New Season Pack

Self Play
This service can only be delivered in piloted mode because it requires a considerable time investment or a skill set unavailable for most customers.
We have completed thousands of orders using the piloted mode and never faced any bans or suspensions, so we can confidently say that is very safe to use even though giving us your login information may seem a bit scary.
Total price: $
Out of Stock


When Bungie reveals a New Destiny 2 Season, it always comes with remarkable changes. A new Season Pass, tremendous Exotics, a new Ritual Weapon Seasonal Activities, and a New Story. We've created a New Season Pack that will get you directly to the End Game without worrying about grinding. Our Pro boosters will get your character ready to enjoy the game!

Our service will get you a Pro Booster on your account to get you to 1550 Power Level for your Guardian. We will also Unlock your Seasonal Artifact and get you all the Seasonal Activity Weapons and Armor so you will not have to grind by yourself.

As for delivery, this service is available with Piloted mode ONLY, with account sharing, so a booster will have to log into your account and complete the New Season Pack for you. You will get an e-mail and notification to log back in when it's complete.


ETA for New Season Pack is 3 - 4 weeks, depending on previous orders already in queue and booster's availability.


  • 1350 - 1550 Power Leveling for current Season, 100% Guaranteed.
  • All the Seasonal Activity weapons and armor.
  • All Raid-specific Weapons.
  • Seasonal Artifact Unlocked.
  • The new Exotic weapon - Collective Obligation.
  • The new Collective Obligation Exotic Catalyst.
  • The new Ritual weapon - Reckless Endangerment.
  • Chances for Dead Messenger, Parasite & Grand Overture Catalyst.
  • First Iron Banner of the Season - we'll complete the quest and the bounties for you.
  • Masterworking materials.
  • Spoils of Conquest - this currency is used to buy old raid exotics such as the Anarchy, 100k Voices, Legend of Acrius, Tarrabah, etc.
  • First Flawless Trials of Osiris completion.
  • Trials of Osiris Wins, Points & Ranks will unlock each rank-up reward.
  • A Chance For the unique Trials Cosmetics.
  • Other Rare and Legendary raid loot such as Armor Set parts.
  • Glimmer, consumables, and resources might drop during the service.
  • XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.


  • Delivery Speed: Normal - we will place your order in the queue, and when it's your turn, we will complete it. Express - your order will be treated as a high priority, so the first booster to become available will start your order.


  • You must have All DLCs and Season Pass on your account.


You can read this article for a more extensive guide about the New Season.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose the boosting time?
Absolutely. We are always more than happy to schedule your boost around the times that you prefer, whether it is a self played boost or a service that requires account sharing.
Will I receive updates regarding my order?
Yes. We will constantly keep you updated with the progress of your order as we work on it through Discord app and via E-mail and/or notifications. Once the order is placed and a booster gets assigned, you will get in touch with him directly for any updates or questions regarding your order.
Will I be notified when the service starts/is complete?
Yes. As soon as you purchase your desired boost, our professional staff of managers will take over and contact all of our available boosters suited for the job. Once a booster is assigned for the task or the service is complete, you will be automatically notified via E-mail and/or notifications.
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