MMXXI Title (Seal)

This service is tailored to HELP you unlock the MMXXI Title. In order to do this, you must complete the 2021 Moments of Triumph Seal up to 100%. We can get you all the Triumphs completed in the quickest way possible. Our pro boosters will get the Triumphs done for your Guardian very fast WITHOUT using any cheating software or exploiting any game bugs.
As for DELIVERY, this boosting service is available with Piloted Mode ONLY. Piloted Mode requires Account sharing so one booster will have to log in to your account and get the Title for you.
When it's complete you will get an e-mail and notification so you can log back in.
The ETA for MMXXI Title service is variable, from 1 day to even a couple of weeks depending on how many triumphs you already completed.
- The MMXXI Title unlock 100% Guaranteed
- The selected Triumphs completed
- Rare and Legendary drops we loot during the service.
- Increased chances of Exotic Armor and Masterworking materials.
- Glimmer, consumables, and resources that drop during the service.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
- Platform: - from the dropdown you can select the platform (PC, Xbox or Play Station) where you want the booster to complete your Deadeye Title service.
- Service Mode: you can select the full MMXXI Title completion or specific Triumphs completion.
- Select Triumphs: if you choose Triumph completion you can select any Triumph(s) and we will complete it for you.
- Delivery Speed: Normal - your order will be placed in the queue and be completed when it's your turn. Express - your order will be a top priority, so the first booster to become available will start your order.
- You must have the new season pass for "Season of the Lost" purchased on your account.
- The Power Level of your guardian must at 1310 minimum. If you are not 1310+ you can purchase a Power Boost.
There are 24 triumphs that you need to complete to get the MMXXI Title. Below you can find a list of all MMXXI triumphs:
- Vault of Glass - Complete any version of VoG.
- Wrathender - Complete the Coup de Grâce mission.
- Path of the Chosen - Complete Season of The Chosen quests.
- Walk the True Path - Complete all 8 Path of the Splicer quests.
- Seeker of the Lost - Complete Wayfinder's Voyage, Parts I - VII
- Strike Spelunker - Defeat 300 combatants in playlist strikes with any Seasonal Quest weapon.
- Gambit Gauntlet - Defeat 200 targets in Gambit with any Seasonal Quest weapon.
- Crucible Contract - Defeat 50 Guardians in Crucible with any Seasonal Quest weapon.
- Trials Wins - Win 7 rounds in the Trials of Osiris.
- Ordeal - Complete 20 Nightfall strikes.
- Taskmaster - Complete 50 bounties.
- Repeat Winner - Defeat 5 final bosses in Dares of Eternity.
- Daring Displays - Complete 6 Starhorse bounties.
- Special Guest Scar - Defeat Xûr's Chosen in the Lightning Round.
- Lost Sector Master - Complete 4 Lost Sectors on Master difficulty, which can be found on 4 various destinations.
- Beyond Light Chapter 3 - Hunt down Eramis.
- Seasoned in Darkness - Collect 4 Stasis Aspects and 6 Stasis Fragments.
- Europa Hunting Party - Complete 20 Empire Hunts.
- Deep Stone Crypt - Complete the DSC raid.
- Talon of Light - Complete the exotic quest "Let Loose Thy Talons".
- Graven Tales - Uncover the Dead Man's Tale.
- Devotee's Remnant - Complete the catalyst for Ager's Scepter.
- 30th Exotics - Claim both Exotic weapons from the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack.
- Grasp of Avarice Complete - Complete the GoA dungeon.
For a more extensive guide about MMXXI Title you can watch this VIDEO and read this ARTICLE.