Flamekeeper Title (Seal)

The Flamekeeper title boost is a service that helps you unlock the exclusive Solstice event seal lightning-fast. We will complete all the necessary event triumphs quickly and efficiently. Completing this seal will unlock the Flamekeeper title so you can equip it on your characters. Buy this rare & time-limited title and brag to your fellow guardians now!
There are 15 event triumphs that you need to complete to get the Flamekeeper title. Below, you can find a list of all Flamekeeper seal triumphs:
- Lighting the Forge - Complete the Bonfire Bash Activity.
- Good Ignite - Defeat Ignition Carriers in the Bonfire Bash.
- Torch the Taken - Defeat Taken in the Bonfire Bash.
- Fuel for the Fire - Stoke the flames in the Bonfire Bash.
- Forge and Reforge - Spend Silver Leaves to refresh bounty categories in the Solstice Forge.
- Fuel for the Fire II - Stoke more flames in the Bonfire Bash.
- Fuel for the Fire III - Stoke even more flames in the Bonfire Bash.
- Like Wildfire - Defeat targets anywhere in the system. Defeating guardians awards bonus progress.
- Superlative - Defeat combatants with super abilities.
- Hand Lighter - Defeat targets with Hand Cannons
- Burn Them Down - Defeat Bosses anywhere in the system.
- Raking the Coals - Complete Playlist activities to earn Silver Leaves.
- Dare to Dream - Complete runs of the Blind Well or Dares of Eternity to earn Silver Leaves.
- Brightfall - Complete Vanguard Ops or Nightfalls to earn Silver Leaves.
- Fires of Competition - Complete matches in Crucible or Gambit playlists to earn Silver Leaves.
As for delivery, this service is available in Piloted mode ONLY (account sharing), so we will get you a pro booster to log into your account and get the desired Flamekeeper title (Seal). When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification.
Service ETA is variable, depending on the number of event triumphs chosen, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- We will unlock the Flamekeeper title for you.
- Certain amounts of Bonfire Bash activity runs.
- The selected triumphs completed.
- Chances for special Solstice event weapons:
- Compass Rose shotgun,
- Crowning Duologue rocket launcher,
- Something New hand cannon,
- Fortunate Star combat bow.
- Opportunities to get pinnacle gear for your character.
- Materials and currencies that drop during the service.
- XP for your season pass and artifact.
- The power level of your guardian must be a minimum of 1945. If you are not 1945+, you can purchase a power level boost.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the Discord server for more information on our Flamekeeper title boosting service. We are here for you 24/7!