Mega Intergalactic Giga Bundle Boost

Our Mega Intergalactic Giga bundle boost is a service that helps you unlock everything added in the Final Shape expansion, including titles, exotic weapons & armor, max rank with vendors, cosmetics and more. This will give you basically everything you need, getting you ready to conquer any challenge in the game, like grandmaster nightfalls, raids on any difficulty and many others, all with a 50% discount.
As for delivery, this service is available in Piloted mode ONLY (account sharing), so we will get you a pro booster to log into your account and get the desired Mega Intergalactic Giga bundle boost. When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification.
Service ETA is variable, starting from when we begin your order (typically 3-6 hours). Your service setup will modify the ETA and price accordingly.
- Normal: the standard delivery speed
- Express: 30% increased delivery speed
- Super Express: 60% increased delivery speed
- We will unlock the Transcendent Title for you.
- We will unlock the Slayer Baron Title for you.
- We will unlock the Intrepid Title for you.
- We will unlock the Iconoclast Title for you.
- We will unlock the Pale Heart weapon patterns for you.
- We will unlock the Episode Echoes weapon patterns for you.
- We will unlock the Episode Revenant weapons for you.
- We will unlock the Salvation's Edge weapon patterns for you.
- We will unlock the Fair Judgment ritual auto rifle for you.
- We will unlock the The Riposte auto rifle for you.
- We will unlock the Deadlock shotgun for you.
- We will unlock the Raid Armor set pieces for you.
- We will unlock the Episode Echoes Armor set pieces for you.
- We will unlock the Shadestalker set pieces for you.
- We will unlock the Ergo Sum exotic sword for you.
- We will unlock the Microcosm exotic trace rifle for you.
- We will unlock the Choir of One exotic auto rifle for you.
- We will unlock the Euphony exotic linear trace rifle for you.
- We will unlock the Khvostov exotic auto rifle for you.
- We will obtain the Turmoil Engine exotic sparrow for you.
- We will obtain the Timeless Bond exotic ghost for you.
- We will get the Episode Echoes Emblem for you.
- We will get the Edification Emblem for you.
- We will get the Pale Hearth Emblem for you.
- We will get max Ghost reputation
- We will get max Failsafe reputation
- We will get max Apothecary Eido reputation
- We will obtain 2010 Power Level
- We will complete the legendary Final Shape campaign for you.
- We will obtain all the Prismatic Fragments & Aspects Unlocked for you.
- Seasonal Challenges Completion & Guardian Ranks progression.
- We will unlock the max rank on one of the Crucible, Vanguard or Gambit vendors
- Materials and currencies that drop during the service.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
- The power level of your guardian must be a minimum of 1980. If you are not 1980+, you can purchase a power level boost. Also, you must have the Final Shape expansion on your account and Episode: Echoes + Episode: Revenant purchased.
Please feel free to contact us on live chat or the Discord server for more information on our Mega Intergalactic Giga service. We are here for you 24/7!