Fatebreaker Title (Seal)

Our Fatebreaker Title boosting service helps you unlock the Vault of Glass raid seal lightning-fast. We will complete all the Triumphs in the raid quickly and efficiently without using any hacks or exploiting any bugs.
When you purchase the Fatebreaker title from us, you are guaranteed to get raid-exclusive god roll weapons, high-stat armor, exotics, and more!DELIVERY METHOD
As for Delivery, this boosting service is available with Piloted Mode ONLY. Piloted Mode requires Account sharing, so one booster will have to log in to your account and get the title.
When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification.
Service ETA is variable, from 1 day to a couple of weeks, depending on how many triumps you have already completed, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- The Fatebreaker title unlock is 100% Guaranteed.
- The selected Triumphs completed.
- Guaranteed legendary raid weapons:
- Fatebringer Hand cannon,
- Found Verdict Shotgun,
- Praedyth's Revenge Sniper rifle,
- Hezen Vengeance Rocket launcher,
- Corrective Measure Machine gun,
- Vision of Confluence Scout rifle.
- Opportunities for VoG raid armor set pieces to drop.
- Legendary Weapons & Armor acquired during the service.
- Materials and currencies that drop during the service.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
- Platform: - from the dropdown, you can select the platform (PC, Xbox or Play Station) where you want the booster to complete your Fatebreaker title service.
- Service Mode: you can select the full Fatebreaker title completion or specific triumphs completion.
- Select Triumphs: if you choose Triumph completion, you can select any Triumph(s), and we will complete it.
- Delivery Speed: Normal Delivery - your order will be placed in the queue and be completed when it's your turn. Express Delivery - your order will be treated as a high priority, so the first booster to become available will start your order.
- Access to the Vault of Glass raid.
- The Power Level of your guardian must be a minimum of 1965. If you are not 1965+, you can purchase a Power Level Boost.
There are twenty-three triumphs that you need to complete to get the Fatebreaker title. Below, you can find a list of all Fatebreaker triumphs:
- Vault of Glass – Trophies from the "Vault of Glass" raid.
- Vault of Glass Raid – Complete any version of the "Vault of Glass" raid.
- Temporal Caches – Loot all hidden chests in the "Vault of Glass" raid.
- Pearl of Glass – Find all the collectibles hidden within the Vault of Glass.
- Vault of Clans – Complete all encounters in the "Vault of Glass" raid with a full fireteam of clanmates.
- Charged Glass – Complete all raid encounters with a fireteam made entirely of Arc subclasses.
- Melted Glass – Complete all raid encounters with a fireteam made entirely of Solar subclasses.
- Empty Glass – Complete all raid encounters with a fireteam made entirely of Void subclasses.
- Vault of Class – Complete all encounters in the "Vault of Glass" raid with a full fireteam of the same class.
- Break No Plates – Complete the Waking Ruins encounter while not losing a single sync plate to the Vex.
- Wait for It… – Complete the confluxes challenge mode.
- Dragon's Den – Complete the confluxes encounter while defeating Wyverns with only Super damage.
- The Only Oracle for You – Complete the Oracles challenge mode.
- Take Cover – Don't defeat any Hobgoblins during the Oracles encounter.
- Out of Its Way – Complete the Templar challenge mode.
- Tempered Teleport – Complete the Templar encounter while never blocking the Templar's teleport.
- Too Fast, Two Gorgons – Complete the Gorgons' Labyrinth encounter while defeating 2 or more Gorgons within 3 seconds of each other.
- Strangers in Time – Complete the Gatekeeper challenge mode.
- Rabid Relic – Complete the Gatekeeper encounter while only using Relic Super damage to defeat Praetorians.
- Ensemble's Refrain – Complete the "Ensemble's Refrain" challenge in the Atheon encounter.
- Eyes on Atheon – Defeat Atheon without destroying any Supplicants.
- Master Glasser – Complete the "Vault of Glass" raid on Master difficulty.
- Maestro Glasser – Complete all encounter challenges in the "Vault of Glass" raid on Master difficulty.
If you are looking for more information about the activity, please check out this guide.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the discord server for more information on our Vault of Glass title boosting service. We are here for you 24/7!