboros SMG.
7. Does the Paradise Lost Incursion have a targeted loot feature?
No, there is no targeted loot feature for the Paradise Lost Incursion.
Final thoughts
This concludes our Paradise Lost Incursion Guide for The Division 2. To recap, in this article, we covered the incursion's particularities, teaching you how to enter Paradise Lost, its requirements, difficulty, encounters, bosses, and, of course, the rewards you can get.
Hopefully, now you have a better image and know exactly what to expect from this new activity. Use our tips & tricks, and you will have no problem mastering the Paradise Lost Incursion in Division 2!
Related Guides
Stay tuned and check out our related guides for The Division 2:
- Best Builds Guide for The Division 2
- Division 2 Exotics Guide
- Division 2 Best Gear Sets and Brand Sets
- Division 2 Best Weapons Guide
- Descent Mode Guide for The Division 2
About KBoosting
Are you struggling to put a team together or simply don’t have the time or the skills for the Paradise Lost Incursion? No problem, we've got it covered! At KBoosting, we also provide fast and clean Paradise Lost Boosting Services.
Let our professional boosters handle everything for you. You deserve the best gaming experience, Agent! We're here to make it happen!