Choir of One Exotic Auto Rifle & Catalysts Boost

Please keep in mind that in order to gain access to the Encore mission, you need to complete Act 1 & 2 of A Rising Chorus quest steps beforehand. To access the catalysts quests, you must have completed Step 6 (NES007 Specimen) from A Rising Chorus Act 3 quest.
The Choir of One exotic auto rifle & catalysts boost is a service that helps you acquire the exotic auto rifle by completing the Encore mission, which was added during Act III of Episode: Echoes. 3 exotic catalysts can also be acquired from weekly quests by opening secret chests & completing the Encore mission on Expert difficulty.
The weapon has the following exotic perk: Fanatical Lance, where rapid final blows causes targets to explode into a pool of radiolarian fluid. Hip firing launches multiple projectiles at once in a slower moving pattern. Projectiles detonate on impact.
As for delivery, this service is available with Piloted mode ONLY, with account sharing (recovery), so a booster will have to log into your account and complete the Choir of One exotic auto rifle & catalysts boosting service for you. When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification.
Service ETA is 2 - 4 hours, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- Choir of One auto rifle & catalysts 100% guaranteed.
- A Rising Chorus questline progress 100% guaranteed.
- Encore mission run 100% guaranteed.
- Materials & currency will drop during the service.
- XP for your Season pass and artifact.
- Access to the Final Shape expansion.
- Act 1 & 2 from A Rising Chorus quest completed.
- The power level of your guardian must be a minimum of 1945. If you are not 1945+, you can purchase a power level boost.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the discord server for more information on our Choir of One exotic auto rifle & catalysts boosting service. We are here for you 24/7!