Triple 100 Stats Service

Note: Certain stat combos cannot be achieved due to in-game limitations (for example: 100 Mobility, Resilience and Recovery or 100 Intellect, Discipline and Strength)
Here you can buy triple 100 armor stats for your D2 guardian, a service that helps you get the desired high stats on your character fast & reliable. Having more than one stat at 100 will help you in tough activities; for example, having 100 mobility helps your guardian move and jump faster, 100 discipline will get your grenades to recharge very fast, and so on.
Having to grind certain activities for materials to level up your desired armor stats can be a chore, but rest assured, our professional boosters know the best methods to get it done fast & easy.
As for delivery, this service is available with Piloted mode ONLY (account sharing), so we will get you a pro booster that will log into your account and complete the Triple 100 armor stats service for you. When we finish, you will get an e-mail and notification.
Service ETA is 2 - 4 weeks, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- Any desired triple 100 armor stats on your character's armor set
- We can include the exotic armor piece of your choice.
- Legendary weapons & armor acquired during the service.
- Materials and currencies might drop during the service.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
- Platform: from the dropdown, you can select where you want the booster to complete your Triple 100 armor stats boost (PC, Xbox, or Play Station).
- Select Stats – Select the desired 100 stats you want to have on your character. Please note that certain combos cannot be achieved!
- Characters - We can complete the Triple 100 armor stats service for 1, 2, or all three characters for you.
- Delivery Speed - Normal - we will place your order in the queue and finish it when it's your turn. Express - your order will be treated as a high priority, so the first booster to become available will start your order.
- In order to get 3x 100 stats, the armor needs to be masterworked. This requires a certain amount of Ascendant shards, 1 for masterworking a legendary armor piece and 3 for masterworking an exotic armor piece.
- The power level of your guardian must be a minimum of 1600. If you are not 1600+, you can purchase a power level boost.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the Discord server for more information on our Triple 100 armor stats boosting service. We are here for you 24/7!