Materials Farming

Materials in New World are the resources and items that you can loot in the game. Farming materials is very important in the game as NW focuses on crafting more than other MMOs do. You will need a lot of materials and crafting skills to be able to craft the gear you need, furnish your houses and make gold to pay your taxes. To obtain the materials you need you will have to mine ores, cut trees, hunt and skin animals, etc.
The New World Materials Farming Service will get you a professional booster on your account that will farm any resource you need. Our boosting team is very experienced and knows the fastest and most efficient farming routes in NW so we will get you the materials you purchase much faster than you would do it on your own. The service is done by hand only, we will not use any kind of bots or 3rd party programs that can get your account banned, just normal farming 100% safe.
The service is available only with Piloted mode, so a booster will have to log into your account and farm the crafting materials for you.
Is Variable, depending on the number of resources that you order.
- Any amount of Mining materials: iron ore, silver ore, gold ore, platinum, starmetal, orichalcum ores, oil.
- Any amount of Logging materials: green wood, aged wood, wyrdwood, ironwood.
- Any amount of Tracking & Skinning materials: rawhide, thick hide, iron hide, fur.
- Any amount of Smelting Materials: iron ingot, silver ingot.
- Any amount of Woodworking Materials: timber, lumber.
- Free materials & resources (other than the ones you pay for).
- XP for your progression and Trade Skill Levels.
- Select Material: from the dropdown click the material you want to purchase.
- Free materials & resources (other than the ones you pay for).
- XP for your progression and Trade Skill Levels.
- Sufficient character level. In case you don't have the adequate level for what you need please use our Leveling Service.
- Adequate Gathering Trade Skill Level. Below you can find a list with the materials and the corresponding Trade Skill level needed for it:
Material | Skill Level Required |
Iron Ore | Mining 0 |
Silver Ore | Mining 10 |
Oil | Mining 20 |
Gold Ore | Mining 25 |
Starmetal Ore | Mining 100 |
Platinum Ore | Mining 110 |
Orichalcum | Mining 175 |
Green Wood | Logging 0 |
Aged Wood | Logging 50 |
Material | Skill Level Required |
Wyrdwood | Logging 100 |
Ironwood | Logging 175 |
Rawhide | Skinning 0 |
Thick Hide | Skinning 85 |
Iron Hide | Skinning 175 |
Timber | Woodworking 0 |
Lumber | Woodworking 20 |
Iron Ingot | Smelting 0 |
Silver Ingot | Smelting 0 |
Here you can find a database with all the materials in New World as well as the locations where they can be found and the recipes that contain them. If you want to farm the materials Yourself here you can find an interactive map with the location of all the resources in New World.